

Taxonomic and Faunistic Studies on the Family Tenebrionidae from Xizang

【作者】 石爱民

【导师】 任国栋;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 动物学, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 拟步甲是西藏生物区系的重要组成部分。在研究河北大学馆藏标本、近年野外考察标本以及借用标本的基础上,本学位论文首次对西藏拟步甲科昆虫进行了较为系统的区系分类研究。共记述46属177种(亚种),包括37新种。全文共计18.6万字,形态特征图114幅1018个,彩色图版17幅,其它插图11幅,表格13个,内容包括以下6个部分。 第一部分简要介绍了西藏的自然概况与昆虫区系研究进展。 第二部分介绍了课题研究的材料与方法,列出了西藏拟步甲的野外考察路线及标本采集点分布图。 第三部分区系研究取得以下主要成果: 1.对影响拟步甲分布的地形、温度和植被因素进行了分析。认为复杂的地形和高大的山脉是造成西藏特有种丰富的主要因素;温度是限制拟步甲分布的重要因子,低温是导致羌塘高原小区拟步甲贫乏的主要原因;植被非常丰富和非常匮乏的两种极端环境下拟步甲相对丰富。 2.西藏拟步甲在世界动物区系中的归属情况比较简单,有4种分布型。西藏特有、古北区、东洋区和跨东洋、古北区分布4种分布型的种类分别为:106个、32个、26个和13个,所占比例分别为:59.89%、18.08%、14.69%和7.34%。拟步甲的窄域性分布是导致分布型简单、特有种丰富和跨东洋、古北区分布型所占比例不高的主要因素。 3.西藏拟步甲在中国动物区系中的归属情况也比较简单,有8个分布型。青藏区81种,占47.65%,西南区51种,占30.00%;其它6个为跨区分布型,种数有限,所占比例之和不足23%。拟步甲在进化过程中向两个区域集中,一是植被丰富的热带、亚热地区,一是植被匮乏的荒漠、半荒漠地区,这两个区域拟步甲的种类和数量都非常丰富,而在这两个区域之间的过渡性地带种类相对稀少。上述原因及拟步甲的窄域性分布决定了西藏拟步甲在中国动物区系归属中的上述特点。 4.通过分析影响拟步甲分布的环境因素及拟步甲在西藏分布的特点,结合前人的工作,拟将西藏划分为3区9小区:东洋区包括墨脱察隅、波密米林和中喜马拉雅3个小区;东洋、古北过渡区包括工布江达隆孜1个小区;古北区包括横断山脉、那曲、羌

【Abstract】 This dissertation is about the taxonomic and faunistic studies on the family Tenebrionidae from Xizang. The entire work includes six parts.The first part introduces the insect fauna of Xizang and their habitats in brief.The second part is about the materials and methods used in this dissertation. The field expedition routes from 2002 to 2005 and map of collecting sites are provided.The third part discusses the Tenebrionidae fauna of Xizang. The results are mainly as follows:1. The landforms, temperature and vegetation are analyzed. The complex landforms and high mountains exert the main influence on the abundance of endemic species. Temperature is one of limiting factors to Tenebrionidae. Tenebrionidae fauna of the Qiangtang region is poor, which can be mostly attributed to low temperature. The species are quite abundant in those environments are either extremely rich or poor in vegetation.2. The distribution patterns in the zoogeographical regions of the world are simple. There are four patterns: endemic species of Xizang (106 species, possessing 58.98%, the following is the same), Oriental region (32, 18.08%), Palaearctic region (26, 14.69%) and Oriental- Palaearctic region (13, 7.34%).3. In the zoogeographical regions of China, there are eight distribution patterns: Qinghai-Xizang region (81 species, possessing 47.65%, the following is the same), Southwest China region (51, 30.00%), Qinghai-Xizang-Southwest China region (12, 7.06%), Qinghai-Xizang-Inner Mongolia Xinjiang region (9, 5.29%), Southwest China-South China region (9, 5.29%), Southwest China-South China-Central China region (6, 3.53%), Southwest China-Inner Mongolia Xinjiang region (1, 0.59%), Qinghai-Xizang-Inner Mongolia Xinjiang-Central China region (1, 0.59%).4. By analyzing the environmental factors and the distribution of Tenebrionidae, also referring to the work done by previous reaserchers, the vast area of Xizang is divided into nine regions: 1) Metog-Dzayul region; 2) Pome-Menling region; 3) Middle Himalayas region;

【关键词】 鞘翅目拟步甲科区系分类生物地理适应性西藏
【Key words】 ColeopteraTenebrionidaeFaunaTaxonomyBiogeographyAdaptabilityXizang
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】Q969
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】264

