

【作者】 陈晓军

【导师】 江平;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 在传统的法人分类方式问题上,按照法人的目的是营利性的还是公益性的,把法人分为营利性法人与公益性法人两个大类,这种分类方式在两大法系中都存在。但是,有一类法人的组织形态,其法人的设立目的却是既非营利性的,也非公益性的,这类法人以商会、行业协会为代表,对于传统的法人分类方式提出了挑战。 作为对这一挑战的回应,美国在立法上承认了一种特殊的互益性法人的存在,而日本则专门制定了《中间法人法》,以规范与这类法人相关的法律问题。笔者认为既然营利性法人和公益性法人都是以法人的目的为标准进行的法人分类,则这类特殊的法人以互益性法人命名更加妥帖。互益性的法人所包含的主体形态,主要是商会、行业协会、学会、各种形式的俱乐部、联盟、合作社、以及证券交易所等采取会员制形式设立的,以互助、互益为核心目的的非营利性的法人组织。 从历史发展的轨迹来看,法人(corporation)制度最早并非用于以营利为目的的公司,法人这个词最先出现于中世纪,当时指的是行会、教会和自由城市等等,只是到了17世纪,营利性组织如特许贸易公司才被授予法人地位,corporation这个词也才被借用来称呼公司。而行会、教会和自由城市这些最早称之为法人的团体,则正是通过手工业者、教徒、城市市民等个人间的有组织的联合,抵抗无处不在的专制强权,从而实现群体利益的最大化。由此看来,互益性法人的产生较营利性的公司法人和其他形式的公益性法人要早。其实这一现象并不奇怪,团体的形成源于人们结社的愿望。而人们之所以结社,则是通过结社可以互相保护,实现互助与互益。在文章中,笔者对互益性法人的特征进行了分析,指出了互益性法人与营利性法人和公益性法人所体现出的不同特点。 互益性法人的产生具有自发性、民间性和自律性的特点,其设立和运行均体现出意思自治的私法原则,因而互益性的法人在本质上应当属于私法人。这一结论并不因某一些互益性法人被授权行使行政性权力或比较多的提供了公共产品与服务而改变。文章对为什么在法国、德国等西欧国家把商会这一互益性法人组织作为公法人来看待的原因进行了分析,并对互益性法人公法化的倾向进行了专门的论述。 互益性的法人组织在建构方式上一般采取的是会员制,法人的成员被称为会员。会员所享有的权利应当属于传统民法上的社员权。互益性法人的社员权利可以分为共益权和自益权,共益权主要包括表决权、选举权与被选举权以及法人事务的参与权,自益权则分为免费享受法人的服务、入会权与退会权及法人剩余价

【Abstract】 According to corporate intention, Corporations are divided into For-profit Corporation and Public-benefit Corporation in the traditional corporation categorization manner. This kind of categorization can be found in both continent law and common law. But there exists a kind of corporation form called Chamber of Commerce and Guild, which is established for neither profitable nor public benefit purpose and thus challenged to the traditional categorization of corporations.As the respondence to this challenge, America admitted a new special corporation in legislation in 1987, namely Mutual-benefit Corporation. In Japan, the congress constituted the midst corporation law so as to regulate the related legal problem with this type of corporation in 2003. Since For-profit Corporation and public- benefit Corporation are all categorized by the purpose of corporations, this special type of corporation should be named as Mutual-benefit Corporation, which includes chamber of commerce, guild, academic institute, all kinds of club, alliance, cooperation and stock exchange, etc.. All of these organizations are established in the method of membership and belong to nonprofit corporation. Their intention is mainly for mutual assistance and mutual benefit.From the history development track, corporation system was not used in Business Corporation at first. The word of corporation came forth in the Middle Ages and was referred to guild, church and liberty city, etc.. For-profit organizations, such as concessionary trade companies, were just granted corporation status until seventeen century. From then on the word of corporation was used to indicate company. The guild, church and liberty city that were called as corporation at first, resisted autarchy power everywhere in virtue of organizational ally among handicraft industry person, follower of a religion and city citizens. By this token, the emergence of Mutual-benefit Corporation is earlier than Business Corporation and other kinds of public-benefit corporations. In fact, this phenomenon is not strange and the foundation of group corporations rooted in people’s desire of incorporation. By incorporation, people can protect themselves, achieve mutual assistance and mutual benefit. The author analyzed the characters of Mutual-benefit Corporation in this article and pointed out its different specialties through comparing with For-profit Corporation

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1233

