

The Regional Expansion of Modern Architecture Movement

【作者】 王育林

【导师】 邹德侬;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 论文广泛研究了现代建筑发源地之外各个地区的地域性建筑的特点;分析了如何看待及如何处理全球化中欠发达地区地域性建筑的理论和实践;总结出全球化条件下的世界建筑表现为国际性建筑和地域性建筑相应生辉。第一章简述了现代建筑在发展中国家的拓展和地域性建筑的崛起的背景。第二章:大洋洲海洋主题建筑。指出大洋洲广阔海域的地域背景是建筑师创作的源泉,提出大洋洲海洋主题的创造是通过尊重土著文化传统、建筑与景观结合以及地方技术与高技结合来实现轻盈且富有动感的现代地域性建筑,并总结出与海洋主题相适应的大型建筑的结构创新。第三章:南亚次大陆的阳光主题和低技术主题建筑。结合气候的设计思路是南亚建筑师设计的出发点,它同样对现代建筑大师产生了很大影响。针对欠发达的经济发展水平,南亚很多务实的建筑师采用低技术低造价的措施,用简单直接的方法解决了复杂的建筑工序和耗资,并创造出建筑的个性。第四章:西亚的沙漠主题和新技术主题建筑。通过西方建筑师如何看待西亚建筑文化与西亚本土建筑师的探索,以及建筑师如何将适宜技术与新技术应用于建筑设计,分析了独特的干热气候对于沙漠建筑的深刻影响。第五章:阿拉伯世界的伊斯兰宗教主题建筑。伊斯兰教相对于其他宗教是对建筑型制要求最严格,也是对现代建筑地域特色影响最大的宗教,因此单独列出一章对其进行分析。简述了伊斯兰建筑传统与装饰,以及伊斯兰文化的复兴,提出技术是推动现代伊斯兰建筑发展的动力。第六章:非洲建筑的“神秘”魅力。全面分析了非洲建筑文化的三重脉络:非洲本土文化、伊斯兰建筑的影响和西方文化的影响。提出非洲现代建筑的几个基本特点:建筑的动力感与模塑形式、反映场所文化与地方特色、节能的“呼吸式墙壁”以及法塞的现代建筑人性化设计。非洲的神秘魅力使几乎所有的外援设计都不约而同地采纳了适应本土的措施。第七章:拉丁美洲的民族性主题建筑。在剖析了目前影响最广泛的由拉美艺术家提出的“批判地域主义观点”的基础上,指出拉美地区的民族性是其现代建筑的根本特点,并提出了混凝土巴洛克、民族色彩构成及机械化意象这三个拉美地域性建筑的突出特色。第八章:现代建筑东亚模式的变革与崛起。经济现代化典范的东亚国家现代建筑文化同样受人瞩目,它们的现代建筑走的是不尽相同的建筑之路。经济大国的日本的现代建筑探索更是异彩纷呈。这些略显纷乱的局面显示了多元格局中的地域性。

【Abstract】 Based on the study of the peculiarities of regionalism architecture besides thecradle land of Modern architecture, this paper analyses how to look on and disposethe theories and practices of the regionalism architecture in developing areas. Itconcludes that under the circumstance of globalization, internationalism architectureand regionalism architecture interact with each other.CHAPTER ONE: It briefly introduces the context of the expansion of Modernarchitecture and the growth of regionalism architecture.CHAPTER TWO: The ocean theme architecture of Oceania. It indicates that thebroad maritime space is the headspring of architectural creation. It points out that theocean theme is realized by several ways such as deferring to aboriginal tradition,combining architecture and landscape and integrating local tech and high tech tocreate lightsome and dynamic regional architecture. What’s more, it sums up thestructural creation of wide span architecture corresponding to ocean theme.CHAPTER THREE: Sunlight theme and low tech theme architecture of India.Designing with consideration on climate is the start point of Southern Asianarchitects, which also influences the masters of Modern architecture. Taking the atdeficient economic development into account, many conscientious architects inSouthern Asia adopt measures of low tech and low cost to solve complicate workingprocedure and high cost with simple and direct ways, and create architecturalidentities.CHAPTER FOUR: Xeric theme and neo tech theme architecture of WesternAsia. By examining how western architects treated architectural culture of WesternAsia, the explorations of indigenous Western Asian architects and how architectsadopted feasible tech and neo tech to design, it analyses the deep impact of peculiarxerothermic climate to desert architecture.CHAPTER FIVE: Islamic religious theme architecture of Arab states. Islam isthe strictest to architecture prescript comparing with other religions. It is also thereligion which has the greatest influence on the regionalism characters of modernarchitectures. Thus the dissertation lists one chapter to analyze it. The paper brieflyintroduces the tradition and decoration of Islamic architecture, the revival of Islamicculture. Then it indicates that tech is the motivity to push modern Islamic architectureto develop.CHAPTER SIX: Mysterious charm of African architecture. It analyses the threemajor roots of African architectural culture: indigenous African culture, Islamicculture and western culture. It also indicates several essential traits: dynamic andmodel figure of architecture, reflecting site culture and local color, economicrespirable mode wall and Fathy’s humanity design of modern architecture. TheAfrican mysterious charm happens to coincide to adopt with compliant localmeasurements.CHAPTER SEVEN: The nationalism theme architecture of Latin America.Based on the analysis of Critical Regionalism, which was put forward by LatinAmerican artists, it points out that nationalism is the ultimate specialty of modernarchitecture. It brings forward three features of Latin regional architecture, which areconcrete Baroque, ethical color composition and mechanization image.CHAPTER EIGHT: East Asian Model of modern architecture and itstransformation and expansion. Modern architectural cultures of these eastern Asiancountries which are paradigms of economic modernization are compelling likewise,though they are not in the same architectural path. Modern architecture of wealthyJapan, an economic giant, is more colorful. These deray circumstance show thevariations of regionalism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 07期

