

Framework of Paleogene Sequence Stratigraphy and Prediction of Litho-traps Distribution, Hainan-Xianhe Area, Liaohe Basin

【作者】 范军侠

【导师】 魏魁生; 田世澄;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 针对海南-仙鹤地区构造圈闭勘探程度较高、岩性油气藏勘探有待深入的问题,本次研究综合利用地质、地震、测井、钻井、试油试采等资料,将石油地质学理论与高分辨率层序地层学、地球物理技术紧密结合,对研究区内层序及岩性圈闭进行了系统研究。将海南-仙鹤地区古近系沙河街组与东营组划分为六个三级层序,并建立了研究区古近系层序地层格架。通过地震资料极性判别及层序界面精细构造解释,建立了研究区古近系等时构造格架,重新落实了研究区构造;指出沙三期近南北向展布的调节断层为南侧物源区携砂水流向凹陷内的汇入提供了物源通道;提出断裂的走滑活动对局部构造具在重要控制作用,造成研究区断坡带隆-洼相间的古构造格架;走滑断裂带的释拉张部位为古地貌低势区,其对应的沟谷地貌是众流汇聚的集中部位,携砂水流主要沿此向湖盆内汇入。这一认识对有利储集体分布的预测具有重要指导作用。地层是一切地质研究工作的基础。高分辨率层序地层学等时对比发现,沙三期以及东三期,研究区古地貌整体上呈南高北低、西高东低的态势,这一古地貌背景对沉积物体积分配与相分异起着重要的控制作用;在层序地层学沉积物体积分配与相分异原理指导下,通过岩心、测井及地震资料的成因地层分析认为:从沙三期到东三期,本区发育物源来自海南—月东潜山带之上的扇三角洲沉积体系,携砂水流主要沿古地貌低势区向断陷内推进,沿断坡带之上发育水下分支流河道砂体,断坡带之下发育河口坝砂体,细粒的粉砂质泥和泥质粉砂等水下分流河道间沉积物主要沿古水流破坏作用较小的古地貌高势区沉积,有利的储集砂体为水下分支流河道和河口坝砂体。在等时层序地层格架及等时构造格架内,利用地震属性分析、相干处理、地震相、三维可视化、三维地震反演等技术成功地对水下分流河道砂体进行了预测。指出了研究区岩性圈闭有利目标区,为岩性油气藏的勘探指明了方向。

【Abstract】 Aiming at the questions that the structural traps have been difficult to find andthe research on the litho-traps was asked to be furthered in Hainan-Xianhe area,According to the theory of petroleum geology, high resolution sequence stratigraphyand the technology of geophysics, combined with the core data, the seismic data, thelogging data and the test data, the sequence stratigraphy and the litho-trap have beenstudied in this paper. Six third-order sequences has been recognized in the paleogeneformation of Shahejie and Dongying. The framework of paleogene sequencestratigraphy has been established in this paper. The structure has been re-interpretedwith 3D data. It was the S-N transfer fault that provided the channel for thepaleo-current entered into the faulting lake during Shahejie three period. The structurehigh and the structure low were controlled by the strike-slip fault, the structure lowwas developed in the releasing bend of the strike-slip fault, the distribution ofchannels was controlled by the structure low and therefore the channels entered thelake were along the releasing bend. This rules are very important for the favorablereservoirs prediction.Strata division and srata correlation are the basics of geological study. Throughthe high resolution sequence statigraphy study, the geomorphology was higher in thesouthern area than that in the northern area during the period of Shahejie three andDongying formation . The sedimentation volume partition and the facies differentiationwere controlled by geomorphology. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy, fandelta sedimentary system of Shahejie and Dongying formation which was fromHainan-Yuedong buried hill has been recognized through core data, logging data andseismic data analysis. The paleo-currents and the sub-channel branches developed alongthe paleo-geomorphology low of the faulting slope break, and the mouth bar wasdeveloped below the faulting slope break. However, the paleo-geomorpholgy high wasoccupied by the sandy mud and the mud. Therefore, the favorable reservoirs aresub-channel branches sand bodies and mouth bar sand bodies.The sub-channel branch sand bodies have been successfully predicted throughthe techniques of seismic attributes analysis, seismic coherence process, seismicfacies analysis, 3D visualization and 3D seismic inversion in the framework ofsequence stratigraphy. The promising exploration target and the distribution oflitho-traps have been pointed out and clear.

【关键词】 层序地层地震相极性岩性圈闭
【Key words】 sequence stratigraphyseismic faciespolaritylitho-trap

