

Cognitive Research on the Dynamic and Interactive Characteristics of Cartographic Visualization

【作者】 苗蕾

【导师】 李霖;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 地图是人类认知空间环境的结果,也是人类进行空间认知的工具。地图的工具性属性决定了地图学的发展极大地受到技术的影响和制约。在地图学的发展历史上,的确一直以来技术占据着主导地位。但是作为一门学科,地图学同样需要建立自己的理论,并随着技术的发展所带来的学科的研究对象、研究手段、研究目的的深化,其理论的研究也应该与时俱进。 信息技术的发展,使得传统的静态平面纸质地图向着具有动态与交互功能的新型地图发展。多维动态的空间信息成为地图的新的表达内容,顺应这一发展趋势,有专家学者提出了地图的可视化模型。在地图的可视化模型中,各种新的计算机技术是技术手段,动态与交互是主要特征,面向个人辅助探索是其主要目标。本文就地图的这一时代特征进行了研究。 论文由7章组成,分别从地图可视化的发展历史,动态地图中的空间认知特点,地图可视化使用过程的动态交互特性,动态地图的制作与实现,以及动态与交互的特性对理论地图学的影响与扩展进行了研究和探讨。 绪论部分在回顾了地图可视化出现和发展的背景之后,总结了动态地图的发展历程。指出地图可视化具有的探索性以及具有的动态、交互的性质对地图学的理论将产生影响。 首先从动态地图中的空间认知入手,介绍了已有的地图空间认知成果,就传统的地图空间认知中的几个主要概念:对空间现象的认知,心象地图,视觉认知,认知的信息加工过程在动态地图中的使用进行了研究。分析了对动态时空地理现象的理解,时间的认知在人类的语言和思维中的表象。以往的心象地图只是一种对静态空间的静止的反映,运动的物体在大脑中同样存在着心象地图的形式,就这种运动的心象进行了分析。针对动态地图的使用效果,研究人的视觉对于运动图像的感受和特点,以及观看动态地图时的信息加工过程的特殊之处,提出制作动态地图应根据动态地图的信息载负特点和使用特点来进行,并就广义的动态地图中的交互功能和方式进行了讨论。 地图可视化将用户置于中心位置,认为地图的进一步发展应是面向个人、高度交互,并可以进行分析探索的可视化工具。但是一直以来,地图的空间认知研究中的着重点都是对制图专家的认知特点的研究,而对用户研究较少。本文提出在地图可视化范式中,由于新技术提供了各种实现的可能,用户使用地图可视化工具时的空间认知应得到重视,并就在计算机环境下人的空间认知的特性进行了全面地分析,从人的思维活动特性开始,逐一研究了可视化图像的内部表征——心象性信息的模拟表达,可视化图形的视觉信息处理过程,在地图可视化中使用者结合自身的知识、经验和概念对可视化成果进行识别、理解和发现的过程。 地图可视化是科学可视化的一个重要领域,在对地图可视化的研究中借鉴了科学可视化发展中的框架设计模型,知识与思维的表示等研究成果,进一步分析了人在地图可视化环境中为了各种科学研究所采取的各种认知策略和认知行为。 动态地图的制作是传统地图制图的延伸。在分析了空间地理现象与地图的图形表达具有

