

A Research on the Socialized Government Administration in the Perspective of "State and Society"

【作者】 刘先江

【导师】 俞思念;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以后,世界各国的政府管理进入了一个大变革时代。 在中国,计划经济体制的长期运行,形成了无所不包、高度集权的政府管理体制。这种体制因效率低下而越来越不适应经济社会的发展,从而直接导致十一届三中全会以来持续不断的经济体制的市场化改革和政府管理体制的社会化改革。 不过,政府管理体制改革却不象经济体制改革那样有明确而坚定的方向,其机构改革与职能转换等改革措施应急性的成份较多,并没有把社会化当成政府管理变革的方向或价值目标。这种经验型的政府管理改革在外部状况稍有好转就会停止甚至倒退,使改革陷入“精减——膨胀”的困境和“放权——收权”的旧路循环。 因此,政府管理体制的改革与创新迫切需要一种全新的更宽阔的视野去寻找和解释政府管理改革中存在的真正问题及其原因,特别需要我们从更宏大、更长远的历史背景中去把握政府管理改革与创新的方向。本文就是以国家与社会关系为研究视角,把政府管理改革与创新置于马克思所描绘的“国家权力回归社会”的理想前景中进行分析所作的一种理论尝试,认为政府管理社会化是我国政府管理改革与创新应该始终坚持的基本方向,并对政府管理社会化改革的必要性及其原则、途径作了初步的探讨: 从国家与社会关系这一视角看来,我国传统政府管理体制的主要弊端在于政府管理体制的过度国家化,从而导致了国家与社会关系的严重扭曲,导致了政府权力的过度膨胀与社会的极度萎缩,导致了政府管理能力与社会自主管理能力的双重失落,因此必须对其进行社会化改革。 政府管理社会化改革既起因于实践的需要,是对这种“政府失灵”的防范、纠正和弥补,同时在理论上政府管理社会化也符合马克思关于国家与社会关系的基本思想,是与国家权力回归社会的基本历史趋势相一致的。马克思认为,社会是第一位的,国家是第二位的,社会是目的,国家只是为社会服务的手段,随着社会的不断进步和不断完善,国家应该从凌驾于社会之上逐步地回归于社会,直到最终消亡。因此,社会主义国家的政府应该具有高度的历史自觉性、主动地实行政府管理社会化改革,逐步地把政府权力交还给社会,交还给人民。 作为社会主义国家,我国政府管理社会化改革不仅是必要的,而且也是可能的。首先,中国共产党及其所领导的政府除了整个社会的利益以外,没有其他的特殊利益,因而能够彻底废除封建特权思想,这就为政府管理社会化改革扫除了政治上和利益上的障碍;其次,社会主义市场经济的发展,使社会在经济上获得了一定的独立性和自主性,自我服务、自我管理的社会组织有了较大发展,这种日益成熟的社会可以承担起越来越多的以前由政府承担的管理职能;再次,网络技术的发展、信息时代的到来,也为政府管理社会化改革提供了必要的物质手段。 政府管理的社会化改革,意味着社会将逐步地从国家的怀抱中挣脱出来,形成一个相对独

