

Routing for Hazardous Materials Transportation with Time-Varying

【作者】 魏航

【导师】 蒲云;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 有害物品是一种具有物理、化学或生物特性的物品,它容易在生产、储存、运输中引起泄漏、燃烧、爆炸等,造成灾害事故,对周围的人口、环境和财产会产生一定的危害。随着经济的发展,有害物品的运输量在大幅的增长,有害物品对环境和人类(潜在)的危害正在扩大和加深。在有害物品运输的路径的选择中,需要同时考虑风险和行车成本等因素,这样,就将传统单目标的运输路径问题转变成了多目标问题。同时,时间因素对有害物品运输的行车成本和风险等因素都会产生一定的影响,即有害物品运输的路径问题具有明显的时变特性。研究具有时变特性的有害物品运输的路径问题具有极强的社会背景和应用前景,有利于从社会经济可持续发展的角度解决资源紧缺、交通拥挤、保护人类和生态环境系统等诸多的社会问题。目前,在有害物品运输过程中,关于风险分析和路径选择方面,仍然存在很多问题有待于进一步的研究。本文较深入地研究了时变条件下有害物品运输中的风险度量和路径选择等一系列问题,主要研究内容如下: 论文第1章在大量相关文献进行总结的基础上,分别回顾了国内、外对于有害物品运输中的风险分析和路径选择问题、多目标最短路问题和时变条件下的路径选择问题的研究成果,并指出了目前有害物品运输中对于风险研究和路径选择研究的不足,然后对文章的基本内容进行了介绍。 第2章,探讨了论文的研究基础。讨论了时变条件下考虑成本(或风险)最小化的最短路问题与静态条件下问题的区别,对静态条件下的算法不适用于时变条件下最短路求解进行了证明,分别提出了时变条件下获得单目标和多目标最短路的最优条件,并给出了时变条件下不同路径之间比较原则。最后,对有害物品运输中,如何选择目标以及这些目标的时变特性进行了分析。 第3章,研究了有害物品运输中的风险度量。首先,考虑距离和人口分布对风险的影响,建立了该条件下风险度量模型,并对给出的模型进行了进一步改进,然后分别验证了风险模型的有效性;其次,考虑了时间因素对风险的影响,建立了时变条件下的风险度量模型,并验证了时变条件下风险模型的有效性。 第4章,研究了时变条件下单一运输方式有害物品运输的最短路问题。建立了时变条件下有到达时间约束和具有多个出发时间的有害物品运输的最短路模型,设计了时变条件下多目标最短路算法,获得了时变条件下有害物品运输有效路径的集合,并

【Abstract】 As long as the development of economy, the quantity of hazardous materials grow rapidly. Hazardous material is the material with specially physical, chemical and biological character. It is easy to release, inflame, blast and so on in the manufacturing, inventory and transportation. Those releaseing, inflammation, blast will threat the population, environment and property. Today, the logistics management, people sruvival environment and environment protection became the mian issues in the society. Decreasing the cost and improving safty are the two main factors in the hazardous materials transportation. Compared the general transportation, in the hazardous materials transportation, there are tow objecitves should be comsidered. Thus, it becomes a multi-objective transportation problem. Furthermore, the time will effect the cost and risk in the hazardous materials transportation. Thus, the problem became the hazardous materials transportation with time-varying. This problem has a strong society background and expansive application perspective. It can solove the resource shortage, transportaton congestion, protection of human being and zoology environment by the continuous development. Untill now, few research was maken in the risk measurement and routing planning for the hazardous materials transportation with time-varying. In this dissertation, the risk with time-vaying was measured and the routing problems with time-vaying were analyzed, which has important theoretical significance and practical application value.The main contents of this dissertation are as followed:In chapter 1, based on the summary of relative reference, we Fetrospected domestic and foreign researchers on the hazardous materials transportation in the risk measurement and routing planning and the multi-objective shortest path problem. Then, we pointed out the shortcommings in the research on this problem and found some potential areas of the research.In chapter 2, the fundational theory of the time-varying hazardous materials was discussed. It was divided into three parts. The first is the theory of the time-varying network. The differnece between the time-varying network and static network was discussed and the optimal condition to get the shortest path in time-varying was proved.


