

On City Discourse of Modern Chinese Poetry

【作者】 鲍昌宝

【导师】 朱寿桐;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要探讨中国现代诗歌与都市的关系问题。都市是20世纪中国社会发展中出现的重要的社会和文化现象,它深刻地影响了现代诗歌的发展。本文围绕“都市”和“乡村”两个理论范畴,试图建立一种宏观研究现代诗歌的模式,即以都市文化理念为核心反思现代诗歌的总体格局和发展脉络,论证现代诗歌在精神内涵与艺术形态上与都市文化的内在联系。论文从三个方面展开具体论述。 第一部分“都市语境中的现代诗歌”,主要揭示古典诗歌与乡村文化的血缘关系,指出现代诗歌面临都市所遭遇的困境和挑战。都市社会的“非诗化”现实使古典诗歌的“意境”和“韵味”散失,从而使现代诗歌的诗意重建异常艰难。现代诗人以“异乡人”的身份展开与都市的关系,确立现代诗歌诗意重建的方案,它向两个方向运作:一方面感受都市中新的美学意识,创造新的诗歌品格;另一方面从都市中不断逃逸,退回到内心世界,营造情绪的象牙塔,守望着古典的诗意。现代诗歌都市话语形态即是在都市和乡村两种文化的张力中成形。 第二部分“现代诗歌中的都市镜像”,以史论结合的方式揭示现代诗歌都市话语的特质,它从不同侧面反映了现代诗人在不同历史时期对都市及其文化形态的感觉、思考,记录了现代诗人在都市化过程中的心路历程。正是都市的介入,现代诗歌不仅获得了新的题材和物象,新的精神内涵和情绪特质,而且建立了新的话语系统,一种以个体化的私人经验为中心的日常生活话语方式。现代诗人对待都市的态度与中国社会历史的现代化进程是基本一致的,从理想化的礼赞、情绪化的感伤、理性化的批判到世俗化的肯定的逻辑发展利现实历史的发展脉络基本吻合。 第三部分“多重压力下的现代诗歌都市话语”,主要探讨影响中国现代都市诗发展的原因。中国现代诗歌都市话语在古典艺术精神和现实的救亡语境的制约下,一直处于被压制的状态。古典文化通过各种形而上的话语形式得以再生、复活,从而成为影响都市诗歌发展的强势他者。

【Abstract】 The present dissertation deals mainly with the relationship between modern Chinese poetry and cities. Cities are important social and cultural phenomenon in the Chinese social progress in the 20th century when exert a tremendous influence on modern poetry. This dissertation encircles the two theoretical categories, i.e. "cities" and "countries", and tries to establish a macro study mode on modern poetry. That is to review the general structure and progress track of modern Chinese poetry and to demonstrate intrinsic relationship between cultural connotation and artistic form of modern Chinese poetry, and city culture with city cultural concept as a nucleus. The dissertation is divided into three parts to make a concrete study.The first part, which is entitled "Modern poetry in the city context", explores mainly the blood relationship between classical poetry and country culture, and points out the difficult position and challenge of modern poetry when it is faced with cities. The "non-poeticization" reality in the city society makes the "mood" and "lasting appeal" of classical poetry missing which makes the poetic reconstruction of modern poetry very difficult. As "persons from a strange land", modern poets establish the relations with cities and make the poetical reconstruction scheme of modern poetry. The scheme moves towards two directions: On one hand it experiences the new aesthetical sense in the cities and creates new poems, and on the other hand it always runs away from the cities and goes back to one’s inner world. It constructs its emotional tower of ivory and keeps watch the classical poetical flavor. The form of city discourse of modern poetry is shaped in the tension of the city culture and country culture.The second part, which is titled "City image in the modern poetry", studies the quality of city discourse of modern poetry in a manner of the combination of history and theory. It reflects in different aspects modern poets’ feelings and thoughts on city and its cultural shape in the different times and records their ways of souls in the course of urbanization. It is just the intervention ofcities that modern poetry not only obtains new materials, new cultural connotation and mood, but also establishes a new discourse system, a common discourse with the individualized personal experience as its center. Modern poets’ attitudes towards cities are mostly consisted with the modernization course of Chinese social history, the logical development from their rational praise,emotional sentiment, reason critique to worldly affirmation, is mostly accordant with the progress track of reality history.With the title of "City discourse of modern poetry under much pressure", the third part deals mainly with the causes of the development of modern Chinese city poetry. Under the condition of classical artistic spirits and in the context of national salvation, modern Chinese city poetry is always being pressed. Through mangy supernatural discourses, classical culture is rebirthed and resurrected, and it becomes a strong other to affect the city poetry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期
  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】693

