

Study on the Mechanism and Path of the Disruptive Innovation in the Mature Large Enterprise

【作者】 宋建元

【导师】 陈劲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 破坏性创新是基于破坏性技术的创新,是指企业偏离主流市场用户所重视的绩效属性,引入低端用户或新用户看重的绩效属性或属性组合的产品或服务,通过先占领低端市场或新市场,再逐渐破坏和取代现存主流市场的产品或服务的一类创新。20世纪80年代以来,由中小企业发起的破坏性创新常常使许多发达国家的领先大公司在竞争中失败,破坏性创新对企业竞争起着越来越突出的作用,发达国家的理论界和产业界非常重视破坏性创新的研究。由于破坏性创新显著差异于一般维持性创新,用来管理一般维持性创新的传统创新管理理论与指导原则难以适用于破坏性创新,我国大型企业普遍缺乏开展破坏性创新的有效机制,因此,探索成熟型大企业能否开展破坏性创新以及开展破坏性创新的机理与具体途径,对于我国企业技术创新管理具有战略性的理论意义和现实意义,本研究正是围绕着这一核心问题展开的。 本文首先探讨了成熟型大企业在面对破坏性创新时的困境,通过对磁盘驱动器行业演化历程的回顾,获得若干有意义的启示。由于存在着比较劣势,成熟型大企业很容易陷入破坏性创新陷阱,这些陷阱使成熟型大企业往往忽视小企业的最初行动,并不停地向高端市场移动,当小企业最终也进入到高端市场时,成熟型大企业就难逃被挤出市场的厄运。通过对成熟型大企业的破坏性创新陷阱以及成熟型大企业的破坏性创新失败过程考察,指出成熟型大企业在破坏性技术创新过程中存在着绝处逢生的机会,并提出了通过加强组织变革、忘记过去的经验、加强组织学习、探索性市场预测和超越市场导向等战略新思路来帮助成熟型大企业赢得破坏性技术创新之战的胜利。 其次,本文在综述国内外现有破坏性创新影响因素与机理研究的基础上,提出了成熟型大企业开展破坏性创新的机理模型与理论假设考察框架,通过随机抽样与选择抽样方法进行企业问卷调查,利用结构方程建模软件Amos和经典统计分析软件SPSS对调查取得的样本数据进行处理,实证研究结果表明,成熟型大企业的技术机会能力、市场定位能力和自我替代能力对其破坏性创新绩效具有显著性影响,而技术机会能力、市场定位能力和自我替代能力又受到企业的高层领导支持、组织学习水平、创新资源配置、企业文化与激励机制等五项组织因素的影响,因此为了提高企业的破坏性创新绩效,成熟型大企业可以通过改善自身能够控制的高层领导支持、组织学习水平、创新资源配置、企业文化与激励机制等五项组织因素来提高其技术

【Abstract】 Disruptive innovation is a kind of innovation based on disruptive technology. By departure from the performance attributes viewed by mainstream market users and introducing the product or service which is liked by lower users or new users, Disruptive innovation is getting across occupy lower market or new market and gradually destroys or replaces the product or service in mainstream market. Since as the last decades in 20th century, the developed countries’ leading large companies usually encounter failure in the face of the disruptive innovation originated from the small enterprise, therefore, the disruptive innovation become more and more important during the market competition. In the developed countries, both the academician and entrepreneurs attach very importance to research the disruptive innovation. The disruptive innovation is very different from the sustaining innovation, the traditional innovation management theories and rules are difficult to be applicable to the disruptive innovation, Chinese large enterprises in a great measure lack effective method to develop the disruptive innovation. Therefore exploring the probability of Chinese mature large enterprise developing the disruptive innovation, the idiographic approach and mechanism to actualize the disruptive innovation, that have strategic academic meaning and reality to technological innovation management of Chinese corporation, this research was just launched around this key problem.In this paper, I firstly discuss the dilemma and outlet of the mature large enterprises in front of the disruptive innovation. By reviewing the evolution history of disk drive industry, the thesis summarizes some significant apocalypses. Because of comparative inferior position, the mature good-sized enterprises are easily plunged in the disruptive innovation traps, these traps always make the mature large enterprises neglecting the early action of the small enterprise and ceaselessly moves to high profiting market, when the small enterprise enters high profiting market finally, the mature large enterprises inevitably squeeze out of the market. By carefully analyzing the disruptive innovation traps and the failure process of the mature large corporation, the paper indicates that the mature large enterprises are being unexpected rescued from a desperate situation in the face of the disrupting innovation. The mature large enterprises may win the disruptive innovation warfare by actively strengthening some strategies, such as organization transforming, organization learning, forgetting the past experience, explored market forecasting and exceeding market orientation et al.Secondly, on the foundation of summarizing the domestic and international research results on the key influence factors and developing mechanism on the disruptiveinnovation, the paper proposes the investigation frame of theory hypothesis and mechanism modeling for the mature large enterprises developing the disruptive innovation. This text carries on enterprise’s questionnaires investigation through the random sampling and selective sampling methods, executes the statistical analysis to the sample data adopting structural equation modeling software (Amos) and classical statistical software(SPSS). The results of study show that the technology opportunity capability、 market orientation capability and cannibalization capability are remarkably impacting on the disruptive innovation performance of the mature large enterprise, at the same time, the technology opportunity capability、 market orientation capability and cannibalization capability are affected by the enterprise’s superior leaders focus、 organization learning 、innovation resource configuration、 enterprise culture and the inspiritment mechanism. In order to heighten the disruptive innovation performance, the mature large enterprises can improve the technology opportunity capability、 market orientation capability and cannibalization capability by ameliorating the organization factors such as the superior leaders focus, organization learning , innovation resource configuration、 enterprise culture and the inspiritment mechanism. The results of study also show that, the circumstance turbulence including technology circumstance and market circumstance influence the relationship between the disruptive innovation performance and the disruptive innovation capability such as the technology opportunity capability、 market orientation capability and cannibalization capability.Third, based on the strategic methods and developing mechanism of disruptive innovation, this text does the exploratory analysis on the idiographic methods and paths to the mature large corporation developing the disruptive innovation, proposes that the large enterprises can develop the disruptive innovation by interior venture capital, exterior technology cooperation and exterior technology mergers & acquisitions, case study is also used in the thesis to prove the practical function of the three paths. By comparing the three paths, the paper indicates their applicable conditions, the enterprises must select the suited path according to their resources、 capability and culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期

