

【作者】 刘传霞

【导师】 王万森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 社会性别是从人类的相互关系和社会生活中不断地被创造出来的一种社会机制、文化范畴,但是,这种由文化所建构而非生物属性所规定的机制,却成为人们划分劳动分工和社会角色的依据,并且长期以来被叙述为人的本真性、根源性的知识。在现代,当宗教神话解体后,人们开始建构新的性别神话来抵抗现代性带来的断裂与迷茫。事实上,社会性别是一种文化建构,社会性别认同,从根本上说也是一种自我身份认同,一种文化身份认同,它与种族、国家、民族、阶级等身份的认同交织在一起。在中国现代文学的发生与发展时期,中国社会正处于由前现代到现代的转换与确立时期,处于东西方文明激烈冲撞之中。现代性给古老中国所带来打击和震惊远远超过了西方国家,造成了前所未有的巨大断裂和冲突,由此所引发的身份焦虑与不安更加突兀。在这一时期,中国知识分子(男性知识分子)的民族身份、文化身份、阶层身份都遭遇到了空前的认同危机。这一切危机也必然引发中国人(男性)性别身份认同问题,人们迫切需要重整性别秩序来组织他们所遭遇的充满断裂与动荡的现代生活,借助现代性别神话来解决他们由中国现代化进程所引发的诸多现代身份危机与困惑问题。中国男性知识分子对男性自我主体的建构是与对女性的建构联系在一起,对他者女性的设定与想象永远是男性在面临各种人生危机与困惑、建立自我主体的首选途径。与传统社会固定不变的性别认同不同,现代社会的性别认同并不是个人特性,它与变动的社会密切相连,所以,现代的性别认同和性别建构不是一次性就可以完成的,它需要在不同的语境、不同的关系中进行多次的重复才能确立。随着中华民族生存危机的变动、随着知识分子在政治文化格局中位置的迁移,中国男性知识分子自我期待与实际现状间的差异距离发生变化,他们将这种因想象与实际之间的裂缝和矛盾所导致的焦虑与不安、破碎与断裂转移投射到他者女性身上,因而他们对中国现代女性社会角色与规范的设定与时俱动。通过对女性在历史和现实中作用的阐释,通过对中国社会各种女性——新女性、底层劳动妇女、妓女、疯女人等的言说,通过女性在家庭亲属结构中的关系和性爱关系的解说,

【Abstract】 The gender belongs to the social and culture system created by human relationsand social life. However, this system defined by culture rather than consanguinity hasbecome the standard of classifying work division and social characters, and it hasbeen described as the authentic, fundamental knowledge of human. In modern times,people have established gender fable to resist the modern rupture after the religiousfable has collapsed. The gender is the degree self-identity, as well as the culturalself-identity. It is mixed with the self-identity of race, country, nation and class.The modern Chinese literature is developing with the Chinese social reform andits collision with the western world. The modernization has stronger influence on theancient China than other western countries, and it caused the more obvious anxiety.During this period, the Chinese male intellectuals have got crisis in their ID of thenation, culture, and class. The crisis had definitely caused the gender IDacknowledgement problem, with an acute need to recognize the gender system torebuild their modern life bothered by rupture and restlessness. They intended to solvethe modern ID crisis and bemusement problem caused by the Chinese modern processwith the help of modern gender fable. The male self-construction of the Chinese malewriters is connected with the construction of female, and the design and imaginationof “other”----female are always the first approach when the male writers are facingthe life crisis, intending to build their subject.Different from the firm gender acknowledgement, the gender acknowledgementof modern society is not the individual feature but closely connected with thechanging society. Therefore, the modern gender acknowledgement and constructioncan not be accomplished once. It has to be repeated many times during different socialcontext and relations to be assured. The male role has changed with the national crisisand political alteration, with the change of national existence crisis, and they shiftedthis contradiction, which is caused by their expectation and reality, to women. Theiridea on women’s role and behavior rules has also changed with the development ofthe society. They explained the historical and realistic function of different women inChinese society by the expression of women ---modern women, grass root women,prostitutes and mad women, and by the expression of the family relation and sexualrelation. Chinese male intellectuals have assured their dominant position in the newsocial power and culture network, repairing the disabled their subject which has everbeen “castrated” by the western culture and political culture.The traditional Chinese literature has been the sole male literature. Men mastersand manipulates power of defining women. However, women have abandoned thepassive position, getting the power in the image reformation of the male intellectuals.Since then, Chinese women have abandoned the passive position, starting a newapproach to the expression of female. The Chinese modern women’s expression andemersion power is under the protection of men, so such creation environment resultsin the two sides of the modern women’s writing, and the women’s self-constructionhas been in a different approach. On one hand, they have to cater for the main streamideology, male desire, join in the great themes of enlightenment, revolution, nation,country, sharing the male writing rights, fighting for their own cultural ID and socialposition;on the other hand, they are building up the women’s narrative authoritygingerly, not only with the themes of the relation between mother and daughter,homosexuality, but also the themes of the nation and country to express the femaleexperience, being against the definition of the dominant male world, setting up thefemale ID in culture and society, changing passive position to active position. In thewomen’s writing, they break down the mode of man/women or guide/follower,clearing up the passive trend of women. In the narration and imagination of women,they started from the body of woman, expressing their real living condition under theoppression of the dominant male world, exploring the hidden positive power,reevaluating the women’s subject consciousness. The Chinese society has greatchange in the imagination and perception of the female gender because of theexpression right of the women, their self-rebuilding, correcting the misunderstandinggiven by the male expression. The literature narration is the most important field ofthe gender construction. In this respect, the appearance and development of modernChinese literature is the process of Chinese modern gender construction.The article introduced the research of gender into the studies of modern Chineseliterature for 2 reasons: 1) Dating back to the historical scene, making a comparativereading between the male and female narrative writing, discussing how the genderpolitics, inspecting the diversity and cultural symbol are created. 2)Giving asupplement to the construction of the modern literature history---On one hand, toreevaluate the classic works in the women’s point of view, probing the hidden genderpolitics in male writing, analyzing the shift of female resource and the oppression onthe independent consciousness of women, focusing on the hidden fury, rebellion,madness, despair;and analyzing how the female authors applied for, criticized,resisted the male authority, setting up their literature authority and consciousness ofsubject;on the other hand, to explore the left and unpopular writing, confirming theirliterature history meaning and value.

【关键词】 社会性别文学叙述性别建构主体他者
【Key words】 genderliterary narrativegender constructionsubjectother

