

Preparation, Characterization and Applications of Kaolinite-Organics Intercalation Compounds

【作者】 王万军

【导师】 孙振家; 张术根;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 论文在综合分析高岭石有机插层复合物的发展历程、制备工艺、表征方法、应用前景、插层机理等大量文献的基础上,运用现代材料测试技术对以萍乡硬质高岭土为原料的高岭石有机插层复合物的制备、表征及应用进行了全面系统的研究,主要内容如下: 用直接插层法制备了高岭石—乙酸钾、高岭石—二甲基亚砜、高岭石—甲酰胺、高岭石—N-甲基甲酰胺、高岭石—脲、高岭石—水合肼等插层复合物,并进行了表征。 系统研究了高稳定性、多用途的高岭石—乙酸钾插层复合物的插层影响因素,第一次提出了乙酸钾插层的最低浓度阀值为8%;发现制备高插层率复合物的必要条件为保持反应系统处于乙酸钾饱和溶液状态,并确定了插层优化工艺参数;由实验结论还简化了高岭土原料的预处理工艺,为实现工业化生产提供了技术支持。 系统研究了温度对高岭石—二甲基亚砜插层速率的影响,确定的优化工艺参数使插层时间由原来的5~7天缩短到3小时以内,插层效率大为提高;由实验确定的无水乙醇漂洗法,可有效去除高岭石表面吸附的多余二甲基亚砜分子,漂洗后的插层物烘干时间也大幅度缩短。该优化工艺为科学研究和技术应用提供了一种简捷高效的快速制备方法,从而可促进该系列插层复合物的产品开发与理论研究工作。 用置换取代法制备了高岭石—苯甲酰胺、高岭石—甲醇、高岭石—对硝基苯胺、高岭石—聚丙烯酰胺、高岭石—聚乙二醇等插层复合物,并进行了表征。高岭石—甲醇是具有通用性的预插层体,而高岭石—对硝基苯胺则具有二次非线性光学特征,由此确认我国储量丰富的硬质高岭土可以开发功能性材料。 确定了以高岭石—二甲基亚砜为前驱体用熔融法制备高岭石—苯甲酰胺、高岭石—聚乙二醇(PEG20000)插层复合物的最佳插层时间。用扫描电镜和透射电镜对后者的形貌进行了较全面详细的研究,分析表明高岭石被剥离成纳米级的片层。 以高岭石—二甲基亚砜或高岭石—甲酰胺为前驱体,采用丙烯酰胺取代而后加热聚合的方法制备了高岭石—聚丙烯酰胺复合物,实验表明以前者作前驱体的插层效果较好。 综合对比和评价了乙酸钾、水合肼、脲的插层剥片效果。实验结

【Abstract】 On the basis of integrated analysis of a great deal of literatures and data about the kaolinite-organics intercalation compounds on the preparation , characterization and applications as well as the theories of intercalation, using modern material testing and analyzing techniques, this paper entirely and systematically studies the preparation, characterization and applications of the kaolinite-organics intercalation compounds prepared from the kaolinite rocks from Pingxiang. The main contents of the paper are as follows.Direct intercalated by potassium acetate, dimethyl sulfoxide, formamide , N-methylformamide, urea and hydrazine hydrate, some kaolinite-organics intercalation compounds were prepared respectively from kaolinite , and their characterizations are studied.Integratedly analyzing the influence factors on intercalation of the kaolinite- potassium acetate intercalation compound which is high stabile and multipurpose. It is put forword for the first time that the lowest concentration value of potassium acetate which can intercalate is 8%, the prerequisite for preparing the high intercalation ratio complex is the reaction system maintained in aqueous solution saturated with potassium acetate, the best technical parameters of intercalating are confirmed, and the pretreated procedures of raw kaolinites are simplified by experiment data, and all that provide the technique supports for industrial production.Systematically analyzing the influence of temperature on the intercalation ratio of kaolinite-dimethyl sulfoxide intercalation compound, the best technical parameters based on the experiment data change the time from the usual intercalation period of 5~7 days to within 3 hours, the redundant dimethyl sulfoxides adsorbed on the surface of kaolinites are removed effectively by repeated washes with absolute alcohol, and the period of drying the compound is shorteneid The best technical parameters provide a quick preparation method on this intercalation compound for its research, application and its derivatives.By means of displacement method, kaolinite-benzamide, kaolinite methanol, kaolinite-p-nitroaniline, Kaolinite-Polyacrylamide and Kaolinite-Polyethylene Glycols intercalation compounds are prepared and their characterizations are studied. Kaolinite-methanol intercalation compound was proved to be a highly versatile intermediate for further intercalation reaction, and kaolinite-p-nitroaniline intercalation compoundexhibit second-order nonlinear optical properties, so that the abundant kaolinite rocks in China is capable of making function materials.By melt method, both kaolinite- benzamide and kaolinite-polyethylene glycols intercalation compounds are prepared and their optional periods of intercalation are determined. The appearance features of the latter are studied by TEM and SEM images, which shows that the kaolinite exfoliates to nano-lamellars.Through acrylamide polymerized between the layers of kaolinite by heat treatment, kaolinite-polyacrylamide is prepared. The acrylamide monomer is first intercalated by the displacement reaction between a kaolinite- dimethyl sulfoxide or kaolinite-formamide intercalation compound and a acrylamide aqueous solution. The experimental results show that kaolinite- dimethyl sulfoxide intercalation compound is better as a intermediate.By means of contrasting and evaluating on the effects of exfoliation with potassium acetate, hydrazine hydrate and urea, experiment data shows that the speed of exfoliation of kaolinites is the highest by intercalated with hydrazine hydrate, which has a advantage of industrial production, but a hermetically-sealed chamber and a ventilative workshop are needed and the investment is higher. The time of exfoliation of kaolinite by intercalated with potassium acetate is long, but potassium acetate could be firstly applied to industrial production for its innocuity, no pollution, ordinary equipment and simple operation for intercalation. The Urea, used for exfoliation, has too small profits for its heating equipment, long period of reaction and complexity of filtration and rinse, but the kaolinite-urea intercalation compound could be used to prepare nano-kaolinite by which saturated in acid aqueous solution.Using the kaolinite- dimethyl sulfoxide intercalation compound as the precursor, the kaolinite-silver nanoparticle complex are synthesized. The results indicate that the diameter of the silver particles, which can be adjusted by controlling the reaction conditions, has a direct relative to the initial concentration of the reactants. This research provides a effective way to produce high active catalysts by means of using the interlamellar space of a layered kaolinite clay mineral as nano-reactor to synthesize metal nanoparticles.

【关键词】 高岭石插层制备表征应用
【Key words】 kaoliniteintercalationpreparationcharacterizationapplication
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 06期