【Abstract】 After 1980s, the government management all around the world entered a big transforming age.In China, the long-term operation of planned economic system has formed an all-embracing government management system with highly centralized state power, which has not met the need of the economic and social development owning to its inefficiency;thus it directly resulted the constant market-based reform of economic system and socialized reform of government management system since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee.But, unlike the economic system reform, there is no clear and firm direction in the reform of government management system. In fact, the reform measures, such as its institutional reform and its function change course, have placed much attention on the meeting the need of an emergency. Thus the socialization has not been regarded as the direction or the value goal of the government management reform. Such empirical reform of government management will stop, and even fall back when the external state taking a favorable turn slightly;then it will make the reform fall into the mess of "streamlining—expanding" and the old recurrence of "decentralization—centralization".Therefore, the reform and innovation of government management system need a new and wider perspective to search and explain the real problem and its cause that exist in the government management reform. We should hold the direction of reform and innovation of the government management from more mighty and long-term historical background. Taking the nation and social relationships as the studying perspective, this paper is a theoretical experiment on the reform and innovation of government management, which has been putting into the ideal prospect of the "state power returns to the society" that Marx describes. It takes the socialization of the government management as the basic orientation that we should insist all the time in the reform and innovation of government management, while carries on the preliminary discussion on the necessity, principle, and route of the socialized reform of government management.From the relationship between the nation and the society, the main drawback of the traditional government management system of our country lies in the excessive nationalization of government management system, thus causes serious distortion of the nation and social relationships and excessive expansion of government power and the extreme shrinking of the society, resulting in double-losing in the ability of government management and social independent management. Therefore, socialized reform is needed.The reform in the socialization of government management is the need of practice, and the precaution, correction and compensation towards "government failure". At the meantime, the socialization of government management is in accordance with Marx’s basic thoughts about therelationship between the nation and the society, as well as compatible to the basic historical trend of "making the state power back to the society". The society comes the first, and the nation remains the second. Society is a purpose, and nation is only a means of serving the society. As the society is being improved constantly, the nation should change its role gradually from a supervisor to a member of society and then come to a termination. So the government of the socialist state should have higher historical consciousness and implement the socialization reform of the government management voluntarily, as well as progressively return government power to the society and the people of the nation.As a socialist state, it is not merely essential but also possible for our government to manage the socialized reform. First of all, Communist Party of China and its government have no other special interests except the whole interests of the society. Therefore, the mentality of feudal privilege can be abolished completely, which cleared the political and interest obstacles for the socialized reform of the government management;Secondly, the development of socialist market economy makes the society obtain certain independence and the possibility to keep the initiative in its own hands in the economic field. There is comparatively great development in the social organizations of its self-service and self-management. This kind of gradually mature society can bear more and more management function that had been burdened by the government in the past. Moreover, with the development of network technology and the arrival of the information age, basic material ways for the socialized reform of government management have been offered. The socialized reform of government management means the society will free itself gradually from the shackle of the nation, and form a relatively independent field that is out of the arbitrary interference from the nation. However, this kind of society is not against the nation as the capitalist civil society once was. Under the socialist system, there is no basic interests’ conflict between the nation and the society. In fact, the relation between the nation and the society should maintain a kind of benign and balanced state. Thus under the guidance of the government, the socialized reform of the government management must insist on the implement of such foundational principles that is good for the perfection of the society and the improvement of the government management quality step by step.The main task of the socialized reform of the government management is to pursue the rational boundary of the nation and the society from following three aspects according to the current situation of socio-economic development of our country in the primary stage of socialism. The first is the socialization of government organizations. Traditional system of government management includes all the social affairs in the range of management, thus obscure the distinction between the nation and the society, making the social organizations governmental organizations, which is the essential reason of the expansion of government organs. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate some management organizations of the government, such as government logistic organizations, some public institutionsand organizations under the jurisdiction of government, and so on, from the government, and then make them back to the society. The second is the socialization of the government management function, i.e. to return surplus management function that is absorbed from the society by the government to the society. For example, the economic management function is given to the market, while the community service function is for the community and non-government organizations. Thus let the market operates independently, and makes the community and NGO carry on the self-management and self-service as much as possible. The third comes the socialization of the government management style. That is to say, through several aspects such as communal participation of government administrative decision, social substitute of the implement on the administrative decision of government management, social evaluation on the performance of government management, and so on, make social forces permeate in the whole course of government management;thus guarantee the government insisting on serving society and people all the time, and becoming a real socialized government that belongs to its people.The purpose of socialized reform of government management is to break the traditional social state of excessive nationalization, and make it improve in socialized direction, thus realize the change of government management mode, as well as set up new government management mode that is in accordance with the system of socialist market economy. This purpose calls for the change from the centralized government to the democratic government, from the all-round government to the limited government, from the government based on the economic construction to the government based on the society construction, and from the controlling government to the service government.Finally, the socialized reform of government management is a long-term course. We should adhere to the socialized direction all the time, and prevent advancing impetuous in the reform, unpractically shuffling all the government responsibilities to the society, which will result in new social problems and fall into the trap of anarchism because of the inability of the society in bearing government responsibilities. Therefore, we should watch out and prevent the government from "vacancy" while correcting the "misplacement" and "offside" of the government, and make great efforts to improve government managerial ability, as well as to "supply the vacancy" actively;thus realize the inter-communication between the government and the society to form "joint forces of history", promote the harmonious development of the society, and finally fulfill the goal of making the human society towards the bright "community of freemen".

  • 【分类号】D623
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2543

