

【作者】 金雪莱

【导师】 黄笑山;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 慧琳《一切經音義》(以下簡稱《慧琳音義》)是一部成書于中唐晚期的解釋佛經音義的著作,具有多方面的學術價值。但在學術界中,真正對慧琳音義進行研究的,卻要從清末開始。最先主要是用在校勘等方面,其後始有黄淬伯先生等對其音義進行研究,而近年徐時儀先生、姚永銘先生等對慧琳音義研究的侧重點都更多著墨於字義、訓詁、文獻等方面。在許多問題上,還可以站在新的角度、利用新的研究方法進行挖掘,如韻等關係,聲類問题等。這是本文對慧琳語音現象進行再研究的主要原因。 本文研究方法具有以下特點: 一是利用計算機建立數據庫。《慧琳音義》共收一千三百部佛經計五千七百餘卷,其中包括玄應、慧苑所撰音義三百三十多部計二千二百多卷。本文暂不考察梵语詞、真言和借音字以及玄應等人音義,仅对所有慧琳汉字反切和直音進行详细的記錄和研究。去除梵语詞、真言和借音字,以及玄應等人音義,共計收入反切21613條,直音2697條,兩者總計24310條(重復反切和直音計算在内)。首先將以上反切和直音输入計算機,建立數據庫,然后進行查詢、繫聯、比較、歸納等。這種做法,在资料的全面性和數據的正確性上,優于傳統手工卡片做法。 二是编寫程序進行反切比較。本文利用编寫的特定程序,把《慧琳音義》数據庫與《廣韻》數據庫進行反切比較。整個音系以《廣韻》為參照系,具體單字比較則特別注意又音現象,必要時參看《集韻》以及《音義》以前的經籍舊音。 三是在繫聯中採用邏輯歸納推理法。運用傳統繫聯方法,有些出現次數較少的字可能就無法繫聯。事實上,在沒有反例的情况下,這些字或許也可能具有該類事物全部對象具有的某種屬性。故本文在對慧琳音義反切進行繫聯時,當有些切語和任一反切都不能繫聯,这時若兩者具有相同的屬性,就可以推斷兩者雖不繫聯,实為同類。 四是對《慧琳音義》中出現的大量的特殊反切和直音作窮盡式羅列,為今后單字音的語音縯變研究提供有用題材。 通過觀察,可以发現慧琳音義的反切與傳統反切相比,發生了較大的改變,主要特征為:a)反切上下字配合整齊,開合等第較為一致。b)反切上字仍以平聲為主,但平聲被切字更多的以仄聲字為下字。c)止攝支之脂微混用,微韻反切上字比例增加。d)切下字中,脣舌牙齒喉音都有牽涉,沒有出現非常明顯的集中。 通過繫聯,共得出聲母40類,輕脣與重唇、非敷、舌頭與舌上兩分,從邪有別,精莊章分立,船禪無別,云以有別,匣母喻母基本不混。濁音尚未清化。 共得出39韻部,慧琳的韻部分類和韻圖的一、二、三、四等分類基本吻合,三等輕唇字有讀入一等的傾向,各攝皆然。重紐三等韻按AB分別歸入四等和三等。 重紐韻中,反切上字和反切下字皆能表現重紐的區別。同時,A類和四等的關係密切顯示了這個時代四等的特點。 在慧琳四聲混用的各種類型中,濁上歸去是一個明顯的趨勢,入聲跟平上去相混的現象很少,僅有的7例入聲中,有6例都和清聲母上聲相混。

【Abstract】 Yiqiejingyinyi by Hui Lin is a book about pronunciation and meaning of sutra during the later period of the middle of the Tang Dynasty(Huilin Yinyi is called to short at the following passage). Though it has academic value in many aspects, the study about this book started from the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it was used mainly as a reference to emend other books. Later Huang Cuibo did some research about this book. However, his work was limited by his time and condition, so it has so many other topics of the book to study, such as relationship among the rhymes and deng (等), the initial of the cong (從) and xie (邪), edc, from different angles and with new methods. The study of Xu Shiyi and Yao Yongming mostly focused on the meaning of the words and explanation of the sentences. This paper tried to study the pronunciation of book that is generally omitted in other studies.This study has the following characteristics:1. Using the computer to create a database. Huilin Yinyi collected 1300 sutras with over 5700 chapters, which included over 330 sutras with over 2200 chapters written by Xuan Ying and HuiYuan. This paper didn’t study the meaning and pronunciation of Sanskrit words, zhenyan(真 言), words that borrow sounds. It only recorded and studied fanqie(反切) and zhiyin(直音) of the Chinese characters in the book. After deleting Sanskrit words, zhenyan(真言), words that borrow sounds and from Xuan Ying, 21613 fanqie(反切) and 2697 zhiyin(直音) (totally 24310) words were collected into the database for xilian((?)联), comparison, conclusion and inquiry. The comprehensiveness and accuracy of this study was much better than the previous studies through traditional method with paper cards.2. The second step of the study was to write a computer program to compare fanqie(反切). The data in the database of Huilin Yinyi were compared with those in the database of Guangyun(广 韻), whose sound system was used as a reference. When comparing the pronunciation of the words, we paid special attention to the phenomenon of their second way of pronunciation and used Jiyun(集韻) and Huilin Yinyi as our references when it was necessary.3. Inductive logic organon was used in the connection analysis. It may be difficult for some of the rarely used words to get connected with others when using traditional methods. As a matter of fact, those words may have some of the attributes of all the objects of this kind of things when there is no counterexample. As a result, when connecting fanqie(反切) of Huilin Yinyi using inductive logic organon, if the attributes of two words that cannot be connected to any other words are the same, we concluded that those two words are actually the same kind although they are not connected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】H113.6
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】510

