

Research on the Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Physical Property of Clastic Stone of Paleozoic and Triassic in Akekule Uplift

【作者】 王明艳

【导师】 戴塔根; 郭建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 阿克库勒地区油气资源丰富,是我国发现的第一个整装大型海相油气田,近二十年来油气勘探取得了丰硕成果。但是该地区油气勘探程度极不均匀,以前的勘探重点都放在碳酸盐岩地层上,对碎屑岩系研究较少。 本文在前人研究的基础上,选择古生界和三叠系的碎屑岩系为研究对象,通过细致的岩心观察,利用钻井、测井、地震资料以及普通薄片、铸体薄片、同位素、压汞、阴极发光、扫描电镜等多种测试方法和手段,全面的总结了区内的地质概况,对层序地层格架、沉积相、岩相古地理特征、成岩作用以及储层特征等进行了详细的研究,在此基础上对古生界和三叠系碎屑岩系有利勘探区块优选做出了客观评价。 通过钻、测井资料、地震追踪和单井沉积相分析,在阿克库勒地区古生界和三叠系碎屑岩系中一共划分出23个标准的三级层序,其中上奥陶统划分出了5个,志留系划分出了6个,东河砂岩1个,石炭系划分出了5个、三叠系划分出了6个。 作为区内主要储集岩系的东河砂岩是一个完整的三级海平面升降旋回沉积的结果,可明显的识别出海侵体系域和高位体系域,并且可以在区域范围内很好的对比,以河流充填沉积为主的低位体系域仅局部可见。东河砂岩层序中不同体系域的沉积环境与岩性特征明显不同,海侵体系域以受潮汐控制的滨岸沉积为主,高位体系域则以受波浪控制的滨岸沉积为主。 通过对阿克库勒地区原型盆地演化研究,作为研究区另一个重要储集岩系的三叠系的沉积背景相当于坡折之上的平坦部分,受湖平面升降变化影响极大,层序边界以具明显河流回春作用的Ⅰ型层序边界为主。低位体系域发育,以粗粒的河流沉积为特色;湖侵体系域以湖相泥岩为主;高位体系域不发育,主要是受侵蚀或者无沉积作用造成的。 通过对研究区内储集砂体展布特征研究,结合已建立的层序格架,区内主要的储集砂体明显受到层序格架的控制。东河砂岩和石炭系层序中主要的储集砂体分布在高位体系域中,而在三叠系层序中,储集砂体主要分布在低位体系域中。

【Abstract】 The Akekule Uplift has great hydrocarbon resource potential. As the first big marine oilfield that found in China, there have lots of exploration result. But these results are mainly about marine carbonate layers, and few are on clastic stone.In this these paper, taken the clastic layers on Paleozoic and Triassic as the object, combined with the analysis result of core, logging, seismic data, flake, isotopic data and SEM, the geological framework has been summarized. And it has been studied in detail of the sequence stratigraphic frameworks, sedimentary facies, paleo-geography, diagenesis and reservoir characteristics. Based on this research, the favorable exploration areas have been evaluated of Paleozoic and Triassic.With the analysis of drilling, logging and seismic study, there are 23 3rd -level sequence stratigraphy have been identified. Among them, there are 5 in Upper Ordovician, 6 in Silurian, 1 in Donghe Sandstone, 5 in Carboniferous and 6 in Triassic.As the mainly reservoir layer in the Akekule, Donghe Sandstone is the sedimentary result of a whole cycle of sea-level. Within it, the Transgressive System Tract (TST) and Highstand System Tract (HST) can be identified clearly, and these two system tracts can be correlated in area, but the Lowstand System Tract, which is characterized with fluvial deposition, is not developed well. The depositional environment of TST is shore controlled by tides, and that of the HST is shore controlled by wave.By the research of the original basin of Akekule Uplift, the Triassic depositional background is about the flat part above the fold of slope. The sedimentation is influenced very much by the fluctuation of lacustrine level. And the main sequence boundaries are the type I that characterized with rejuvenation of rivers. The LST developed well characterized by coarse fluvial sedimentation, and the TST characterized with lacustrine mudstone. Because of no deposition or erosion, the HST developed not so well.With the reservoir research and combined with the sequence stratigraphic frameworks, the spreading of reservoirs are controlled by sequence stratigraphy. In the sequences of Donghe Sandstone and Carboniferous, the reservoir stones are mainly within the HSTs, while in that of the Triassic, reservoir stones are mainly within the LSTs.Through careful observation of flakes, SEM and CLM, the mainly diagenesis in the research area are compaction (pressolution), cementation, metasomatism and filling of authigene and corrosion. By research of the characteristics and stages of diagenesis, the Donghe Sandstone and carboniferous are mainly in the A stage and B stage of late diagenesis. While the Carboniferous is mainly in A stage of late diagenesis, and, in some holes that are deeper than 4500m, it is in B stage of late diagenesis.The holes of clastic stone in Akekule Uplift are mainly induced porosity. And the hole types are inter-particle porosity, intra-granular porosity, followed by mould porosity, primary inter-particle porosity, remained inter-particle porosity. While the inter-crystal micro-pore, dissolution pore of fillings are seldom.Based on the analysis result of physical property, mercury penetration and seismic inversion, the reservoirs of Triassic are the best, mainly about level I or level II, followed by that of the Carboniferous about level II to level III. That of the Donghe Sandstone is the worst, mainly about level IV to level V. The main reasons that influence the physical property of reservoir are mainly sedimentary environment and diagenesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期
  • 【分类号】P539.2;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】999
  • 攻读期成果

