

The Study of the Impact on Educational Policy of U.S. Teacher’s Association in the Perspective of Interest Groups

【作者】 周小虎

【导师】 孙启林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 之所以利益集团视角下的美国教师组织对教育政策的影响作为研究内容,是因为要对美国教育政策进行研究无法脱离美国所特有的国情,即美国具有高度发达的市场经济、多元政治及人民热衷于组织团体的现实状况。一般而言,当美国人发现他们有某种需要亟需满足时,他们可能先以个人行动谋求解决,但当他们发现以个人之力无法满足需要时,他们往往会毫不犹豫地集合具有相同利益的人,以集体力量来共同对政治系统施压。如此一来,集团利益成为积聚众人之力,影响公共政策的原动力。 美国教师组织对教育政策的影响则是美国国家具体实际在教育政策领域中的具体体现。美国的教育是采用高度分权和分散管理的方式。与其他国家相比,美国的国家比较弱,而社会(包括社区、永久性的组织和特别组织)比较强。教育——美国独一无二的最大公共事业——很容易受到社会和构成它的各种团体和个人的集中影响。美国的教师组织恰好就是永久性的组织和特别组织。教师组织所关注的问题几乎包括美国教育政策领域的方方面面——幼儿教育、初等和中等教育、高等教育、课程、教学、教师教育、教育管理等。从某种角度说,从19世纪中期到20世纪中期,美国教育中的许多重大进步都离不开教师组织的大力倡导和推动。因此,教师组织成为当时颇受人尊敬的教师专业协会。另外,在这一时期,美国的联邦教育管理机构——联邦教育部只是一个收集、处理和分发信息和情报的机构,对美国教育事业缺乏统筹管理能力。鉴于美国教育的分散状况,教师组织(主要是指全美教育协会)自动承担了许多原本属于联邦教育部职责范围内的事情。它的所作所为在很大程度上弥补了联邦教育部在功能上的一些不足和缺失。 20世纪中期以后,由于种种原因,全美教育协会放弃传统的专业协会宗旨,蜕变成为一个在美国政坛颇具影响力的教师工会。使之前只有美国教师联盟一个成员的具有工会性质的教师组织,由于全美教育协会的加入,力量得到了很大的加强,对教育政策的影响作用变得更加复杂。20世纪50、60年代,在内外压力的驱使下,全美教育协会不再将教育和教学专业的发展视为协会发展的头等目标,而是大胆效仿美国教师联盟等教师工会的行事风格,认同并接纳教师工会常用的集体谈判、罢教等手段。随着全美教育协会组织风格和组织策略的日益激进,协会集聚了令所有其它美国教师组织羡慕的资源,

【Abstract】 Study on the impact of U.S. teacher’s association on the educational policy in perspective of the interest groups as the research object, just because we can’t deviate from the fact that it is a nation of highly developed market economy, poly-politics and falling over themselves for organizing. Generally speaking, when the desires needed to be satisfied, the American may resolve it by himself at first. If the desires can’t be satisfied successfully, he will not hesitate to gather people who desire the same interest to gather the power to impact on the political system together. Thus, interests of group become the power of mass and the impetus that impact on public policy.The impact on educational policy of U.S A. teacher’s association is the materializing of the facts of American in the field of educational policies. American education is the way of high decentralization and separate management. Compared with other countries, U.S.A. is a weaker nation, yet has stronger society (including community, permanent organization and special organization). And its education that is in the class by itself and the largest public enterprise in the U.S. is easily affected by society and all kinds of groups and individuals that compose it. And America Teacher’s association happens to be a permanent organization and special group. Teacher’s association concerns almost all of the aspects of educational policies including infant education, primary and secondary education, higher education, curricula, teaching, teacher education and educational management, etc. From another way, a great deal of important progress will not realize without the vigorous impulse and advocate of teacher’s association in the U.S. from the 1850s to the 1950s. At that time, teacher’s association is a respectable professional association. Moreover, the Federal Department of Education management is a center collecting, managing and distrusting information, which is short of ability of making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration to the whole education cause. In the light of the dispersal situation of American education, Teacher’s association (actually National Education Association) automatically takes many businesses that belong to the Federal Department. In great part, teacher’s association has made up for theshortcomings and absence of the Federal Department of Education.After the 1950s, National Education Association (NEA) abandoned the tenets of professional association for a variety of matters, and changed into an influential teacher union in the U.S. political field. And with the affiliating of NEA, the power of American Federation of teachers (AFT), which is a teacher union and has the characteristics of labor union, has been strengthened and the influential functions to educational policies becomes more complicated. In the 1950s and 1960s, by the impelling of inside and outside pressure, NEA abandoned the top goal, that is development of education and teaching, imitated the action style of teacher unions such as AFT, and agreed with and accepted the methods such as collective negotiation and teacher’s strike used by them frequently. With the organizing style and strategies becoming more Jacobinical, NEA gathers the resources admired by all other teacher union, and changes into a teacher union having the maximum members and biggest economic power in America. Before the 1960s, AFT had no power to organize the action of the teachers in the whole country. But after then, AFT enormously had succeeded in competition with NEA, and it had great impact on the drafting and implement of all kinds of the educational policies in the urban area. Facing with a series of educational policies on the current educational innovation and development in America, the teacher union delegated by NEA and AFT has great uncertainty on the drafting and implement of national educational policies.Teacher associations have the essential characteristics of interest groups, so the study of the impact on educational policy of U.S. teacher’s association in the perspective of the interest groups can make us find out clearly how teacher associations impact on the drafting and implement the various educational policies. And on this premise, the dissertation is divided into three parts:The first part is the theory of interest groups and its impact on the educational policies. The theory of interest groups is a theory and analytical angle of view often used in politics. In this part, the dissertation constructs the theoretical framework of interest groups impacting on the drafting of educational policies on the basis of analyzing the theory of interest groups.The second part is the status of the American teacher associations. In the U.S., the most influential teacher associations are the National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation Teachers (AFT). We can know well about the basic status of the Americanteacher associations by the brief introduction of the organizational structures, the revenues and expenditures, the political action and member benefit programs. These brief introduces are the organic part of the study on the impact teacher associations have on the drafting and implement of educational policies.The third part is the impact of American teacher associations on the educational policies. Most of the actions of American teacher associations are provided with the basic characteristics of generic interest groups. And teacher associations impact the drafting and implement of various educational policies by inter-organization cooperating, engaging in educational research, reflecting the policy and political action. In the political actions, teacher associations don’t take part in the political election, but endorse and oppose the candidates of congressman and President to protect their interests that is to impact the drafting and implement of various educational policies. The impact on the teacher policy, primary education innovation and higher education policy represent the teacher associations have on the educational policy.Finally, the dissertation puts forward that the trend of teacher associations is neo-unionism and brings forward some policy suggestion on exerting the positive function of teacher associations and perfecting the teacher associations of our country.

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1776

