

Research on Negotiation for Manufacturing Project Scheduling and Control in Mould and Die Virtual Enterprise

【作者】 李英杰

【导师】 陈新; 陈庆新; 陈新度;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 虚拟企业是敏捷制造的主要组织形式,国内外学者对虚拟企业已进行了大量的研究,但着重于对长期稳定合作的虚拟企业研究,而对项目驱动的虚拟企业组织形式的研究则较少,且理论尚欠成熟。论文以典型的项目驱动的模具行业为工程应用背景,展开了面向虚拟企业的制造项目规划与控制的理论和方法研究。论文研究的学术意义在于丰富和完善项目驱动的虚拟企业组织形式的运作理论和方法,其工程应用价值在于为模具行业快速响应客户需求、有效地组建运作模具虚拟企业、实施模具项目协作生产提供技术方法指导。论文具体工作如下: 首先,在分析了网络时代模具制造业特征和需求基础上,提出了基于项目规划与监控的模具虚拟企业运行模式,运用统一建模语言UML描述了模具虚拟企业的制造项目协商规划和控制的过程模型。 接着,考虑项目驱动的模具虚拟企业环境下项目工期与费用的不确定性,建立了考虑工期-费用多属性随机项目数学模型及其相关基础理论概念和定义。基于此模型,研究提出了串行、并行、混合三种协商规划方法,以及进度监控方法,分别如下: (1) 提出了考虑基于串行协商机制来进行工期-费用多属性项目规划的方法。首先提出了协商任务的协商敏感性指标,并以此来确定任务的协商次序,然后根据期望工期费用性能指标确定每一任务的潜在合作伙伴的协商次序,从而将复杂多维的项目协商规划问题简化为串行的多阶段决策问题。最后基于效用分析的方法,建立任务工期费用方案的串行协商规划机制,并确定效用模型修正的规则。 (2) 提出了考虑基于并行协商机制来进行工期-费用多属性项目规划的方法。首先联合规划任务及其潜在合作伙伴的协商次序,生成合作伙伴配置矢量,然后提出了基于在协商过程中能产生工期费用可行方案的概率衡量合作伙伴配置矢量的性能指标,以此选择最优的合作伙伴配置矢量,并对所有的合作伙伴进行统一并行协商,最后根据效用分析的方法,建立任务工期费用方案的并行协商规划机制。 (3) 提出了考虑基于混合协商机制的工期-费用多属性项目规划的方法。首

【Abstract】 Virtual enterprise (VE) is the main organization form of agile manufacturing. At present, much researche work on VE has been carried out all over the world. Most researches are focused on the long-term stabile cooperative alliance, while few are on the project-driven VE. So the theory and methodology suitable for the project-driven VE are immature by now. In mould and die industries, a project-driven manufacturing is the representative production mode. In order to respond rapidly customer orders VE becomes an efficient solution for mould and die enterprises. This dissertation aims at solving the problem of quickly organizing a project-driven VE in mould and die industries, and providing metholologies for implementing die project collaborative production, the main of them are shown as follows:Firstly, based on the analysis of features and requirements of a die manufacturing industry in the network-times, a project-driven VE model is proposed, which including the workflow model of manufacturing project negotiation schedule and control, and the processing models described by the Unified Modeling Language.Sencondly, considering uncertainties of the duration and cost of the project tasks in a project-driven VE, a multi-issues stochastic model is established, and the corresponding fundamental and conceptual definitions are given. On the basis of this model, three methods for project negotiation schedule and a monitoring method for project negotiation are put forward. The three methods are introduced as follows:(1) A Sequential Negotiation Scheduling Method (SNSM) is proposed. During the SNSM’s negotiation processing, project tasks and their protenial partners are handled sequentially with inclusion of tasks’ duration and cost. First, a negotiation sensitivity index is constructed and used as a means of deciding the sequence of the tasks to be negotiated. Second, for anyone in the task sequence, the sequence of the partners to be negotiated with is decided according to the partner’s duration-cost expectation. Thus, the complex and multi-dimensional problem of project negotiation scheduling is simplified as a serial sequential decision problem. Third, based on the method of the utility analysis, the serial sequential negotiation mechanism and the rules to modify theutility model are given.(2) A Concurrent Negotiation Scheduling Method (CNSM) is proposed. During the CNSM’s negotiation processing, project tasks and their potential partners are handled concurrently with inclusion of tasks’ duration and cost. First, partners’ scheme vectors are generated based on the negotiation order of project tasks and potential partners. Then, a performance index of the partners’ scheme vector is put forward, which is used to select an optimal partners’ scheme vector to negotiate with the coordinator. Lastly, based on the method of the effectiveness analysis, the parallel negotiation mechanism is established.(3) A Hybrid Negotiation Scheduling Method (HNSM) coupled with the advantages of SNSM and CNSM is proposed. During the HSM’s negotiation processing, the optimal partners’ scheme vector is determined, and then the negotiation sequence of the corresponding partners is decided by their essentiality index. Based on their theory mechanisms, methods and computational results, the three methods of SNSM, CNSM and HNSM, are analyzed comparatively, and the evaluation model of robust stability is created.(4) The method of project schedule control based on negotiation is investigated. The criterion rules to estimate rapidly the schemes’ feasibility are established. And the methods of searching feasible schemes based on constraint satisfaction problem is provided. At the same time, the renegotiation mechanism is founded. The method of how to evaluate the least deferral time and how to change the project objectives is put forward.Finally, based on the theories and methods described, a prototype system of collaborative project scheduling and control for mould&die virtual enterprises is designed and developed. The function modules and structure of the system are introduced and a portion of the system interfaces is shown .An example is also given.


