

A Contrastive Study on Some Synonymous Prepositions "X" and "X Zhe(着)/le(了)"

【作者】 万莹

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文对六组形似义近的介词“X”与“X着/了”进行比较研究,它们分别是介词“朝”和“朝着”、介词“沿”和“沿着”、介词“顺”和“顺着”、介词“趁”和“趁着”、介词“为”、“为了”和“为着”、介词“对”和“对着”。每一组介词自成一章。全文共分八章。 第一章《引论》部分介绍了本文的论题、目标、意义,并详细地介绍了开展此项研究工作的基础,包括已有的研究成果和本文的思路,最后介绍了本文的结构安排。 第二章到第七章,共六章,每一组介词自成一章。每一章,首先说明我们选择“X”与“X着/了”作为相似介词比较研究个案的原因,提出问题:用为介词的“X”和“X着/了”之间在句法语义上存在哪些差异?“X着/了”处于一个什么语法地位?“X着/了”是“介词+助词”结构还是本身就是一个介词?然后,我们以语料库查询、网络搜索等方式收集到的介词“X”与“X着/了”用例为基础,分析介词“X”与“X着/了”在句法语义上的纠结与分工,包括介词“X”与“X着/了”所引介的宾语在音节数量、语法性质、语义类别上的差别以及由介词“X”、“X着/了”构成的介词短语的句法分布情况等。再次,考察由介词“X”与“X着/了”构成的介词短语与所修饰的VP的匹配情况,以及VP的时体表现。最后,考察介词“X”与“X着/了”的虚化过程与虚化机制,证实介词“X”、“X着/了”虚化的时间不同,来源同中有异,介词“X着/了”里的“着/了”,是一个失去了原有功能的词内成分。 第八章是全章的结语,主要对本文研究工作进行总结并提出进一步研究的计划。

【Abstract】 In this paper, a contrastive study has been made on six pairs of prepositions: "X" and "X zhe (着)/le (了)", which are similar both in form and meaning. They are "chao (朝)", "chaozhe (朝着)"; "yan (沿)", "yanzhe (沿着)"; "shun (顺)", "shunzhe (顺着); "chen (趁)", "chenzhe (趁着)"; "wei (为)", "wile (为了)", "weizhe (为着)"; and "dui (对)", "duizhe (对着)". Eight chapters are included in this paper.In chapter one, the purpose and significance of the research made in this paper are introduced. And the basis of this study, some relevant achievements and the outline of the paper are made clear here, too.From chapter two to seven, these six pairs of prepositions are studied one by one. Firstly, the reason why "X" and "X zhe (着)/le (了)" are chosen as the topic is explained and some relevant questions are raised: What are the differences between prepositions "X" and "X zhe (着)/le (了)"? What is the grammatical status of "X zhe (着)/le (了)"? Is "X zhe (着)/le (了)" a structure or a word? Secondly, based on the language material gathered from corpus and Internet, a contrastive analysis is made on "X" and "X zhe (着)/le (了)", including the number of the syllabus, the nature and semantic category of the objects after them, and the distribution of prepositional phrases of "X" or "X zhe (着)/le (了)". Thirdly, the collocation of the prepositional phrases of "X" or "X zhe (着)/le (了)" with the VP they modify, and the tense and aspect of the VP are investigated. Finally, the grammaticalizaiton process and mechanism of prepositions "X" and "X zhe (着)/le (了)" are discussed.In chapter eight a conclusion of the whole paper is made.

【关键词】 介词“X”“X着/了”句法语义虚化词内成分
【Key words】 preposition"X""X zhe/le"syntaxmeaninggrammaticalizationin-word component
  • 【分类号】H146.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】699

