

Study on Sorption of Volatile Organic Contaminants by Natural Soils and Sediments

【作者】 殷淑华

【导师】 钟佐燊; 何江涛; 刘培斌;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 环境工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,土壤/沉积物污染的状况日趋严重。就污染的种类、污染的范围以及对生物有机体的危害,有机污染排在所有污染的首位。本文就土壤/沉积物对挥发性有机污染物的吸附行为特征进行了系统的研究,选用污染最广泛、具有代表性的2种挥发性有机污染物,定性定量地研究不同地区土壤的吸附特性,通过系统分析检测土壤自身物理特性,深入研究了土壤自身特性对有机污染物的吸附规律。主要结论如下:土样颗粒分布与吸附行为没有明显的相关关系;有机碳总量foc和CEC与吸附存在较为明显的相关关系。其中foc和CEC存在较明显的线性相关关系,结果为CEC = 5.4563(foc) + 5.6051,R2 = 0.8921。石英砂和高岭土对目标污染物TCE和苯基本不存在吸附作用,或吸附作用极弱,不易体现。有机碳含量对土样吸附能力影响较大。3种高有机碳含量土样TCE和苯的吸附线均为线性,R2依次为0.9738~0.9910、0.9203~0.9967;3组低有机碳含量土样对TCE和苯的吸附在高浓度时吸附浓度增加缓慢,非线性明显,吸附方程用Langmuir式拟合相关性较好,R2依次为0.8982~0.9426、0.9228~0.9902。有机碳的聚合形式对TCE的吸附影响较小,对苯的吸附影响较大。一级土样和二级土样有机碳标准化后,对于TCE,logKoc均在2.086±0.168~2.274±0.169;对于苯,logKoc(一级土样)2.791±0.113~3.455±0.292,logKoc(二级土样)1.848±0.142~2.026±0.142。对于苯,含有“黑碳粒子”的低聚碳,表现出对苯更强的吸附能力。土壤总有机碳对TCE的吸附量,等于低聚碳和高聚碳吸附量之和。吸附实验体系中,苯吸附率在0.1%~80%,TCE吸附率在30%~70%;苯的液相存留率在0.1%~80%,TCE的液相存留率在30%~60%;苯的挥发率近1/5,TCE挥发率约1/3。

【Abstract】 The soil (sediment) contamination is gradually serious in the last years. Organicchemicals in soils (sediments) are the first for the category and scope of contaminationand its harm to organism. This paper researches the sorption of the volatile Organicchemicals in soils, especially for TCE and Benzene. The sorption characteristic of soilitself is also researched in the numbers. The followings were the main results.The particle contents of soils was not correlative with the sorption, however thetotal organic carbon (foc) was correlative with the CEC, and the relation of foc andCEC was CEC = 5.4563(foc) + 5.6051,R2 = 0.8921.TCE and Benzene were hardly absorbed by the quartz and kaolinite.The sorption capacity of soils on TCE and Benzene was correlative with the organiccarbon of soils. Three surface soils with rich organic carbon ,the isotherms of TCE andBenzene were linear, R2 for TCE and Benzene were 0.9738~0.9910 and 0.9203~0.9967,while three underground water with poor organic carbon, the isotherms were nonlinear,which can be described with Langmuir equation, R2 for TCE and Benzenewere0.8982~0.9426、0.9228~0.9902.The structure of organic carbon was hardly inflected to the sorption on TCE,however it was evidently done to sorption on Benzene. The partition coefficient(normalized to organic carbon ) logKoc of the samples and sub-samples for TCE were all2.086±0.168~2.274±0.169, and for Benzene logKoc(sample soils) was 2.791±0.113~3.455±0.292,logKoc(sub-samples)was 1.848±0.142~2.026±0.142. The incompactblack carbon particle aggregation had more adsorbability to Benzene than to TCE.The total sorption capacities of organic carbon on TCE equal to the sorptioncapacities of incompact carbon aggregation and compact carbon aggregation.In the experiment systems, the sorption percents of Benzene were 0.1%~80% , andthese of TCE were 30%~70%. The percents in solution of Benzene were 0.1%~80%,however these of TCE were 30%~60%. The volatilization percents of Benzene were upto 20%, and these of TCE were also up to 33%.

  • 【分类号】X53
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】966

