

【作者】 吴宗宪

【导师】 王牧;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 改造罪犯,把犯罪人变成守法者,不仅是犯罪学、监狱学等学科研究的内容,也是全人类面临的共同课题,是世界上很多国家和地区都在进行的重要社会实践活动。长期以来,人们进行了很多的改造罪犯的努力,并且在一些国家和地区取得了卓越的成就。例如,1949年以后,新中国曾经成功地改造了大量刚愎自用、性格倔强、不可一世的日本侵华战犯。而且,新中国监狱部门对于普通刑事罪犯的改造,也取得了良好的成绩,使中国的重新犯罪率一直保持在较低的水平。同时,在国际社会中,也进行了大量改造或者矫正罪犯的实践和理论探讨。 但是,相对而言,在罪犯改造理论方面的研究不够。从现有资料来看,人们提出的系统化的罪犯改造学说不多,特别是缺乏具有牢固的实证和理论基础、得到广泛承认的罪犯改造理论。 因此,为了促进中国罪犯改造工作的科学化发展,为了进一步提高中国罪犯改造的质量,也为了推动罪犯改造领域的理论研究,本文试图提出一种新的罪犯改造理论,为中国罪犯改造工作的发展做出自己的微薄努力。 从逻辑结构来看,完整的罪犯改造理论应当包括犯罪原因论和罪犯改造论两部分。对于犯罪原因的理论研究,可以为罪犯改造方面的理论探讨提供必要的基础。因此,首先探讨犯罪原因问题,然后将犯罪原因理论应用于探讨罪犯改造问题。 根据这样的研究思路,本文在研究已有的罪犯改造研究成果和分析改造罪犯实践的基础上,探讨和阐述了一种新的犯罪原因和罪犯改造的理论——罪犯改造的犯因性差异理论。这种理论的基本观点认为,犯罪是犯罪人存在犯因性差异的结果。犯因性差异不仅存在于静态的因素或特征方面,更存在于动态的因素或特征方面,特别是存在于动态的相互作用(互动)方面。犯因性差异既是个人犯罪的重要原因,也是对罪犯进行改造的重要基础,表明了罪犯改造的方向,指示了罪犯改造的对象。从社会、道德和法律的标准来看,体现犯因性差异的因素都是有缺陷的。因此,改造罪犯实际上就是努力缩小和消除犯因性缺陷的活动。 本文在结构上分为三部分6章。第一部分绪论,是对罪犯改造历史的回顾和对现实状况的简介。其中,第一章回顾了中国和西方国家改造罪犯的简要历史;第二章介绍了中国和西方国家在罪犯改造方面的理论探讨成果与基本状况。

【Abstract】 Rehabilitating or reforming offender and changing them into law-abider, is the contents in the research of criminology, penology and other disciplines, and the common topic of all mankind, and also important social practice that carried out in many countries and regions of the world.Over a long period of time, people have been making a lot of efforts to rehabilitate offender, and have gained outstanding achievements in a few countries and regions. For example, since 1949, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has successfully reformed many of the Japanese war criminals who were headstrong, stubborn and arrogant. Furthermore, the prison system of PRC has also met with great success in the rehabilitation of other offenders, and has been keeping a low rate of recidivism. At the same time, people in the international community have been making much practice and theoretical exploration in the rehabilitation or correction of offenders.However, the theoretical research on the rehabilitation of offender is limited. From the information the present author has seen, there are few of systematical theories of offender rehabilitation that have solid foundations in evidence and theory, and have recognized widely.For the reason of facilitating the scientific level, improving the quality and promoting the theoretical study of offender rehabilitation of PRC, the present writer try to develop a new theory of offender rehabilitation.Logically, a complete theory of offender rehabilitation shall consist of a criminal etiology and a theory of offender rehabilitation. The criminal etiology can lay necessary foundation for the theoretical study of offender rehabilitation. So the criminal etiology is been approached firstly, and then such a criminal etiology will be applied to the research on the offender rehabilitation.According to such a train of thought, the existing findings and practice of offender rehabilitation are analyzed, and afterwards a new theory of crime causes and offender rehabilitation is put forward in the dissertation, which is the criminogenic difference

  • 【分类号】D926.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1807

