

【作者】 张国祯

【导师】 王伯伟;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2006, 博士


【摘要】 国际上有关生态绿建筑之研究及实践已推展多年,但完全针对学校所作之研究,仍只有零星的项目,既使台湾绿建筑九大指标,仅有「日常节能指标」有针对学校类型提出其量化基准。在众多的生态环境绿建筑评估工具,对学校校园异于一般性建筑环境的差异性,其评估方法或准则未具体展现其独特性,致校园有利于生态绿建筑的规划条件无法充分发挥。校园建筑群除提供教育的功能外,对社区的潜移默化「境教」功能是不容忽视的,「生态意识」如何转植为「社区意识」并形成学校与社区间互动,是规划设计过程中首要之课题。因此本研究选定台湾高中小学校类型为研究标的,经文献参考,整理出学校类型建筑规划设计阶段时,对于区域生态环境影响的关键因素。研究工具主要由专家德怀术收敛其层面及准则,再将其发展为分析层级程序(Analytic Hierarchy Process:AHP)的问卷,提出一适用于高中小学校类型之评估体系及权重建构方法,最后针对分析结果,在结论中提出实务上的建议。以下为本文的重要结果: 一、评估层面及权重 『校同规划设计的生态评价指标内容』分为五大层面,分别为:『区域环境冲击之平衡』(整体权重14%)、『区域环境之水平衡』(整体权重28%)、『区域环境之绿平衡』(整体权重24%)、『区域环境之舒适性与节能』(整体权重21%)、『区域环境之废弃物及垃圾的平衡』(整体权重13%)。 二、评估准则及权重 依五大层面再区分为十九项评估准则,专家评价最高的五项评估准则其权值分布大于6%者,依次为『绿化量』(整体权重10.32%)、『防洪』(整体权重9.8%)、『自然通风、空气品质』(整体权重8.61%)、『多样性多孔隙』(整体权重8.4%)、『垃圾分类回收』(整体权重6.63%)。 三、建立评估准则之间的关连性 各层面与评估准则以两两相比的配对比较量表,由专家的认定求出『层面』与各『评估准则』的平均权重值,同时找出了『层面』与各『评估准则』之间的重要性关系。最后以此权重建构出校园之评估体系与评估表,一方面提供建筑设计者作为生态设计权衡之参考,另一方面可作为未来性能式法规制定之参考及使用后评估(P.O.E)之数据分析使用。

【Abstract】 Although the research and implement of ecology architecture around the world has been in practice for many years, focus on Eco-Schools are few and far between. Among EEWH system(ecology, energy saving, waste reduction, healthy), only the ’energy saving’ provides quality assessment type that concerned.As a result, even though there are many assessments designed to verify ecology architectures, few of them are able to gauge the differences between schools and ordinary building types so that the assessments are failed to demonstrate the unique of school building type, identity and advantages of environmental by planning.It is important that not only does school provide educational function, it also influences the local communities’ consciousness in ecologically issues. Seeding environmental conscious in school, promoting interaction between schools and communities and ultimately transforming the community’s attitude toward environmental issues are a vital consideration in architecture planning.This research targets primary and junior high schools or lower educational institutes, with the support of former study, and coordinates the key factors on environmental consciousness during the planning phases. The research methods are primarily based on experts’ Delphi Technique to converge assessment levels, principles, convert into Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP ) and finally establish an assessment system and weight priorities that are suitable for primary and junior high schools . The important results of this research were shown as follows :assessment levels and weight prioritiesThere are five levels of assessment when it comes to ’the assessment of school planning & design’ and they are:Impacts balance of regional environment (14%)Water balance of regional environment (28%)Green balance of regional environment (24%)Comfortablity & energy saving of regional environment (21 %)Waste & garbage management balance of regional environment (13%)principles and weight prioritiesFurther define the five levels of assessment are nineteen principles that the valuation by experts which weights higher 6% are: Green level( 10.32%), Flood prevention(9.8%), Air quality(8.61%), Vegetation Diversity (8.4%), Recycling(6.63%).Correlations between assessment levels and principlesAfter comparison and contraction in pairs, experts are able to establish the balanced priorities and find the correlations between the assessment levels and principles. The final results will on one hand serve as a planning reference for architects and land developers alike;on the other hand, it’ll be a guideline for future performance regulations legislated as well as the reference data of post occupancy evaluation (P.O.E.) .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU984.14
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1748

