

The Selection and Evaluation of the Financial Supporting Agriculture Policy

【作者】 陈薇

【导师】 齐守印; 张晓光;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 在经济发展过程中,政府是否选择财政支持农业政策取决于其对农业宏观调控的意愿和能力,而能否有效支持则体现了财政对农业投资的运行效率问题,这两方面正是制定和实施财政支持农业政策成功与否的关键所在。对它们进行理论和实践层面上的探索,提出有关财政支持农业政策的若干理论见解和具有可操作性的对策建议具有十分重要的现实意义。这也是本文的重点研究内容。 本文从政府在选择财政支持农业政策时的动机、偏好以及政策的具体实施效果这两条线索出发,探讨有关财政支持农业政策的选择与评价问题。全文分为三个部分: 第一部分是导论,简要介绍了本研究的选题意义、问题的研究角度、研究方法、研究思路、研究的内容安排和研究成果的创新点。 第二部分为本文的上篇——财政支持农业政策选择篇。该部分为政府选择财政支持农业政策搭建理论分析框架。首先以政策制定的背景、政策制定的客观需求、政策制定的基础这三个不同的视角,论证了现阶段我国选择财政支持农业政策的现实依据;其次,从理论分析的角度,阐述了国家理论、公共政策理论、经济增长理论、财政支出理论等与选择财政支持农业政策相关的理论基础;第三,从实证分析的角度,通过对美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家的财政支持农业的实践经验之分析比较,总结提出我国可资借鉴的选择财政支持农业政策的可行方式。在此基础上,又从政治学、经济学以及社会学的角度,探讨了影响我国财政支持农业政策形成的相关因素和政策的具体形成过程,并结合中国现行的政治——经济体制特点,对财政支持农业政策决策者的动机和行为加以阐释,研究我国政府选择和制定财政支持农业政策的决策体系问题。指出:在财政支持农业政策制定的过程中,各决策主体在不同程度上影响到决策的公共选择过程,其中,中央政府在公共选择中居于中心地位,起着非常关键的决策作用;经济职能部门、地方政府以及非政府性利益集团也在一定程度上影响到政策的选择;而农民由于缺乏组织载体,在政策的公共选择中处于相对弱势的地位。今后,政府应积极推进农民组织化程度的提高,拓宽农民在公共政策选择过程中表达自己意愿的途径和渠道。本篇最后探索并提出了财政支持农业政策的目标体系和重点支持领域。 第三部分为本文的下篇——财政支持农业政策评价篇。该部分在选择篇的基础上,以河北省为例,进一步从实践的角度对财政支持农业政策作实证分析,以财政支农资金为具体分析对象,考察、评价河北省财政支持农业政策的实施结果,并以此验证上篇的理论分析结论。本篇在定量分析河北省财政支农支出与农业GDP、农民收入、粮食生产和农产品竞争力之间影响关系的基础上,阐明财政支持农业政策与农业和农村经济发展的经济学逻辑关系。通过对财政提供河北省农村公共产品的现状和基本特征的分析,指出财政资金投入在这些方面出现的问题及深层次成因,进一步反映财政支持

