

Investigation on Gashydrate in Permafrost Using Remote Sensing Technique

【作者】 周强

【导师】 陈建平;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 通过对国内外天然气水合物,尤其是陆域天然气水合物成藏地质情况、探测技术手段等综合调研与分析,探讨了冻土区利用遥感技术进行与天然气水合物相关信息探测的必要性与物质基础。从天然气水合物成藏模式与储存条件出发,发展了和开发了利用遥感技术在冻土区进行温压信息提取与物源信息探测的技术方法,为冻土区天然气水合物的快速探测提供了技术支撑。最后以青藏铁路沿线为例,在青藏高原油气地质与天然气水合物在时空上具有耦合关系分析的基础之上,采用MODIS和ASTER数据,反演青藏铁路沿线天然气水合物形成的温压条件、物源分布,蚀变共生信息等,并在综合分析的基础之上,探讨了青藏铁路沿线可能的、潜在的天然气水合物矿藏发育概况。主要成果如下:1、通过广泛的调研,系统地分析了天然气水合物,尤其是陆域水合物成藏模式、形成条件等相关地质地理条件与探测技术方法,为陆域天然气水合物的探测与开发研究提供了基本的、可对比的史料型综合调研报告。2、在对天然气水合物成藏模式与储存条件分析的基础之上,结合岩石矿物的光谱特征和ASTER数据的特点,发展了基于ASTER数据波段特征的矿物类识别,基于比值/差值的岩性信息增强方法;开发了基于可见—热红外光谱协同的蚀变共生效应信息分析方法。并利用ASTER数据识别并提取了青藏铁路沿线部分与水合物相关的矿物类分布信息,增强了部分岩类信息,提取并分析了该区可能存在的长石类粘土化信息。从多个角度为综合分析天然气水合物探测提供了大量的物源基础信息与表观蚀变信息。3、利用MODIS数据反演了青藏铁路沿线陆表温度与年平均地温,圈定了永久冻土带,划分了冻土类型,反演了冻土厚度,为试验区水合物探测与勘探中对其生成、聚集成藏以及保存条件的综合分析提供了必要的、重要的温压信息。4、从青藏高原油气资源成生演化、高原隆升、冻土形成以及冰川冰进与冰退等综合分析,初步认为天然气水合物在聚集成藏与保存条件等方面具有时空耦合关系。5、综合国内外调研内容、青藏高原水合物时空耦合关系、野外调查与验证工作以及利用MODIS数据和ASTER数据进行青藏铁路沿线水合物遥感探测的相关内容,从水合物控制因素、物源信息、烃微渗漏以及蚀变共生效应等方面分析了青藏铁路沿线可能的、潜在的天然气水合物矿藏发育概况。

【Abstract】 Through a full investigation on literature about gas hydrate, especiallyterrestrial gas hydrate, including geological background of reservoir formation andapplication of exploration technology, it is discussed the possibility of using remotesensing technique to explore relative information about gas hydrate in permafrostarea, as well as its material basis. Based on the model of reservoir formation andreservoir properties, it is improved and developed the techniques using remotesensing to extract information about temperature and pressure in permafrost area andsurvey source of materials, providing an effective method of fast exploration for gashydrate in permafrost area. Gas hydrate and petroleum geology in the Tibetanplateau have certain spatio-temporal coupling relationship. Taken area along theQinghai-Tibet Railway as an example, MODIS and ASTER data are used to inversethe temperature and pressure of gas hydrate reservoir formation, distribution ofmaterial sources, associated alteration information and so on along the Qinghai-TibetRailway. Finally, through a comprehensive analysis, it is discussed the generalsituation of possible and potential occurrence of gas hydrate along the Qinghai-TibetRailway. Main results are as follows:1. Through wide investigation on literature about gas hydrate, especiallyterrestrial gas hydrate, it is fully analyzed geological, geographical conditions, suchas reservoir formation model and formation conditions, and surveying techniques,providing basic, comparable investigation report with complete documents forexploration and development of gas hydrate in terrestrial permafrost area.2. Based on analysis about reservoir model and reservoir conditions of gashydrate, taken into account spectral characteristics of rock and mineral, as well as thefeatures of ASTER data, it is improved the ratio/differential advancement method forlithologic information, to identify mineral types by the waveband features of ASTERdata;it is developed an information analysis method reflecting associated alterationeffects by spectral cooperation of visible-thermal infrared spectral range. It isidentified and obtained the distribution of some mineral types related to gas hydratealong the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, advanced some rock types, extracted and analyzedpossible existing clayization of feldspar group in the region. These multi-aspectresults provide a lot of basic information about material source and surface alterationfor gas hydrate exploration.3. It is obtained, using MODIS data, terrestrial surface temperature and annualaverage ground temperature along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, circled permafrostzones, classified frozen ground types and inversed frozen ground depth. Thesesresults provide necessary, important pressure and temperature constraints forcomprehensive analysis on forming, accumulating and preserving of gas hydrate intested region.4. Through complete analysis on oil and gas reservoir formation, plateau uplift,frozen ground formation, glacier transgression and regression, it is believed thatthere exists a certain spatio-temporal coupling relationship between gas hydratereservoir accumulation and preserving conditions, etc.5. Combined with literature investigation, spatio-temporal coupling relationshipof gas hydrate in the Tibetan plateau, field survey and examining work, results ofremote sensing exploration using MODIS and ASTER data along the Qinghai-TibetRailway, it is analyzed the general situation of possible, potential occurrence of gashydrate along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, including gas hydrate controlling factors,sources of material, hydrocarbon weak seepage and associated alteration effects, etc.


