

The Study on Construction of Chinese Agricultural Insurance System

【作者】 陈盛伟

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 农业保险是农业风险管理的重要手段,我国国情放大了农业保险的风险管理功能。实践中,农业保险表现出了促进农业产业化进程,引导农业产业结构调整,推动农业新技术推广与应用,提高农业经营主体信用地位等作用,这使研究和实施农业保险的意义更加凸现。我国理论界从农业保险体系、农业保险体制、农业保险政策、农业保险问题、农业保险模式、农业保险形式等多个侧重点对农业保险进行了较多的关注,在学习同仁和前辈研究成果的基础上,我们切入了农业保险制度建设这一视角。农业保险制度建设是一个系统工程。农业保险制度作为一个学术概念,它有自己的理论规范,包含了制度对象、制度理念、制度规则、制度载体四大要素,但农业保险制度建设的理论设计需要解决实际问题,需要考虑到制度设计过渡到制度实施的成本。因此,对农业保险制度建设的理论设计离不开对我国农业保险发展历史的研究,离不开对当前农业保险实践的具体认识,离不开对基本国情的分析,也离不开对农业保险制度本身的规范理解。在对农业保险制度进行了历史的、社会的、具体的,规范的考察和分析后,论文形成了几点结论:(1)基于农业保险是准公共物品的理解,农业保险制度是政策支持性制度,财政补贴是国家支持农业保险的重要措施;(2)历史分析表明:法律制度缺失、政府主导和推动职能缺失、风险分散机制缺失、经营主体缺失、农业保险在农业保护制度中缺失是中国农业保险发展缓慢的主要原因;(3)中国农业保险的地方实践表明:多形式、多层次、多主体是中国农业保险新实践的重要特征,地方属性是中国农业保险制度建设的一个不可缺少的内容;(4)我国农业风险特点、我国保险业的快速发展、农业保险功能与作用的延伸、农民对农业保险的需求特征、农业生产特点、粮食作物经济特征、国家三农政策、农产品国际贸易规则、地方政府的财政实力和行为特点等九个方面丰富了农业保险制度中国化的内容,研究这些特征将产生中国农业保险制度的诸多亮点。对农业保险制度历史的、社会的、具体的、规范的分析,揭示了我国农业保险制度的概念属性、理论基础、实践依据、背景特征,它们界定了我国农业保险制度建设的四个重点内容:农业保险的法律法规、国家财税政策支持、巨灾风险的分散与预防、具有地方属性的中国农业保险制度。

【Abstract】 The agricultural insurance is an important means of the agricultural risk management, the situation of our country has enlarged the risk management function of the agricultural insurance. In practice, the promotion that the agricultural insurance brings to the agricultural industrialization , the leading that the agricultural insurance brings to the adjustment of the agricultural industry structure, the push that the agricultural insurance brings to the expansion and application of the new agricultural techniques, and the improvement that the agricultural insurance brings to the credit position of the agricultural producer and proprietor , have made the meaning of researching and carrying out the agricultural insurance more obvious.Chinese scholar have research the agricultural insurance from different visual angle. for example, the agricultural insurance system, the agricultural insurance policy, the agricultural insurance problem, the agricultural insurance mode, the agricultural insurance form and the agricultural insurance system...etc..On the basis of study the former research fruit, the visual angle of this dissertation research is construction of agricultural insurance system.The construction of agricultural insurance institution is a system engineering. As a academic conception, agricultural insurance system bear with its theory criterion, namely ,the agricultural insurance system includes four factors: object、thought、rule and carrier. But the theory plan of construction of agricultural insurance system should can resolve actual problem, consider the cost of system theory plan to system theory implement. So the theory plan of construction of agricultural insurance system must base on the study of history of agricultural insurance, on the understand of agricultural insurance practice, on the analysis of the situation of our country, on the comprehend of criterion of agricultural insurance system.After the historical, social, idiographic, normative review and analysis, the basic conclusions of the related research that we have got are :(1)Based on the comprehension that the agricultural insurance is the semi-public product, the agricultural insurance system is a public finance supported system;(2)The lack of law system, the lack of government function

  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】39
  • 【下载频次】2907

