

Origination, Formation, Development of Cantonese Opera in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 余勇

【导师】 汤开建;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 粤剧是广东最大的戏曲剧种。起源于外省戏曲声腔的流入,形成于明嘉靖、万历年间。本文以本地班的出现和琼花会馆的建立作为粤剧形成的重要标志。粤剧在清代得到了进一步的发展,其发展道路是曲折的,经历过与外江班争夺市场的磨练,出现过戏剧史上第一个“戏子王”,遭受过官府严禁演出的困难时期,粤剧艺人经过不屈不饶的艰苦奋斗,建立了八和会馆,出现了粤剧蓬勃发展的局面。 明清以来,广东社会经济的发展是粤剧产生并得到发展的重要因素。几百年来,粤剧所演的剧目繁多,约有万余个。粤剧的演员众多,出现过许多优秀的大佬官。粤剧具有广采博纳的包容性,其在音乐、唱腔、剧目、舞美设计、表演程式等方面,大胆借用其它剧种的优秀艺术,并不断创新,使粤剧逐渐成为具有岭南特色的地方剧种。粤剧艺人具有开放进取的戏剧观,在戏剧史上是独树一帜的。 粤剧也是传播最广的剧种之一,国内的上海、四川等省市,香港、澳门、台湾等地区皆有粤剧演出。粤剧在世界各地传播甚广,只要有华人的地方,就有粤剧的演出。早在一百多年前,在东南亚的新加坡、越南、泰国,在美洲大陆,在澳洲等地就有粤剧的演出。至今,粤剧除了在东南亚、美洲等地有演出外,在欧洲也出现了粤剧热。本文通过对明清时期粤剧的起源、形成和发展的研究,为研究粤剧、了解粤剧提供了一个新的视野。

【Abstract】 Cantonese opera is the biggest type of dramas in Guangdong. It originates in the common systematic opera tunes of other provinces spread here. It has taken shape during Jiajing and Wanli of Ming dynasty. This paper regards the emergence of the local theatrical troupe and the establishment of Qionghua Guild Hall as an important marker of the formation of Cantonese opera. Cantonese Opera gains further development in Qing Dynasty. Cantonese opera has gone through a series of ups and downs. It experienced fierce competition for market with other province theatrical troupes. It was once prohibited by government for several years. In spite of these difficulties, It has produced the first King in the opera’s history of the world. Through Cantonese Opera artists’ persistent tenacious struggle, Bahe Guild Hall is built, and Cantonese Opera has entered into a stage of thriving development.The growth of Cantonese Opera owes much to the social and economic development of Guangdong since Ming and Qing Dynasties. For hundreds of years, there have appreared about 10000 lists of Cantonese Opera , and numerous actors or actresses , including those outstanding artists. Cantonese Opera featuring tolerance allows itself to seek and borrow boldly the useful elements from other drama types in terms of music, stage design, performance methods, etc. It has eventually developed into a distinctive local drama unique of the south of China. the Cantonese artists are also famous for their dedicaton and zest for innovation in history.Cantonese Opera is one of the most widespread operas in the world. It is appealing worldwide. Besides its frequent performance in Shanghai, Sichuan, Hongkong, Marco at home, Cantonese Opera has spread to South-East Asia, Singapo, Vietnam, Tailand,and America.It was performed in Australia 100 years ago. Now there has been a craze for Cantonese Opera in Europe. Through studying its origination,formation, development in Ming and Qing , this paper has thrown new light on Cantonese Opera.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】J825
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1987

