

Coupling Theory Analysis and Experimental Research on a Magnetic Suspended Spindle System

【作者】 王晓光

【导师】 江征风;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 磁悬浮转子系统的力耦合、力矩耦合、磁耦合等耦合现象是磁悬浮转子系统的特性。在以往的研究中,大多没有对磁悬浮转子系统的耦合问题进行全面的研究,且没有进行实验验证。在实际磁悬浮转子的应用系统中大多数也是忽略耦合影响因素。当磁悬浮转子系统的结构尺寸较大时,上述方法可以得到令人满意的应用结果。但是随着磁悬浮转子系统的结构尺寸的减小,耦合的影响渐渐突显出来。在例如磁悬浮硬盘驱动器、微型磁悬浮陀螺等微小磁悬浮转子应用领域,再忽略耦合的影响是不合适的。故对磁悬浮转子系统的耦合问题进行全面的研究,且以实验方式标定耦合特性参数具有理论与实际双重意义。 本文对磁悬浮转子系统的多种耦合现象进行了研究,如径向磁力轴承内磁极之间的磁耦合;径向磁力轴承横截面内两个相互垂直方向的力耦合;转子前后径向磁力轴承之间的力矩耦合;径向磁力轴承与轴向磁力轴承的力矩耦合;磁悬浮转子系统的转矩耦合;位移传感器偏置导致的信号耦合及传感器的温漂对偏置耦合的影响等。导出了耦合力、耦合力矩、耦合转矩的计算公式。研究了上述耦合与系统结构参数之间的关系,提出了磁悬浮转子系统耦合影响强度的评价系数——耦合系数。在上述研究的基础上,建立了考虑耦合因素的磁悬浮转子系统的动力学模型。 提出了径向磁力轴承的磁力的不可叠加性原理,即径向磁力轴承平面内,任意方向上的悬浮力不能由坐标方位的悬浮力叠加得到。为实验验证磁悬浮转子系统的耦合奠定了理论基础。并且根据此原理设计了磁悬浮转子系统耦合特性测试实验装置。为研究磁悬浮转子系统的耦合特性提供了实验手段。在实验装置上进行了磁悬浮转子系统的耦合特性实验,实验结果与理论研究较好地吻合。实验测试数据完全可以用于理论研究的定性、定量验证。实验测试数据可以为磁悬浮转子系统的结构设计、耦合特性参数标定、系统建模和控制系统的设计提供实验依据。 本文还研究了微小磁悬浮转子的耦合特性。研究了当轴向尺寸缩小时,磁悬浮转子支承原理的变化,提出了轴状磁悬浮转子与盘状磁悬浮转子的判定条件,导出了获取盘状磁悬浮转子的状态信息的计算公式。

【Abstract】 The force coupling, moment coupling and magnetic coupling etc are natural characteristics in a magnetic suspended rotor system. In the former study on a magnetic suspended rotor system, few studied on diversified couplings at the same time, neither performed an experimental test and verify. In the most practical applications of a magnetic suspended rotor the affect of coupling is neglected. The neglecting is satisfied while the geometrical dimensions of a magnetic suspended rotor are relatively large. But as the decreasing of the geometrical dimensions of a magnetic suspended rotor the affect of coupling is getting prominent. In the application of tiny magnetic suspended rotor, such as magnetic suspended hard disk drive, tiny magnetic suspended gyroscope etc, the neglecting of the affect of coupling is no longer appropriate. From the view of this studying on diversified couplings in a magnetic suspended rotor system and performing an experimental text and verify have double significance in both theoretically and practically.The paper studied on diversified couplings in a magnetic suspended rotor system. Such as the magnetic coupling between the poles of a radial magnetic bearing, the force coupling between horizontal coordinate x and vertical coordinate y within a radial magnetic bearing, the moment coupling between the front and the rear radial magnetic bearings, the signal coupling caused by offset arrangement of the displacement sensors, and the influence on the signal coupling caused by thermo-drift of the sensor. The formulas for coupling calculation are derived. At the same time the relationship between the coupling and the structure parameters of a magnetic suspended rotor is also studied. In order to evaluate the influence of the couplings the coupling coefficients are brought in. A dynamics formula for magnetic suspended rotor taking coupling influence in consideration is established on the bases of research mentioned above.The principle of no-superposition characteristics for the magnetic force within a radial magnetic bearing is brought forward. I.e. a magnetic force is not equal to the superposition of the force in horizontal coordinate x and the force in vertical coordinate y within a radial magnetic bearing. The principle of no-superposition characteristics makes the ornerstone for verifying characteristics of coupling in a magnetic suspended rotor system. From the principle an experimental device is designed to test and verify the characteristics of coupling for a magnetic suspended rotor system. The experiment result matched the theory well. The experimental data provide foundation for structure design, coupling characteristic demarcate, system modeling and controlling.The paper studied coupling characteristics of a tiny magnetic suspended rotor. The supporting principle for a disk-like magnetic suspended rotor is also studied and it’s criterion and the way of state information acquiring is brought forward at same time.

  • 【分类号】TH133.3
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】898

