

Study on Human Resources Development of College Teachers Based on Career-Person-Hypothesis

【作者】 杨震

【导师】 张金隆;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济的日益发展和国际竞争的不断加剧,共同强化着知识和人才在社会繁荣及国力增强中的关键作用,作为人才培养、科技孵化、知识创造的摇篮,高等院校为更好地发挥其社会功能而大力推进教育体制和管理机制的改革,如今正步入人力资源管理变革这一最重要也最困难的阶段。由于改革直接涉及高校智力资源的最终载体——高校教师,因此,合理构建有效的人力资源开发机制,以最大限度地激发高校教师的积极性、创造性和巨大潜能成为关系整个高教改革成败的关键。可现实进程却步履维艰,一方面,面向商业组织的人力资源开发理论与实践方法层出不穷,并多出自高校教师的研究,但专门面向高等院校、针对高校教师的人力资源管理与开发研究却相对鲜见,“理发师的头发无人可理”; 另一方面,部分改革实践者在没有系统理论指导的情况下,照搬、挪用针对商业组织的人力资源开发方法和措施,由于其理论假设和适用范围的局限,造成大量“水土不服”的症状,甚至扼杀了高校教师诸多与生俱来的潜在社会功能。面对如此现状,从全新视角深入研究高校教师人力资源开发理论和方法,凸现出重要的理论意义和现实意义。通过对研究背景的分析和高校教师人力资源现状的调查,我们认为,当前高校教师资源开发的瓶颈就在于缺乏一种紧扣高校教师主体属性、体现管理学、教育伦理学等多种价值标准的管理理论基础,以及由此建立的开发方法体系。本文旨在对此进行探索,通过提出事业人假设的概念和高校教师事业人的定位,进行基于事业人假设的高校教师人力资源开发研究。论文主要内容概括如下: 论文首先对人力资源管理理论与方法的先前文献进行了回顾与综述,并对其应用于高校教师这一特殊事业群体的适用性进行了分析,揭示出本文研究的直接动因。并为了给高校教师“事业人假设”主体属性的提出奠定基础,论文对高校青年教师人力资源现状进行了实证调查,通过调查数据的分析并兼顾高校中老年教师的人力资源属性,归纳出高校教师群体的需求特质。然后,论文运用现实归纳的方法提出“生存人、职业人、事业人”的人群分类; 以先前人力资源管理理论的适用性研究和高校教师人力资源现状调查为基础,从管理学

【Abstract】 The coming knowledge economy, combined with the ever-fiercer international competition is underlining the key role of knowledge and intelligence in strengthening our nation and advancing our society. To better playing their social role, colleges, as cradle of intelligence, science and technology, are now carrying out campaign on their education and management institution reform, which is now coming into the most important and difficult stage, human resources management (HRM) reform. For its direct connection with college teachers, who is the final representative of college intelligence resources, it becomes the key of the whole advanced education reform to establish an effective HRM mechanism, which could help to inspirit teachers’activity, creativity and potential. While it is by no means an easy doing. For one thing, theoretical as well as empirical study concerning human resources management and development (HRMD) oriented to business organization emerging, most of which even come from college teachers’work, few has been made particularly on college teachers themselves. At the same time, some executer, without any theoretical guideline, tend to simply take those methods for business area used to tackle with problems in scholar area, which proved to be unfit, some even undermined college teachers’nature role in the society. So, a deeper study, from wholly a new perspective, on college teachers’HRMD appears to be of great importance theoretically and empirically. On background analysis and situation survey, we believe that the bottleneck of current college teacher resources management lies in the lack of a management theory foundation,and based on it, a whole management methodology system,which could fit college teachers’identity and also embody values of management, ethnics, as well as many other criteria. To give an insight into the problem, this study, on bringing forward the concept of “Career Person Hypothesis”(CPH) and setting college teachers as typical career person, discussed college teacher HRMD, which includes: (1) Applicability of former HRM theories. Former materials concerning HRM reviewed and summarized, their applicability on particularly the profession of teacher was mainly discussed, which reveal the direct motive of this study. (2) Empirical study on college teacher human resources. To lay a foundation for college teachers’CPH identity, empirical survey was conducted on current situation of college teachers. A need-alignment of the subject was induced from survey data. (3) CPH-based HRMD frame for college teachers. A new taxonomy of “Make-living Person; Occupation Person and Career Person”was suggested. Based on above survey and study, an opinion was put forward, from perspective of both management and education, claiming college teacher as typical career person. Common characteristics of the subjects and their needs were summered up, and framework of CPH-based HRMD for college teachers was established. (4) Multi-dimension methods of college teachers’performance assessment. Under the model of CPH-based HRMD for college teachers, an assessment policy of “Quantitative, Comprehensive, Integrated and Dynamic”was suggested, and along with it, a 4-dimention index system of “teaching, researching, serving and civiliztion”,as well as the four mathematical index model common used, among which, “adding model”was selected as the supplied model of integrated college teachers’performance index. (5) Quality-based HR valuing for college teachers. A valuing matrix was suggested for the value to be more accurate and timely, and the career planning, training and management of college teachers more credible, and further, a set of practical valuing method was established. (6) Career-person-cultivating-oriented career planning for college teachers. For their sustainable growing, college teachers, as the typical career person, should be tailored their own career plan individually, so that to give support in their recruiting, training, assessment and promotion. Related program, mechanism and police as a whole system should also be mapped out. CPH-based-HRMD for college teachers is helpful in the subjects’multi-value inspiriting, working willingness protecting and career potential tapping. While both its theory and practice can be fairly enormous and complex a systematic project. Although various management elements was discussed, which is most representative of their career person identity of college teachers, such as performance measuring, HR valuing and career planning etc., this study is more confined in offering a theory basis. There is still a long way to go in this area.


