

The Researches of Depositional System and Formation Factors of Reservoir in the Middle Depression of Wuliyastai Depression, Erlian Basin

【作者】 刘晓

【导师】 王德发;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 实践表明,对二连盆地而言,新凹陷的突破所增长的储量远远大于已出油凹陷扩边挖潜所发现的新增储量。乌里亚斯太南洼槽岩性圈闭已经取得突破,乌里亚斯太中洼与南洼相比具有相似的地质结构,应该是进一步扩大勘探成果的重要领域。根据乌里亚斯太凹陷中洼槽钻井资料较少、地震资料上各种反射特征丰富的特点,应用层序地层学建立了等时地层格架;在等时地层格架内对烃源岩、储集层、非构造圈闭等成藏条件进行了分析,建立了成藏模式;在充分分析已钻井成功和失败经验的基础上对有利区带和有利钻探目标进行了预测。总体上洼槽断层欠发育,为一西断东超的萁状结构,平面上自西向东可进一步划分为陡坡带、中央洼槽带和斜坡带。其中陡坡带范围较小,中央洼槽带和斜坡带范围较大。由于本区断层不发育,导致构造圈闭相对较少。但由于具有比较宽缓的大斜坡,是岩性圈闭发育的有利地区。从侏罗系到腾一段,本区共识别出12个层序界面和11个洪泛面,由此将中生界划分为11个中期基准面旋回(相当于三级旋回),即11个三级层序。储集岩的成因类型主要有扇三角洲、水下扇和浊积扇等。其中阿尔善组及腾一下段发育4个中期旋回,共发育了33个岩性体。在岩心观察、层序地层学分析和沉积体系分析的基础上建立典型单断萁状“凹陷”结构陡、缓两侧物源、以缓坡物源为主的沉积模式。对中洼槽的烃源岩、储集岩和岩性圈闭等成藏条件进行了全面的描述和评价,确定阿尔善组和腾一段是本区的有效烃源岩和储集岩发育层段。其中洼槽总生油量为15×10~8t,总聚集量为1-1.4×10~8t。分析认为中洼槽断裂不发育,储层厚度薄、分布范围小,油气运移距离短;储集岩的储集性能为中-低孔、低渗型;以原地生储盖组合为特征;油藏类型应为近源原生油气藏。确定阿尔善组和腾一段是本区最主要的勘探目的层系。在综合各项成藏条件的基础上,建立了成藏模式。中洼槽东部为一大型斜坡,断层不发育,为岩性体的形成提供了良好的条件。斜坡下倾部位发育了大量的扇体,它们位于成熟生油岩和处于生油高峰的生油岩之中,具有良好的油源条件,在一定的构造背景之上的岩性油气藏是洼槽油气勘探的主要领域。

【Abstract】 The resource increased in a depression of ErLian basin is greater than those discoveredoil&gas depression in fact. The southern depression of Wuliyastai depression, which has the samegeology buildup as center depression, gets a big discovery in the lithologic trap, it is the mostimportant field to enlarging the exploration outcome. Based on the limited drilling data and thecomplex reflections on seismic profile, the equitime frames were set up by using the theory ofsequence stratigraphy;in these frames, the condition of reservoir such as the initial rock of gasand oil, reservoir and non-structure trap were analyzed. Then the pattern of reservoir was made.Predication for voluble area and voluble drilling target was made based on the analysis of thedrilled wells, success or failure.Generally, on the upper part of the center depression, faults are not rich. It’s a structurelooks like a winnowing fan, breaking in west and overlapping in east, it can be divided into acticregion, middle low-laying land and ramp region, the last two are bigger than first. The shortage offaults caused the lack of big structure trap. Lithologic traps were well developed because of thebig broad slop.There are 12th sequences and 11 pluvial planes from Jurassic system to Tengyi zone.Mesozoic was divided into 11 middle period basal level cycles, or 11 third sequences. Thereservoir rock has three types: deltaic fan, subsea apron and turbidite fan. 4 middle period cyclesdevelop in Aershan and Tenyixia with 33 lithologic trap in it. A new deposit pattern described as atypical half graben was set up after core research, sequence stratigraphy and deposit systemanalyze. The provenances of the depression come from gentle slope more than steep slope.Descriptions and evaluations were made to the formation condition of reservoir such assource rock, reservoir rock and lithologic traps in middle low-laying land. Aershan and Tenyiwere confirmed have the valid source rock and reservoir rock. The generation of the low-layingland is 5×10~8t, the accumulation is 1-1.4×10~8t. The features of the middle low-laying land areshort of faults, thin reservoir bed, limited distribution range and closed oil translate distance. Thecharacters of the reservoir rock are middle –low porosity and low permeability, and it is theoriginal place production. Aershan and Tenyi are the most important target layer of exploration inthis area. The pattern of reservoir formation is set up on the generalization of all the factorsaffecting the formation. There is a huge slope at the east of middle law-laying land and less offaults, it is good for develop lithologic trap. Many fans scatters at the far end of the slope, theylocated in mature and high produced generating rock, and got plenty resource;Lithologic traps,above of tectonic setting, will become the main area of exploration in low-laying land.


