

Research on Zhang Taiyan’s Medical Thoughts

【作者】 段晓华

【导师】 张其成;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 章太炎是近代中国著名的革命家、思想家和国学大师。他治学严谨,涉猎广泛,在经学、诸子学、文字学、音韵学、文学、史学、哲学、佛学、医学上都有很大的成就,是现代中国学术的先驱,他的许多学术思想对后世影响深远而广泛。章太炎的医学思想,与其政治、哲学思想相比较,仅仅是其余绪,但他支持中医学发展、重视中医学研究、倾心中医学教育,对中医发展起了不可估量的作用,在近代中医史上占有非常重要的地位。另一方面,综观近年来的文献,对章太炎医学思想的研究相对其它方面来说较为落后,他的医学思想“不仅没有得到发扬光大,反而日趋湮没”(《章太炎全集·卷八》前言),这与他对中医做出的巨大贡献是不成比例的。 基于此,本文对章太炎的医学思想从以下五个方面进行了整理、归纳、阐释,并评价其医学思想,以明确章太炎在近代中医史上的地位和对中医学的贡献。 第一章,分析章太炎的医学思想渊源。本章从两个方面进行考察: 一是考察家庭、师承、人格、社会经历对其医学思想形成的影响。章太炎受家庭的熏陶,先哲们的范例与教育,从小便对医学产生了兴趣,这是他从事医学研究的动力与源泉。俞樾、仲昂庭等几位老师的言传身教是影响他从医的直接因素。章太炎具有传统的不为良相,则为良医的价值取向,又具备特立独行、朴实率真的性格特征,他一生经历丰富,阅历广博,这是他独到医学思想产生的内在和外在基础。特别是他的一些医学经历,成为其医学思想形成的直接来源,使其医学研究具备了一定的实践特色。 二是通过综述章太炎总体的治学思想来分析其医学思想产生的根基。章太炎的治学思想是一个极其庞大的体系,无论是文字学、史学、佛学还是他的经学、子学、社会学等,他都能本着严谨科学的态度、多维关照的方法,不拘于旧法,以别具一格的视角,针对现实加以思考与研究,大胆地进行打破、比较、借鉴、重构,以弘扬国粹。这些给他的学术思想打上了章太炎式的独特烙印:重在推陈出新,促进发展;强调文化的功用与实践;倡导学术研究的精审与确实;采纳中西对比、多维关照的研究方法;注重独立之学术精神。同时也成为章太炎医学思想形成的根基和养分。 第二章,论述章太炎的医学经历。本章结合章太炎的医学论著与他的医事活动,将其医学研究经历大概分为三个阶段,并简要概述,以便能够更好地理解与阐释章太炎的医学思想。 第一阶段:1898年~1920年。此期为章太炎医学研究的奠基时期,章太炎提出了医学研究的指导思想,以及主要方向和方法。 第二阶段:1921年~1925年。章太炎脱离《内经》经脉学说,专门致力于阐述《伤寒论》,是通过《伤寒论》的研究,以指导和提高外感病的临床治疗。 第三阶段:1926年~1935年。此期,章太炎医学研究的重点由具体问题转

【Abstract】 Zhang Taiyan is a Chinese famous revolutionist, thinker and expert of studies of ancient Chinese civilization. He purses study strictly and browses widely, therefore made great achievements in the study of Confucian classics, philology, phonology, literature, historiography, philosophy, Buddhism and medical science. He is regarded as a pioneer of Chinese modern science. Being enthusiastic about traditional Chinese medicine Taiyan pays much attention to traditional Chinese medicine education and contributes a lot to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. But at present, the research into his medical ideology is relatively inadequate.Thus, this essay is going to induce, explain and evaluate Zhang’s medical thoughts from following five aspects in order to clarify his important position in modern history of traditional Chinese medicine and his contribution to traditional Chinese medicine.. In Chapter One, the sources of Zhang’s medical thoughts are analyzed in two respects.First, observe how his family, teachers, his character and social experiences influenced the formation of his medical thoughts. Nurtured by his family and educated by sages, Zhang took great interest in medicine as a child-this provides power and sources to his medical research YuYue and Zhong Angting’s guidance is the immediate factor. He insists that "Be a wise chancellor or a good doctor" Zhang is not only independent in mind and action but honest an sincere. Rich experiences cay the foundation of his original medical thoughts. Some of his medical experiences add certain practical character to his medical investigation.Second, analyze the basis of Zhang’s medical ideology through summarizing his general learning thoughts. He always makes comparison and reconstruction wherever doing research into philology or historiography or any others in a strict manner. This makes his academic thoughts unique-that is weeding through the old to bring forth the new, focusing on the practice and function of culture., proposing the reliability of academic research, making comparison between China and the West and laying emphasis on independent study.


