

Discussing Lithostratigraphic Reservoir Controlled by Slope Break and Shore Line in Depression

【作者】 卫平生

【导师】 李安春; 吴时国;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋地质学, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 我国已成为国际上第二大石油进口国,油气供需矛盾日益突出,牵涉到国家的能源安全。目前,我国油气勘探正从构造转向岩性地层油气藏,在松辽、鄂尔多斯、渤海湾等盆地岩性地层油气藏勘探已获得很大的突破,并成为这些盆地勘探的主要领域。随着岩性地层油气藏勘探的深入,形成了许多新的理论和技术,如“源控论”、“坡折带控油论”、“三角洲前缘相带控油论”和“满凹含油论”等理论,及储层预测、烃类检测等技术。但到目前为止,国内外对岩性地层油气藏的宏观分布规律的认识还没有完全掌握,在研究、勘探思路和技术方法上也仁者见仁,智者见智。这主要是岩性地层油气藏勘探面临两大瓶颈难题:①岩性和地层油气藏的分布和成藏规律认识不深,缺乏理论指导。②缺乏系统化的方法来识别岩性地层圈闭并判断其有效性。本文以松辽盆地南部西部斜坡区青三口和姚家组(中部含油组合)为例就这两个问题进行了探讨。松辽盆地西部地区整体是一东倾斜坡,大中型构造圈闭虽已钻探,但成效甚微。青三口和姚家组沉积时期的扇三角洲和滨浅湖大面积相间分布于坡折带,剩余的巨大油气资源量赋存于此,是岩性油气藏勘探的重要领域。本文以现代沉积学、石油地质学理论为指导,应用了层序地层、含油气系统的分析方法,系统研究了松辽盆地油气成藏的区域地质及动力学背景,详细剖析了研究区的层序地层特征和沉积演化,重点论述了岩性地层油气藏成藏规律和控油模式,指出了有利的岩性地层油气藏勘探区带和目标,并为国内岩性地层油气藏的勘探提供新的理论观点和技术方法。其创新点表现在以下三个方面: 1、首次提出了坳陷盆地“坡折带宏观控油”观点基本观点:①坳陷盆地坡折带可分为挠曲坡折带和缓坡坡折带; ②挠曲坡折带可容纳空间大,物源供给充足,三级层序界面之上发育扇三角洲、滨浅湖以及水下分流河道所形成的下切谷、低位扇; 不同体系域发育的河口坝、沿岸坝、以及滨岸砂为油气聚集提供主要的储集空间; ③挠曲坡折带岩性地层圈闭发育,生储盖条件配置良好; ④挠曲坡折带宏观上控制了地层岩性油气藏的分布。2、首次提出了“湖岸线”控油的概念,论述了“湖岸线”控油基本观点:①滨浅湖沉积发育着丰富的储集砂体,可形成多种类型的地层岩性圈闭; ②湖岸线进退的旋回性和幕式性为形成良好的储盖组合创造了绝佳的有利条件; ③多样的地层岩性圈闭可形成多种油气藏,地层超覆、地层退覆、沿岸坝、滨岸砂和地层不整合油气藏是其主要的油气藏类型; ④油气疏导系统主要为:纵向上靠断层来沟通、横向上主要靠不整合和沟谷体系来疏导,大型河道可作为油

【Abstract】 China has already been the second largest petroleum input country in the world. The contradiction of petroleum requirement and production stands out gradually, which involves in the national energy security. At present, the exploration of oil and gas gradually focuses on lithostratigraphic reservoirs other than the structural’s. The exploration of lithostratigraphic reservoirs, for example, in the Songliao, Ordos and Bohai Gulf basins, has broken through in large extent and became the main exploration domain in these basins. With the development of lithostratigraphic reservoirs exploration, some new theories, such as the source-controlled theory, slope break-controlled theory and facies-belt of delta front controlled theory and technologies such as reservoir prediction and hydrocarbon detection have been formed. But at present, we have not mastered the macro distribution regularity of lithostratigraphic reservoirs and have different understandment for research approaches, exploration thinking and technologies. All of these are attributed to two neck-puzzles. The first is lack of related theories which deeply make us understand the distribution and accumulation regularity of lithostratigraphic reservoirs. The second is lack of systematic approaches which make us identify the lithostratigraphic traps and judge the effectiveness. In the paper, the author takes the Qingshankou and Yaojia Formation (the middle oil-bearing formation) of the west slope of the South Songliao Basin for an example to discuss these two problems. The west part of Songliao basin is a whole slope dipping to the east. Large to medium structural traps have already been drilled in this region, but have little achievement of petroleum reserve. The fan-delta and coastal lacustrine facies deposited in Qingshankou and Yaojia period alternately distribute in the slope break,which the vast remained petroleum reserves exists in this position. With the instruction of modern sedimentology and petroleum geology, using the analysis methods of sequence stratigraphy and petroleum system, we systemically researched the backgrounds of regional geology and kinetics of petroleum accumulation of Songliao Basin and deeply anatomize the feature of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution. Then we mainly discussed the petroleum accumulation regularity of lithostratigraphic reservoirs and the control models of petroleum. At last, we pointed out the prospecting exploration zones and targets of lithostratigraphic reservoirs and established new theories and related technologies of lithostratigraphic reservoirs exploration. 1.This paper Provided the view that slope break of depression basin controls oil in large scale for the first time. This paper’s basic points: ①the slope break in depression basin may be divided into flexure slope break and glacis slope break. ②the contain capacity of flexure slope break is large and abundance in sediment source. The fan-delta, coastal lake facies, eroded valley and lowstand fan formed by under-water fluvial channel are located at the third level sequence boundary. The mouth bar of fluvial channel,coastwise bar and shore sandstone body developed in different sequence tract are favorable reservoir for petroleum accumulation. ③The flexure slope breaks are good position for lithostratigraphic traps, which is in good condition of generation, reservoir and seal. ④ In large scale, the flexure slope break controlled the distribution of lithostratigraphic reservoirs. 2. This paper submitted the concept that shore line of lacustrine controls oil and the view that for the first time. This paper pointed out basic points: ① Abundance sandstone developed in shore and shallow lacustrine, which can form various lithostratigraphic traps. ② Cycle and periodicity of shore lines provide good conditions for reservoir and seal formation. ③ Various lithostratigraphic traps may form different oil reservoir, such as stratigraphic overlap, stratigraphic offlap, coastwise bar, shore sandstone and stratigraphic unconformity etc.. ④Oil migration system includes faults in longitudinal and unconformity and ditch-valley in transversal, and the large fluvial channels are the most effective expressway conduction system. Therefore, we may seek reservoirs beyond the region of source rock.⑤The distribution of lithostratigraphic reservoirs along the shore line is in belt and scale. The reservoirs of stratigraphic overlap mainly scatter near the shore lines of LST and TST and the reservoirs of stratigraphic unconformity mainly scatter in the nearby of sequence boundary. The stratigraphic offlap reservoirs mainly scatter near the shore line of RST. But the reservoirs of shore matting sandstone bodies, coastwise bar, lacustrine bay sandstone and cut valley may occur in each tract. The reservoirs formed within the coastwise bar and lacustrine bay with sandstone bodies should be paid more attention to. 3.This paper generalized a set of SSL method,which can predict, identifiy and evaluate lithostratigraphic reservoirs. Under the instruction of sequence stratigraphy,it mainly can seek shore line and identify lithostratigraphic traps and judge the effectiveness by the combining seismologic technique and logging information


