

Polypores Resources and Flora in Qinling Mountains

【作者】 朱明旗

【导师】 李振岐;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物病理学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 秦岭是我国中部东西走向的最高山脉,成为气候的南北屏障和分界线。在植物区系地理上,秦岭地处中国——日本和中国——喜马拉雅两个森林植物亚区的分界线上,也是华北、华中和西南三个植物成分地区的交汇处,故该地区植物种类丰富。特殊的地理位置和复杂多样的植物种类也必然决定秦岭地区菌物的多样性,特别是对于主要以木生为主的多孔菌更是如此。以往有关秦岭菌物的全面系统的研究很少,而多零星报道。 从2001年到2004年,经过对位于秦岭的太白山、佛坪、周至三个自然保护区和宁陕、宁西、石泉、汉阴、黄柏塬、辛家山、天台山、楼观台和南五台等12个地点的连续数年定点调查,采集多孔菌标本503份;同时收集整理自80年代以来西北林学院收藏的多孔菌标本521份,依据多孔菌的宏观特征和微观形态学特征,经分类、鉴定,共描述秦岭地区多孔菌65属142种,其中,新种5个,新组合种2个,中国新记录属1个,中国新记录种13个。 新种为:柱孢环褶菌Cyclomyces cylindrospora M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao,具刺纤孔菌Inonotus armatus M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao,小孢耙齿菌Irpex microsporum M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao,雪白齿耳Steccherinum dealbatum M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao,亚香栓菌Trametes subsuaveolens M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao; 新组合为:膜小薄孔菌Antrodiella membranacens(Sw.)M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao,黑壳层孔菌Fomes nigrescens (L.)M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao; 中国新记录属为:纤维孔菌属Fibroporia Parmasto; 中国新记录种为:肉桂色集毛菌Coltricia cinnamomea(Jacq.)Murrill,比希那革孔菌Coriolopsis byrsina(Mont.)Ryvarden,卷毛革孔菌Coriolopsis floccosa(Jungh.)Ryvarden,大孢树丝革菌Dendrothele macrospora(Bres.)P.A.Lemke,粗梗树丝革菌Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H.S.Jacks.& P.A.Lemke)P.A.Lemke,根纤维孔菌Fibroporia radiculosa(Peck)Parmasto,钩针纤孔菌Inonotus hamusetulus Ryv.,肉色隔孢伏革菌Peniophora incarnata(Pers.)P.Karst.,紫隔孢伏革菌Peniophora lilacea Bourdot & Galzin,密孔木层孔菌Phellinus melleoporus (Murrill) Ryvarden,极大栓菌Trametes maxima(Mont.)A.David & Rajchenb.,亚模栓菌Trametes subectypus (Murrill) Gilb.& Ryvarden,白桉干酪菌Tyromyces leucomallus (Berk.& M.A.Curtis) Murrill。 所有研究标本保存在西北农林科技大学真菌标本室(HMUABO)和西北农林科技

【Abstract】 Being the highest mountains in central-western China continent, Qinling Mountains are the barrier of the climate both north and south China, are the boundary;ine between two floristic subregions of Sion-Japanese and Sino-Himalayas, and the interlating district of three floristic provinces of North, Central, and Southwest China. Thus, there are flourish plants and various fungi, especially polypores fungi living with the wood. In the past, few mycologist or botanist made thorongh investigation on polypores fungi in Qinling Mts.About 142 species of polypores fungi belonging 65 genera were described by the author based on collections made by author and his colleagues in 2001-2004 from Taibai mountain, Huangbaiyuan, Foping, Ningshan, Shiquan, Hanyin, Nanwutai Mt., Zhouzhi, Baoji, Xinja Mt. and so on in Qinling Mountains. In these polypores fungi, 5 species are described as new: Cyclomyces cylindrospora M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao, Inonotus armatus M. Q. Zhu & Zh. M. Cao, Irpex microsporum M.Q.Zhu & Zh.M.Cao, Steccherinum dealbatum M. Q. Zhu & Zh. M.Cao, Trametes subsuaveolens M. Q. Zhu & Zh. M.Cao, and 2 species are new combination: Antrodiella membranacens (Sw.) M.Q.Zhu & Zh. M. Cao, Fomes nigrescens (L.) M.Q.Zhu & Zh. M. Cao, 1 genera is new record for China: Fibroporia Parmasto, 13 species are new records for China: Coltricia cinnamomea (Jacq.) Murrill, Coriolopsis byrsina (Mont.) Ryvarden, Coriolopsis floccosa (Jungh.) Ryvarden, Dendrothele macrospora (Bres.) P.A. Lemke, Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) P.A. Lemke, Fibroporia radiculosa (Peck) Parmasto, Inonotus hamusetulus Ryv., Peniophora incarnata (Pers.) P. Karst, Peniophora lilacea Bourdot & Galzin, Phellinus melleoporus (Murrill) Ryvarden, Trametes maxima (Mont.) A. David & Rajchenb., Trametes subectypus (Murrill) Gilb. & Ryvarden, Tyromyces leucomallus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Murrill.All specimens examined are deposited in the HMUABO (Herbarium of Mycology, Northwest A & F University) and Herbarium of Mycology on Forestry College.The result of the flora diversity study indicated that there were rich fungal flora in the Qinling Mountains. For genera, Cosmopolitan elements are the main characteristics in Qinling Mountains (58.46%), Secondly pantropical element (16.92%) and North Temperate element (15.38%). Regarding the ecomposition, the species are grouped into 8 geographical elements: Cosmopolitan (28.17%), North Temperate Zone (30.99%) , Temperate-subtropical or Tropical (5.63%) ,Eastern Asia-North America (12.68%) ,EasternAsia (2.82%) ,Sino-in common (3.52%) and endemic (4.93%) .In all eight distribution types Cosmopolitan and North Temperate Zone are characteristics of this region. The fungal flora of Qinling is very similar to that of Japan and Korea. This suggests that the origins of these two floras may have a certain relationship.

【关键词】 多孔菌新种区系秦岭
【Key words】 Polyporesnew speciesfloraQinling Mts

