

【作者】 刘兰秋

【导师】 宋英辉;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 刑事不起诉制度是刑事诉讼中的一项重要制度,自近代控审分离原则确立,现代意义上的公诉制度诞生以来,世界各主要国家大多都在立法上建立了刑事不起诉制度,并在实践中发挥着重要作用。 本论文共分为七章,对不起诉制度中相关概念的涵义、不起诉制度的历史发展轨迹、类型和适用条件、理论基础和价值、不起诉处分的效力以及对不起诉权的制约机制等问题进行了研究。第一章“不起诉制度概述”主要探讨了不起诉制度中相关概念的含义,包括不起诉、不起诉权和不起诉制度。本章首先结合不起诉的分类阐明不起诉有广义和狭义之分,广义上的不起诉是指国家控诉机关对于不符合起诉条件、不适宜起诉的案件所作出的不申请实质审判而终止诉讼程序,以及撤回指控、终止诉讼程序的所有处分决定;而狭义上的不起诉则仅指国家公诉机关对于不符合起诉条件或者不适宜起诉的案件不请求法院进行任何审判而终止诉讼程序的诉讼处分,并在此基础上明确了本论文的研究对象为狭义不起诉。在第二部分中,笔者研究了刑事不起诉权的含义及其特征,最后一部分简单探讨了不起诉制度的基本内容。 第二章“不起诉制度的历史发展”追溯了不起诉制度的历史发展轨迹,在对大陆法系国家和英美法系国家的不起诉制度的历史沿革作了考察后,得出域外不起诉制度的发展历程呈现出连续性和稳健性的特征,并探讨了其成因。相比而言,我国的不起诉制度则经历了一个产生、缓慢发展、畸形发展、正态回归、限制发展的过程,明显呈现出不连续、不发达、不独立的特征,并分析了此种特征得以形成的观念原因、制度原因以及司法实践层面的原因。 第三章“不起诉的类型和适用条件”主要是从适用条件的角度对不起诉的类型作了细化考量,将域外不起诉制度粗分为法定不起诉和裁量不起诉两大类型,并将法定不起诉细分为因证据原因而为的不起诉和因欠缺其他诉讼条件而为的不起诉,将裁量不起诉划分为不附条件的裁量不起诉和附条件的裁量不起诉,前者又包括传统意义上的便宜不起诉以及污点证人不起诉。在分析域外不起诉类型和适用条件的基础上,对我国立法上规定的不起诉类型以及立法上未规定但实践中现实存在的不起诉类型进行了梳理,并对其立法化问题作了研究。 第四章和第五章从不起诉制度的理论基础和价值两方面论证不起诉制度的正当性,论证扩大不起诉权、完善不起诉制度的必然性。第四章“不起诉制度的理论基础”中,先探讨了不起诉制度的基础性理论基础,包括控审分离原则、程序主体性理论以及诉讼及时性理论,而后又研究了裁量不起诉制度的特有理论基础,

【Abstract】 Criminal non-prosecution system is an important system in criminal prosecution. Since the principle of separation of the prosecution and the judiciary was constructed and modern public prosecution system appears, each main nation constructs non-prosecution system based on lawmaking and non-prosecution play an important roll in practice.This paper consists of seven chapter and researches the concepts about non-prosecution, the history of non-prosecution, the classification and application condition of non-prosecution, the basic theory and the value of non-prosecution, non-prosecution’s effectiveness, and the constrain system to non-prosecution. Chapter one mainly talks about and defines the concepts in non-prosecution system, such as non-prosecution, non-prosecution power and non-prosecution system. In this chapter, the author point out that non-prosecution can be defined by broad sense and narrow sense. The non-prosecution in broad sense means that the nation’s prosecution department doesn’t make real judgment and terminate prosecution, withdraw accusation, terminate all the punishment in prosecution in the cases that don’t accord with prosecution condition or shouldn’t be accused. The non-prosecution in narrow sense means that the nation’s public prosecution department doesn’t ask for the court to make any judgment and terminate the punishment in prosecution in the cases that don’t accord with prosecution condition or shouldn’t be accused. The author proclaims that this paper mainly talk about the non-prosecution in narrow sense. In the second part, the author researches non-prosecution’s concept and character. In the third part, the author defines the basic content in non-prosecution system.In chapter two, the author talks about the history of the non-prosecution. After comparing the non-prosecution’s history in Continental law system country and Anglo-American law system country, the author points out that the history of non-prosecution system in foreign country is continuous and steady, and researches the reasons. After the non-prosecution in our country comes forth, it develops slowly, develops freakily, then converts normal, and then develops restrictively and is discrete,

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【被引频次】27
  • 【下载频次】2315

