

Physical Education and Human

【作者】 马卫平

【导师】 张传燧;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 研究学校体育的历史与现状,瞻望学校体育的未来,不能不对体育与文化、体育与人的关系有深入的理解。否则就会对许多学校体育现象及其问题迷惑不解,对新形势下学校体育所面临的挑战也就很难提出应对的策略。因为人、文化、体育三者是相互依存、相互作用、相互规定的,而人是其中心,文化是质的规定,体育则是其外在表现方式之一;离开了人,就无所谓文化。也就无所谓体育。同样,离开了文化,也就无所谓人,更无所谓体育了。所以,无论是文化还是体育,它们的核心都在于对人的关注,而从学校的角度看,学校体育的本质是一种培养人的活动,因此,体育——文化——人构成了一种特殊的关系。基于上述认识,形成了我们新的研究框架,主要研究的问题及其基本观点如下: 一、通过对文化与人、体育与文化、体育与人关系的全方位揭示,阐明体育作为一种文化不只是作为传授知识、训练技艺、增强体质的工具,而是包括体育意识、体育情感、体育价值、体育理念、体育道德、体育精神在内的总和,感悟体育的文化底蕴。发掘体育的文化内涵;并在此基础上,进一步探析学校体育的属人性、人为性和为人性,从而在学校体育中凸显以人为本、以人为中心、以人为目的的人本体育理念。 二、基于对时代精神的把握,从历史回顾和现代检视两个维度对当前学校体育中存在的弊端——“人的失落”现象进行分析和批判,进而倡导以人为本的文化体育理念和实践模式,呼唤现行学校体育对“人”和文化的关注,提升体育理念,使学校体育由物化走向人化,由技能走向文化,与人的整体生命全面契合,回归学校体育的文化本质。 三、以马克思主义关于人的全面发展理论为指导,以“现实的人”为出发点,以人的“全面”而“自由”的发展为终极目的,通过对中外思想家对学校体育的祈求与追寻的理性审视,对学校体育的最基本问题——体育的本质进行重新认识。一方面说明学校体育是以增进人的健康和娱乐为目的,以人体运动为基本手段,给人以生命感悟的丰富的身体活动和审美体验活动,是生命活动的展现和人的本质力量的凸显。另一方面说明文化体育的理念是一种以寻求人的生命本质为基础,以尊重人的生命尊严和价

【Abstract】 It is necessary for us to have a profound understanding of the relationships between culture and physical educatkxi (PE), and man and PE when doing researches into the history and present situation of school PE and looking ahead to its future. Otherwise, we will be confused facing the many phenomena and problems of PE, thus unable to put forward corresponding strategies to tackle the challenges confronted by school PE in a new situation. In coexistence, co-action and co-identify among human, culture and PE, the human is the core, the culture is the essence, and PE is one of the external features of culture. When deviated from man, culture can not be so called in its original meaning and the same is true of PE. Similarly, if deviated from culture, man can not be so called, not to mention PE. The concern about man is the core of both culture and PE. It is safe to say that it is man that relates culture closely to PE. From the perspective of school, the essence of PE is an activity of cultivating man. Therefore, culture, PE and man constitute a particular relation. The framework of this paper forms on the basis of above-mentioned understanding, and it covers mainly the following arguments and views.1. Through a thorough exploration of the relationships between man, culture and PE, it is expounded that, PE, as a kind of culture, not only serves as an approach of imparting knowledge, training skills, and building up the body, but also includes the consciousness, emotion, value, idea, morality and spirit of physical education. On the basis of perceiving the cultural background of PE, exploring the cultural connotation of PE, the to-people character, by-people character and for-people character of PE are further analyzed, so as to manifest humanistic ideology of PE with man as its essence, its core and its aim in school PE.2. With the understanding of the spirit in modern times, from the two dimensions of historical retrospect and present examination, the abuse ’the fall of humanity’ of school PE is analyzed and criticized. Cultural PE ideology andpractical mode guiding by humanistic spirit are promoted, calling on the care about man and culture in school PE, elevating PE conception, making school PE transformed from materialization to humanization, from skill to culture, reconciled with human integral life in all-side and restoring the cultural essence of school PE.3. Guided by Marx’s theory about comprehensive development of persons, with "realistic man" as the starting point, and "all-sided" and "free" development of persons as the ulterior goal, through a rational examination on the research and exploration into school PE conducted by thinkers at home and abroad, we try to understand the most basic problem—the essence of PE in a new light. On one hand, school PE, with physical exercises as its means, is aimed at enhancing people’s health and entertainment, rendering colorful physical activities and aesthetic experience with a profound perception of life, representing the activities of human life and the essential power of man. On the other hand, cultural PE ideology is an idea outlook, which bases itself on the pursuit of the essence of human life, presupposes the respect for the dignity and value of human life. It is a kind of ideology and spiritual pursuit with man at the core. It exhibits the following characteristics: integrally healthy, spiritually generated, physically experienced, gamely self-satisfying and free-pleasing.4. From a cultural perspective, a kind of corollary scenery of school PE is constructed and depicted, theoretically and practically, in the theoretical construction, mainly the value, goal and subject of school PE are explored. It is proposed that cultural essence with human as its core should be restored and PE belongs to human. And it is also proposed that the total purpose of school PE should cover two aspects: the visible thing "building up the body" and invisible thing "cultivating man," and cultural character is one of the essential characteristics of PE, that the development needs of man’s existence are the deep and initiative cause of school PE innovation, and human needs is the ulterior motive of school PE innovation and development, that the essence of PE curriculum is the cultivation of subject spirit, the spiritual experience,humanization and man, and the cultivation of the healthy growth of the learners in body and mind. Whereas, in the practical construction, it is expected to construct a teacher-student co-action and practical strategy which is, of multiple pedagogical goals, experienced in process, full of humanistic spirit and of all flavors of life, in order to provide a new way for the practical performance of cultural PE ideology.

【关键词】 体育文化重构
【Key words】 physical educationculturehumanreconstruction