【Abstract】 In the process of economic development, whether the government adopts the financial supporting agriculture policy depends on its will and capacity in agricultural macro control, and the supporting effects reflect the operational efficiency of the government’s finance in agricultural investment. These are two key factors that affect the formulation and implementation of the financial supporting agriculture policy. It is of great realistic significance to put forward some theoretical opinions and practical countermeasures on the financial supporting agriculture policy based on the theoretical and practical analyses. These are also the important study contents of this thesis.Starting from the following two clues: the government’s motive and preference in selecting the financial supporting agriculture policy and the implementation effects of the financial supporting agriculture policy, this thesis probes in the selection and evaluation of the financial supporting agriculture policy. The thesis comprises three parts. The first part is the introduction which briefly introduces the background of selecting the study subject, the angles, methods and conceptions of the study, the arrangement of the study contents and the possible innovation points of the study results. The second part is the theoretical part about the financial supporting agriculture policy which establishes the theoretical analysis framework for the government to select the financial supporting agriculture policy. Firstly, this part argues the realistic bases for China to select the financial supporting agriculture policy at the current stage separately from three different angels of background, objective demand and basis of drawing up the policy. From the angle of theoretical analysis, this part sets forth the theoretical bases relating to the selection of the financial supporting agriculture policy which mainly include the State Theory, the Public Policy Theory, the Economy Increasing Theory and the Fiscal Expenditure Theory. From the angle of positive analysis, this part puts forward the way and framework of selecting the financial supporting agriculture policy which is worthy of use for reference by way of analyzing and comparing the practical experiences of some developed countries such as the United States, Japan and the European Union on the financial supporting agriculture policy. From the angles of politics, economics and sociology, this part discusses the related factors that affect the formation of China’s financial supporting agriculture policy and the detailed forming process of the policy, explains the motives and behaviors of the decision-makers of the financial supporting agriculture policy in combination with the characteristics of China’s current political-economic system, and discusses the decision-making system for China’s government to select and draw up the financial supporting agriculture policy. It is pointed out that different decision-making bodies affect the public selection process of decision-making to different extents in the process of drawing up the financial supporting agriculture policy. Among them, the central government holds a core position in the public selection and plays a key role in decision-making; economic functional departments, local governments and non-government interest groups affect the selection of the policy to a certain extent. However, the peasants are in a disadvantageous position in the public selection of the policy because of their lack of organization supporters. In the future, the government should actively promote the organizational building of the peasants and broaden the channels and ways for the peasants to express their wishes in the selection process ofpublic policies. At last, this part explores and puts forward the objective system and the key supporting fields of the financial supporting agriculture policy. The third part is the evaluation part about the financial supporting agriculture policy. On the basis of the theoretical part and taking Hebei Province as an example, the positive analysis is further made about the financial supporting agriculture policy from the angle of practice. Taking the financial supporting agriculture funds as specific object, this part evaluates the concrete implementation results of the financial supporting agriculture policy of Hebei Province and verifies the theoretical analysis conclusions in the second part. On the basis of the quantitative analysis of the relations between Hebei provincial financial expenditures in supporting agriculture and the agricultural GDP, the peasants’ incomes, the grain production and the competitive capacity of agricultural products, it expounds the economics logical relation between the financial supporting agriculture policy and the agricultural and rural economic development. By way of evaluating the status of Hebei provincial rural public products provided by the finance and analyzing its basic characteristics, it finds out the existing problems of the financial funds input in this aspect and the internal reasons, and further indicates the effect of the financial supporting agriculture policy on the increase of rural economy. This part also makes an overall evaluation about the usage of the financial supporting agriculture funds according to the related data on the performance of Hebei provincial financial supporting agriculture funds, summarizes the basic operational characteristics of Hebei provincial financial supporting agriculture funds, and analyzes the related influencing factors. The study results indicate that Hebei provincial financial input funds hold a larger proportion in the agricultural financial expenditures, but the structure is not rational. The input for the administrative expenses is too much, and the input for the agricultural science, technology and extension, the agricultural basic education and the agricultural infrastructure is severely insufficient. The financial agricultural subsidies’ take a smaller proportion in Hebei provincial financial agricultural expenditures, and the usage of these funds is not rational completely. The main problems include that the government’s subsidies for agriculture lack the standardized arrangement, the management system of subsidies is incomplete, the priority in subsidies is indefinite, the structure needs further improvement, and it is difficult to raise the subsidy efficiency. Therefore, the usage efficiency of Hebei provincial financial supporting agriculture funds should be further enhanced in the future. In the end, by way of special topic studies in the financial supporting policies in the key agricultural fields such as direct grain subsidies, integrated agricultural development, poverty alleviation and conversion of cropland to forest, this part evaluates the implementation effects of the above-mentioned financial supporting agriculture policies based on a great deal of investigation data and puts forward the countermeasures .and proposals for the perfection of the government’s policies for the input of various financial supporting agriculture funds in order to enhance the financial supporting efficiency for agriculture.