【Abstract】 Maps are not only the results from people cognition of spatial environment, but also the tools that the people use to make spatial cognitions. Due to the tool property of map, the development of the map is mostly affected and limited by the technology. Actually we can see from the history that the map is technology-driven. However, as a subject, the map needs its own theories, and the study of these theories must be developed as the study objects, study methods and study goals deepens with the development of the technology.A new type of maps with animated and interactive functions arose from the efforts in information technology and is becoming more efficient than static paper maps. Multi-dimensional dynamic spatial information turns into a new content included in the map. In this circumstance some researchers put forward the visualization model of maps, whose technical approaches are kinds of new computer technologies, primary characteristics are animation and interactivity, and tasks are to achieve personal exploration.This paper studies the foregoing characteristic of the map. It consists of 7 chapters: the developed history of map visualization, research of spatial cognition in animated maps, the interactive property during the use of map visualization, the making and realization of animated maps, and the effects and how it will be extended in theoretical map sciences because of the properties of animation and interactivity.The introduction part of this article discusses the backgrounds of map visualization and concludes its developed process of animated maps. Furthermore, it advances the exploratory property, its animated property and interactive property will affect the theories of map sciences.First, the paper starts from the spatial cognition of animated maps, introduces the outputs of the map spatial cognition we already have and then interprets some important concepts of traditional map cognition such as the cognition of spatial phenomena, image maps, visual cognition and cognitive information process. Second, it analyzes the dynamic spatial-temporal geographical phenomena and images of time cognition involved in human’s languages and minds. Traditional maps only reflect a static world statically, but the moving objects also have their image map formats in our brains, which will be discussed later in this paper. Third, it will study the people visual feelings of moving pictures and its characteristics aiming at the using effects of animated maps. And it suggests we should make animated maps on the basis of the information loading characteristic and using characteristic of animated maps. Finally, it discusses the interactive functions and methods of animated maps in a broad sense.Map visualization concentrates on map users and believes in its developments should bepersonal oriented, more interactive and more visualization tools for analysis and exploration. However, the study of spatial cognition is always focusing more on the research of cognitive characteristics of mapping experts and less on the map users.The map visualization schema in the paper pays more attention to the users’ spatial cognition and inner image characteristics—the simulation expression of image information from the aspects of people’s thinking actions with the help of computer science. It studies step by step internal comprehensive portrayal and eternal portrayal which people perceive the real world — visual information process of visualized graphs which users can interpret, understand and find the visualized results combined with their knowledge, experiences and concepts.Map visualization is of great importance in the scientific visualization. In this paper we use the framework design model, knowledge, the expression of thinking and the data flow model of scientific visualization for reference to study the map visualization. And moreover, it analyzes different kinds of cognitive strategies and actions that people use to make scientific researches in the map visualization environment.To extend the traditional mapping we make animated maps. After we analyze the certain map relation between geographical phenomena and map graph portrayal, we classify spatial-temporal geographical phenomena which are the main study objects of animated map from the standing of graph expression. To classify is to make a better choice and decision of expression. Then we make a conclusion about the conclusion of animated maps classification. From the aspect of map users, animated maps can be classified into two classes: time serial class and non-time serial class. After that we analyze the animated map making include dynamic phenomena expression in the traditional maps, dynamic expressive property of static variables and the graphic characteristics of dynamic variables. Though both computer animations design technology and computer software provide a strong tool for animated maps design, the relations between people—earth—map are still core problems of mapping.It is obvious that new practices affected theoretical map science. Study of spatial-temporal geographical phenomena, computer animations technology, dynamic and interactive characteristics, assistance to exploratory objects, all of those are new changes in the new period of the map, which are beyond the content of traditional theoretical map science. In this paper we discusses that the spatial cognitive study has been extended by the use of animated maps from the following four aspects besides from the evolution of map definition: map spatial cognitive theory, map information transformation theory, map model theory and map receptive theory. Traditional map information transformation schema has changed into exploratory map visualization schema. Maps are no longer limited in the loading and transferring, it also engages in the knowledge discovery. With the time to be considered, the conceptual model and physical model of maps has become perfect. Because of more receptive cognitions and new technologies about animated maps,the theory has been enriched in the map receptive theory, and it supplies a strong theoretical foundation for virtual realities.Finally, we choose the theme about spatial and temporal change of Chinese population density to build our test system. The test of the system indicates it will benefit for analysis of thematic change laws if there are animations and interactive technologies when users use the system. Meanwhile, the design factors such as classification scheme in the display effect of animated map system and the background of users are also important when we decide the effect of using the system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 11期

