

Regional Spatial Structure and Economic Development

【作者】 罗静

【导师】 张建华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 区域空间结构变化与经济发展之间存在着密切的关系,并形成了多种不同的研究思路和研究方法。本文关注的焦点是:在快速的区域城市化进程中,在区域三元空间结构的基本框架下,区域空间结构与经济发展的协同关系以及实现区域“最佳(空间)结构”与“最佳(经济)发展”的市场路径和政策路径。本文的关注区域空间结构与经济发展的切入点是空间稀缺性。空间稀缺性是人类经济活动空间需求的数量与质量的提高与空间供给的有限性的矛盾。空间稀缺性是形成区域空间结构的最基本的因素,居民、企业与政府依据空间稀缺性进行空间资源利用方式的不同选择,由此导致了不同主体的空间聚散行为,导致了区域发展过程中的空间变化。另外,由于空间稀缺性的存在,要求在区域范围内尽可能的优化各种要素的空间组合,在达到总体配置优化的基础上,优化区域发展的空间环境。如果城市中心、城乡结合部和农村地区的空间稀缺性得不到有效的调控,均会以其特殊的路径,产生对结构转型的巨大摩擦力,增加城市化结构转换的总成本,不利于区域的快速发展。因此,必须通过城市中心区、城乡结合部和农村的合理的地域结构配置来实现城乡空间资产最大化的目标。在解释区域空间结构的基本概念、类型划分和基本特征的基础上,本文系统分析了区域空间的主体构成、要素构成和地域构成。区域空间结构中的活动主体包括个体和组织。个体主要是指居民,其空间行为(就业、居住与消费)是影响区域空间结构与均衡的主要因素。空间组织则具有多样化的特征,既包括一些实体组织,也包括一些虚拟组织,同时也包括组织之间的空间联系。要素构成主要是指由基础设施、产业组合、人力资源组合以及环境公共物品组合等要素系统,它是构成空间产品的基本成份。在传统的二元空间结构的基础上,在城市边缘的高密度的农业地区形成了极具动态性、有别于城市中心和乡村的“城乡结合部”,由此形成了区域空间系统的三元构成。在以城市为核心的经济景观地带分异中,城市、城乡结合部及农村的空间结构存在着密切的关联,存在着整体优化的可能性。空间稀缺性与空间利益的现实格局会在个体或组织的决策者的大脑中形成一种

【Abstract】 The change of the regional spatial structure has a close relationship with the economic development and forms variety of research threads and methods. The thesis mainly focuses on the synergistic relationship between the regional spatial structure and economic development and the market and policy route that achieves optimal regional structure and optimal economic development in the process of fast regional urbanization and under the basic frame of the regional ternary spatial structure. The thesis starts with the space scarcity, which is the contradiction between the demand increasing in quantity and quality due to human economic development and the limitation of space supply. The space scarcity is the most fundamental factor that forms the regional spatial structure, and according to the space scarcity the inhabitants, enterprises and government select the way to utilize spatial resources, which leads to the space agglomeration and diffusion of different subjects and the space change in the process of the regional development. Besides, the space scarcity requires that we should optimize the space combination of different elements as possible and the spatial environment of the regional development based on the allocation optimization as a whole. If the space scarcity in the city center, rural-urban joining area and countryside can’t be effectively regulated and controlled, which will greatly set back the structure transformation, increase the total cost of urbanization structure transformation and consequently postpone regional fast development. Therefore we should attain the optimization of rural-urban spatial resources by reasonably allocating the terrain structure in the city center, rural-urban joining area and countryside. Based on analyzing the basic concepts of the regional spatial structure, classification and the basic features, the thesis systematically analyzes the main, element and terrain constitution. The subjects of the regional spatial structure include individual and organization. The individual mainly refers to the inhabitants whose action such as employment, habitation, consuming is the main factor which influences the regional spatial structure and equilibrium. The space organization possesses diverse features, which includes some substantial organizations, some virtual organizations and the spatial relation among the organizations. Element constitution, which is the elemental components of the space products, mainly refers to the infrastructure, industry combination, human resources combination and the combination of environmental public facilities etc. On the basis of the traditional dual spatial structure, the rural-urban joining area comes into being, which is dynamic and different from the city center and countryside in the highly-dense agriculture area of the city fringe, along with it there exists ternary structure of the space system. Among the city-centered economic landscapes, the city, the rural-urban joining area and the spatial structure of the countryside go hand in hand and are likely to be optimized as a whole. The space scarcity and the realistic situation of the space profit would form “a mental map” in the brain of individual or the decision-maker of the organization, steer their spatial action, and then result in different types of spatial actions. The accumulation of variety of the microcosmic spatial actions may change the regional spatial structure. The most important inhabitant spatial action is to select employment and habitation place; the most important enterprise spatial action is to select producing and marketing place; the direct spatial action of the government is mainly to select its governing location. The spatial action is the micro-basis of the regional spatial and economic development, which is not only a kind of response that adapts to the existed spatial structure but also has an effect on the change of the regional spatial configuration. Under the condition of market economy, the spatial transformation depends on the market change and allocation of the urbanization space products. In order to effectively utilize scare spatial resources, the thesis attempts to establish the mechanism of market demand and supply that adapts to the change of space scarcity, whose core is the supply-demand equilibrium of urbanization space products. With the development of theregional urbanization the supply of urbanization space will take on structural change, whereas the change direction depends on the spatial demand of the inhabitants and enterprises. Owing to the structure change of the space scarcity disequilibrium and others “market malfunction” exists universally and shows different distributing law in the different regions in the domain of space product supply and demand. The city center possesses good infrastructure, living and employment environment and intense spatial competition. The urban-rural joining area is the result facilitated by “two-way disequilibrium” of city suburbanization and countryside urbanization force, so it possesses typical “transformation” feature .In the rural area the spatial resources are wasted seriously due to its comparative profit rate decrease. As to some spatial development problems caused by market malfunction we are obliged to give play to “rectify deviation” mechanism of the public policy in order that the equality and total efficiency can be both realized in the process of regional spatial development. Therefore, finally from macro-spatial policy, city spatial development policy, plan and governing tools aspects the thesis discusses the influence of public policies on the regional spatial change and establishes public policy system that helps regional space and economic coordinated development


