

Principles of Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploration Targets Evaluation in the North Slope of Biyang Depression

【作者】 钟俊义

【导师】 郑浚茂;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 利用盆地沉降史、石油构造分析等技术和理论,从泌阳凹陷构造、沉积演化及其时空配置关系研究入手,分析北部斜坡断鼻构造形成机制、断裂作用活动期次、断裂系统展布特征,沉积演化特征及沉积、构造时空配置关系。充分利用油气成藏理论,分析北部斜坡油藏特征及稠油的成因,油气成藏作用过程的各要素时空配置关系及成藏控制因素,探讨油气运移、聚集机理、优势路径和动态演化规律,总结油气成藏模式,预测各类油藏地质特征、分布富集规律。系统总结了北部斜坡带油气成藏规律,建立了复杂断鼻带油气运聚模式:继承性发育的构造—沉积斜坡是油气运移的指向区;鼻状构造汇聚油气,断层调控油气成藏;断层与鼻状构造切割关系控制油气运聚模式:①顺切—“翼—片”型②横切—“轴—线”型。分析解剖了北部斜坡带鼻状构造形成机制:断陷湖盆边界断裂的关联—走滑形成的张扭应力场导致北部斜坡带一系列鼻状构造的发育,且关联角的大小控制鼻状构造及砂体的展布形态:钝角—宽缓,锐角—狭窄;后期的沉积差异压实加大了鼻状构造的规模,来自有效烃源岩区的油气向鼻状构造运移聚集,不同规模的鼻状构造是不同规模的油气聚集带。提出了伸展期边界断裂的不均衡活动导致的沉积(沉降)中心的迁移和相应北部斜坡古隆起的迁移,进一步控制了北部斜坡东、西部砂体的不均衡发育及与烃源岩的接触关系,从而控制北部斜坡东西主力油层分布层位的差异。围绕北部斜坡成藏规律研究和复杂断块油藏和岩性、地层油藏的综合研究,进一步完善了北部斜坡鼻状构造形成机制,建立了复杂断鼻带油气运聚模式;分区带对勘探目标进行了评价,为北部斜坡下步勘探指明了方向。

【Abstract】 From the tectonic movement, deposition evolvement and their space-time allocationrelationship in Biyang Depression, the basin settlement history, petroleum structure analysisand other technologies and theories were adopted to analyze the formative mechanism of nosestructure, movement period of rifting, characteristics of faults distribution, depositionevolvement feature and the space-time allocation relation between deposition and tectonics inthe North Slope of Biyang Depression.The theories on reservoir formation were utilized to analyze the characteristics of reservoir, thegenesis of thick oil, the match relations of all factors for the reservoir formation process and thecontrolling elements in the North Slope. Through the discussion on hydrocarbon migration,accumulation mechanism, dominant pathway and dynamic evolvement rule, the reservoirformation model was generalized and sorts of geologic feature and hydrocarbon enrichmentrules were forecast.The hydrocarbon migration and accumulation rules in the complicated faulted-nose structurewere established, namely, the inherited tectonic-depositional slope is the pointing area;the nosestructure accumulates hydrocarbon and the faults adjust and control the reservoir formation.The cutting between the fault and the nose structure defines the model of hydrocarbonmigration and accumulation.The mechanics of nose structure in the North Slope was discussed. The tension-shear stressfield of the boundary faults in the fault subsidence results in the occurrence of a series of nosestructures in the North Slope and the magnitude of the association angle defines the distributionshape of the nose structure and sandstone body: if it is and obtuse angle, the shape is wide andgentle;if a sharp angle, the shape is narrow. The late differential compaction aggravates thescale of the nose structure. The hydrocarbon from the effective source rocks accumulatestowards the nose structure, so the nose structure of different size corresponds with thehydrocarbon accumulation area of different scale.It is presented that the transposition of the deposition (settlement) center resulting from theunbalanced movement of the boundary faults and the corresponding movement of thepalaeohigh in the North Slope further control the unbalanced occurrence of the sandstonebodies in the east and west slope and the contact relation with source rocks, thus controlling thedistribution difference of the pay beds in the North Slope.Focused on the study on reservoir formation rule and the characteristics of the fault block oilreservoir, and the lithological and stratigraphic oil pool, the formative mechanism of the nosestructure in the North Slope was further complete and the migration and accumulation model ofcomplex faulted-nose structure was established. The exploration targets in different area wereevaluated, which give a direction for the next petroleum exploration and drilling.


