

Study on Tour in Song Dynasty

【作者】 王福鑫

【导师】 刘秋根;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 旅游是非定居者的旅行和暂时居留中引起的现象和关系的总和。在我国,旅游活动有着悠久的历史,经历了发生和发展的过程,并逐渐成为社会生活一个组成部分。宋代是我国封建经济发展的一个重要时期,商品经济的发展水平已达到一个新的高度。在社会经济特别是商品经济发展的基础上,宋代的旅游也兴盛起来。旅游者作为旅游主体,对旅游活动的开展有着重要影响。宋代旅游者的构成是多层次的、复杂的,它涵盖了社会的各个阶级、阶层,但士大夫是旅游者队伍中的主力军。士大夫之所以是旅游者中的主力军,是因为他们有强烈的旅游欲望和较强的旅游支付能力、较多的可自由支配时间。旅游资源是旅游活动的客体,是吸引旅游者前往游览观赏、娱乐休息和探险考察的客观存在。按旅游资源的性质,宋代旅游资源可划分为自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源两大类型。山水、洞岩和湖泊是自然旅游资源的主要成份,而寺庙宫观、城市、园林、花展、古迹等等,则是人文旅游资源的范畴。无论是自然资源还是人文资源,对宋代旅游者来说都具有同等重要的地位,但由于旅游者的经济社会地位、文化知识背景、居住地等方面的不同,其旅游地的选择是有差异的,士大夫多选择景色优美的山水田园和寺庙宫观,而乡村旅游者则多向往城市旅游地。宋代旅游资源的开发也取得了令人瞩目的成就,政府、私人和寺院宫观是宋代旅游资源开发最重要的主体,而独立开发和合作开发则是宋代旅游资源开发的基本形式。宋代旅馆业表现出了旅馆的地域空间上分布广、多种类型、旅馆规模差距明显、旅馆业投资者成份复杂、经营方式多种多样等特点,并出现了所有权和经营权分离的现象。店铺数量多、分布广、品种丰富多彩、服务热情、促销方式多样等等,则是宋代饮食业的主要特征。宋代的旅游交通工具仍然是船、车、轿、马、驴等几种类型,但旅游地的交通工具租赁业尤其是西湖等地游船的出租业非常发达,表现出了旺盛的活力。另外,“导游”一词在宋代出现,不仅表明导游在宋代已成为一种社会现象,同时也反映了宋代旅游活动的兴盛。旅游对宋朝政府财政的收支产生了影响,一方面,旅游活动给宋朝政府财政带来了一定的收益,但另一方面也给宋朝政府财政带来了沉重的负担。旅游业在一部分居民的

【Abstract】 Tour is the summation of the traveling of non-settlers and phenomenon or relationshipcaused by temporary settlement. In China, tourist activities have a long history, eachexperiencing formation and development. It has gradually become an important part ofsocial life, especially in social economic life. The Song Dynasty is a very important period offeudal economic development in China when commodity economy had achieved a certainhigh level. The Song Dynasty tour come also on to flourish in the base of the developingSocial economy.As one of the important elements in tourist economic activities, tourist has a great impacton tourist economic activities. The component of tourists in the Song Dynasty wascomplicated and of different levels. It covered all classes and ranks of society, of whichscholar-bureaucrats played a major part because they had a strong desire for travel and hadmore money and more free time.Tourist resources are the objects of tourist activities, attracting tourists to visit, relax andexplore. According to character, tourist resource can be divided into two types: natural andhuman. Natural resources mainly consist of mountains, rivers, caves and lakes. Humanresources have a wide range covering temples, cities, gardens, flower shows, historic sites andetc. Both of them were attractive to tourists in the Song Dynasty. However, the touristdestinations varied due to the tourists’ different economic powers, social positions, educationand residence, etc. Scholar-bureaucrats preferred pastoral views and temples while touristsfrom countryside were charmed by views in cities. The exploitation of tourist resources in theSong Dynasty had accomplished a remarkable achievement, with governments, individualsand temples as the major forces. The basic forms of exploitation were individual developmentand collaborative development.There were many characteristics of hotels in the Song Dynasty, such as wide distribution,various types, different scales, diverse investors, and manifold managements. In addition, theseparation between ownership and management arose. Restaurants in Song Dynasty hadshown the following main characteristics: large amount, wide distribution, various types, niceservice, diverse sales. Though transportation in the Song Dynasty had much the same as thatin the Tang Dynasty with boats, carriages, sedan chairs, horses, and donkeys as the vehicles,the Song Dynasty exceeded the Tang Dynasty enormously in transportation. Rented vehiclesin tourist spots, especially boats in West Lake and some other places appeared then, showingexuberant vitality. Furthermore, the word “tour guide” came into being, indicating that tourguide had become an economic and social phenomenon reflecting the prosperity of tourism inthe Song Dynasty.Tourist had a great impact on society and economy in the Song Dynasty. Tourist hadaffected the governmental income and expenditure. On one hand, those tourist activities werebeneficial to government finance. On the other hand, it had also brought burden ongovernment finance. Tourist played an important role in the civic production and lives. It hadbecome a major source of income because of the long chain of labour-intensive industry, byproviding employment for some residents both in countryside and in cities. Tourist alsoinfluenced the rising and falling of temples and palaces, etc.Tourist in the Song Dynasty originated in the era, and characterized by the era. However,it is a pity in the quite prosperous tourist economy of the Song Dynasty that tourist enterprisessuch as travel agency had not appeared at that time.

【关键词】 宋代旅游旅游者旅游资源旅游业
【Key words】 the Song DynastytourtouristTourist resourcestourism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】K244;F592.9
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】2400

