

Effectiveness of Urban Design for Enhancing Public Value of Built Environment

【作者】 金勇

【导师】 朱锡金;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 1990年代以来的中国社会经济转型和快速城市化进程推动了城市空间形态的急遽演变。在此背景下,国内城市设计实践近十几年的繁荣在获得大量命题机会同时,城市设计运作机制与可操作性成为当前理论研究的主流,而对城市设计实践的实效究竟如何理论界却未予以深究。本文的研究主题是“当代中国城市设计实践的实效作用”。 对于“城市设计实践的实效性”发问,包涵三个基本问题:其一,“城市设计实践的实效作用应当为何?”或者说,“理想的城市设计实践应当怎样?”这是一个“应然”的价值判断命题。论文从社会哲学视角探讨城市设计作为特定社会实践的价值理论,并对城市设计实践的对象系统——“建设环境公共价值领域”予以探讨,从而将“应然的城市设计”诠释为“促进建设环境公共价值领域健康发展”的社会实践。论文进一步系统讨论了城市设计实践的伦理向度,以此来厘清应然的城市设计实践存在发展之正当、有益或公正,也为实践者的角色认知与行为模式提供一个伦理规范的参照。经由规范层面的研究,论文初步形成对“理想的城市设计实践应当怎样”的理论认识,为当代中国城市设计实践的实效评判预设了规范性价值准则。 其二,“真实运作的城市设计实践究竟发挥了何种实际作用?”这一命题既需要来自本土经验研究的事实认知,又需以规范价值准则对其进行价值评判(即实效评价);其三,“城市设计实践的实际作用是如何在外部社会环境制约与各方社会行动者影响下产生的?”这是对城市设计实效的成因解释。这两个问题也实际构成对城市设计实践“实然如何”的研究。论文研拟一个城市设计实效分析与解释的理论框架,在此理论框架基础上,论文以“上海卢湾区太平桥地区城市再开发”和“深圳中心区CBD两街坊开发”为例,展开城市设计实效的经验研究。我们不仅关注案例中的建设环境公共价值领域质量是否提高,而且尤为关注城市设计者在城市设计实践社会过程中的角色认知与行为模式,以及最终实效产生的内外成因机制,由此获得对当代中国(市场经济发达城市)城市设计实践现状认识之经验基础。 透过个案的经验比较研究,论文初步厘清本土城市设计实践在当前社会系统环境中运作的真实逻辑。在此种实践逻辑下,城市设计在建设环境形塑中不可避免的扮演了“工具化”重要角色同时,实践主体基于职业合法权威和主体能动性,在“外部环境”条件允许情况下会尽可能维护城市设计的专业核心价值。当代中国社会系统的结构性因素,特别是政经制度的变迁决定了城市设计实践主要目标和发展轨迹;而城市开发中的关键行动者——地方政府与经济组织主导了建设环境的形塑过程,实质影响了城市设计实践过程与结果。这些因素共同致使“实然”的城市设计与“维护与增进建设环境公共价值”规范性目标之间存在差距。对这一城市设计实践的实效困境,论文从“价值”、“实践环境”与“实践主体”三个面向进行批判的“总体性反思”,在反思基础上尝试寻求城市设计实践在“理念范式”或“思维模式”上的转向可能。这是实践者共同体的自我意识调整与社会角色的适应性重构,是行动方向的再定位,更是实践主体对实践环境与自身“生存状态”的某种理性平衡,从而为缓解本土城市设计当前面临的实效困境提供一个可能的路向。

【Abstract】 Since 1990, China’s social economy reform and fast urbanization have impelled the rapid vicissitude of the urban space form. Under this background, with the prosperity of domestic urban design praxis in recent ten years and massive proposition opportunities arising, the operating mechanism and the feasibility of the urban design have become the mainstream of the current theory research. However, detailed research as to what effect urban design praxis would have is still outstanding. The subject of this paper is "effectiveness of urban design praxis in contemporary China".The issue of "effectiveness of urban design praxis" consists of three basic questions: the first is: "what the effectiveness of urban design praxis should be?" i.e. "how the ideal urban design praxis should go?". This is a value judgment proposition of "what to be supposed". The paper discusses the axiology of urban design as specific social praxis in the perspective of social philosophy, and the object system of urban design praxis—public value realm of the built environment, interpreting "what urban design to be supposed" as social praxis of "promoting the public value realm of built environment healthy development ". The paper further discusses the ethics dimension of urban design praxis systematically to figure out the right, benefit or the fairness of "what urban design praxis to be supposed", and also provide an ethical normative reference for practitioners in their role cognition and the behavior model. Therefore, this paper initially outlines the theoretical understanding of "what to be supposed" based on the normative research, and also presupposes a normative value criterion for the evaluating the effectiveness of urban design praxis in contemporary China. Secondly, as to "what kind of real role the urban design praxis has actually played?", this proposition needs both the factual judgment coming from the experience studies, and also requires appraisal by the normative value criterion (i.e. effectiveness appraisal). Thirdly, as to "how the actual effect of urban design praxis generates with the restriction of external social environment and influences of different social agencies?", this is the explanation as to the origination of urban design effectiveness. These two questions in fact also compromise the question on "what urban design praxis actually is ". This paper thus constitutes a theoretical framework on effectiveness analysis and explanation of urban design. Based on this framework, the paper conducts experimental research on the effectiveness of urban design by citing "the redevelopment in Taipingqiao Area of Luwan District in Shanghai " and" the development of two blocks in Shenzhen CBD" as references. Not only did we pay attention to whether the quality of public value realm of the built environment is enhanced, but especially attached importance to the role cognition and the behavior model of urban designers in the social process of urban design praxis, as well as the inner and outer original mechanism which finally produced the effectiveness, thus a basic comprehension on the urban design praxis in contemporary China (in developed cities with market economy) could be obtained.By case comparing study ,this paper preliminarily points out the real logic in which urban design praxis operates in the current social system environment. Based on this real logic, while urban design inevitably acts as the important "tool" during the shaping of built environment, the practitioners still maintain the core professional value to the best with their occupationlegitimation and their subjectivity only if the external social environment permits. The transformation of structural factors within contemporary China’s social system, in particular, the political and economic institution, play a decisive role on the main target and evolution of urban design praxis;And the key actors during urban developments—local governments and economic organizations who dominant the shaping of built environment, have substantial impact on urban design praxis process and results thereof. Both factors jointly result in the disparity between "actual" urban design and the "maintenance and promotion of the public value of built environment". As to this effectiveness predicament on urban design in contemporary China, this paper undertakes a critical overall reflection from three dimensions, i.e. the "value system", the "practice environment" and the "practitioner". Basing on the reflection, the paper attempts to explore possible changes within "thoughts pattern" and "idea paradigm" in urban design praxis. For the community of practitioners this is self-awareness adjustment and social role’s reconstruction, which is not only the reorientation of action, but also somehow the rational balance adopted by the practitioners between the practice environment and their survival conditions, and also provides a possible approach for alleviating the effectiveness predicament the local urban design currently encountered.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期

