

On the Resolving Mechanism of Water Right Dispute in Modern China

【作者】 田东奎

【导师】 朱勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中国法律近代化自上世纪八十年代以来始终是法史学界研究的热点。经过众多学者、专家的共同努力,一些重要的、关键性的问题已基本解决。如何将这一研究继续推向深入成为法史学界面临的新课题。于是,一些学者将中国法律近代化与具体制度的变革结合起来,研究它在近代的演变和转型。其中,水权制度就是学者关注的上述问题之一。这一方面与中国社会经济持续、快速发展所导致的水资源紧张不无关系。另一方面,也与水资源本身的特性密切相关。因为,透过对国计民生有重要影响的水资源这一媒介,可深入观察中国近代法律制度在基层社会的运行状况。特别是可近距离观察通过法律移植路径所构建的近代法律体系与传统法律体系的契合与碰撞。值得注意的是,对水权纠纷解决机制的研究,学术界将关注焦点放在国外经验借鉴上,对传统水权纠纷解决机制的借鉴至今仍处于起步阶段。这与现实需要相去甚远。具有中国特色的水权纠纷解决机制决不可能建立在单纯模仿他人经验的基础上,而必须从中国的实际出发,以中国的方法解决中国的问题。当然,这与学习、借鉴外国水权纠纷解决机制的长处并不矛盾。问题是这种学习只能建立在中国传统法律文化基础上,根据现实需要吸收、借鉴外国经验,而不是不分优劣,一味照搬。事实上,中国历史上水权纠纷解决机制有很多成功的经验,值得我们总结。从现有条件来看,系统研究中国近代水权纠纷解决机制的条件已经成熟。一方面,法史学者已经认识到这一问题的重要性,并身体力行将其付诸实践。另一方面,学术环境的改善,为水权纠纷解决机制的研究的创造了较好的物质基础。近年来,各省、市、县地方志、水利志的编纂、出版,使我们的研究有了可以进行的基础资料。据笔者不完全统计,仅国家图书馆国情资料室所收藏的方志、水利志多达四百余种。如果加上解放前出版的方志、水利志,则数量更大。此外,全国范围档案馆开放程度的提高,使用的相对便利也为水权研究提供了较好的资料条件。当然,民国时期,乃至当代学者所做的各种社会调查报告也为我们动态研究水权纠纷解决机制提供了原生态资料。作为各地编纂地方志、水利志副产品的碑刻资料,保存了大量历史时期水权案例、章程、水规等珍贵资料,有助于对水权纠纷解决机制进行微观分析。最后,需要指出的是近年来,其他学科,特别是社会学、历史学在区域史社会史研究方面所取得的成果为我们认识区域水权纠纷及其解决机制提供了学科交流平台,从而为从外部深化这一研究提供了可能。笔者选择以中国近代水权纠纷解决机制为契机,研究国家法律、司法制度在基层的运行情况。全文分为八章,十个部分。第一部分为导言,主要介绍本选题的依

【Abstract】 This dissertation mainly discusses on the resolving mechanism of water right dispute in modern China (ab.RMMCWRD), which reveals the functioning of the state law and judicature. There are eight parts in this dissertation.The first part is introduction, to definitude some essence concept of water right, including the intension and extension of water right dispute. It also explains the time range, main material and the research methods .ChapterⅠexplains resolving mechanism and its practice of ancient china, which is comprised of official and unofficial resolving mechanism. The former includes civilian lawsuits and lawsuits pertaining to penal litigation. The latter mainly refers to intercession. Moreover, it introduces some concepts and principles of water right.The third part discusses the formation of RMMCWRD, which contains substantial and procedural law. At the first stage, the substantial law takes the form of customs and local statute of water right, on the basis of which the state enacts a series of law about water right. The procedural law of water right includes code of administrative appeal, code of civil law, administrative litigant law and intercessory law etc. It also introduces the definition, content and characteristics of water right of modern china.In chapterⅢlaw of sociology approach is applied to discuss the unofficial resolving mechanism of water right dispute, for example, intercession, religion-solution, divinities-judge, fighting and community-building. Here intercession takes a very important role. As a native experience and national solution of water right dispute, there are many priorities in unofficial RMMCWRD. After studying the formation of RMMCWRD, the author uses historic anthropology approach to study certification, inscription and legend of water right.The fifth part discusses the official RMMCWRD and its functioning. The main

【关键词】 近代水权调解行政诉讼
【Key words】 water rightmodern Chinaintercessionadministrationlitigation
  • 【分类号】D929;D922.66
  • 【被引频次】38
  • 【下载频次】1656

