

Generalized Modular Design and Software Development Technique of Flyer Frame

【作者】 高淑英

【导师】 徐燕申;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 模块化设计是实现产品多样化和快速设计的关键技术之一,其设计原理、方法都处于不断的发展和完善之中,对于粗纱机为代表的这类产品应研究适应其情况的模块化设计方法。本文针对目前产品设计的特点并结合粗纱机产品实例提出了基于产品平台的广义模块化设计,该设计方法的特点是在实现产品多样化的同时兼顾规模经济的效应。全文共分为六章,各章的主要研究内容如下:第一章说明了模块化设计的概念、特点、意义。主要对模块划分及组合、模块化产品族规划、产品平台相关内容进行了分析、归纳和整理,并总结了国内外的理论研究及实际应用现状。第二章提出了基于产品平台的广义模块化设计思想,对模块化产品平台的类型及规划方法进行研究。给出了基于产品平台广义模块化产品方案设计过程,并对其中的各步骤进行了说明。提出基于变型指数和关联指数的产品平台构建方法。第三章研究了粗纱机产品的模块化设计技术,提出基于功能结构模型的启发式产品功能模块划分方法,并应用于粗纱机产品的功能模块划分。对A456粗纱机产品族进行了模块及产品平台规划。第四章提出了广义模块化设计中基于相似特征聚类的广义模块创建原理,用粗纱机产品中喂入广义模块的创建过程进行说明。研究了基于广义模块的粗纱机模块模型创建、定制及基于产品平台的粗纱机产品定制技术。说明了模块接口设计的相关内容并对粗纱机中的接口进行了研究。第五章构建粗纱机产品族的组成层次模型,在此基础上建立了面向对象的统一的数据模型。研究了广义模块数据模型中设计知识信息模型的建模,并提出了基于框架的粗纱机广义模块设计知识表示。第六章开发了粗纱机产品广义模块化设计原型系统,构建了系统的功能模型,并对系统的主要功能、设计流程进行了说明,给出了系统的运行实例。

【Abstract】 Modular design is one of the key techniques to achieve product diversificationand rapid design, which theory and methods are being developed and amended. For akind of product, a adaptive design method should be researched.Through analyse of current product design and structure of flyer frame, thisdissertation puts forward product platform-based generalized modular design, whichcan implement product variety, also realize economics of scale. This thesis can bedivided into six chapters. The following is the abstract of each chapter.In chapter one, the modular design concept, meaning are introduced. Andcontents about identification and assemblage of module, layout of modular productfamily and product platform are emphasized, theory study and application of whichare summarized.Chapter two presents the theory of product platform-based generalized modulardesign, and studies the types and layout ways of modular product platform. And theprocess model of product platform-based generalized modular product design is given,and each step of the model is explained in detail. At last, the build principles ofmodular product platform are illuminated.The third chapter studies the techniques of flyer frame modular design. And theheuristic means of product function module identification is given. By this way thefunction module of flyer frame is created. Then the establishment of product platformof A456 flyer frame family is researched.The build theory based on similar feature converged of generalized module isbrought forward in chapter four, and the sample of feeding generalized module offlyer frame is presented. Based on this, the parameterized model of generalizedmodule is made, and the way of module customization according to the generalizedmodule model is illuminated. Also the process of product customization based onproduct platform is explained.Chapter five addresses the data model of flyer frame in the generalized modular designsystem. And the hiberarchy model of flyer frame product family is given, by whichthe uniform data model is made. Then the knowledge representation of generalizedmodule is studied, and the frame description model of flyer frame is built.In the last chapter, a computer-aided flyer frame generalized modular designsystem is founded, and its structure, function, work flow is illustrated. Some designexample of the system are introduced.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期

