

A Survey on Germany Policy of the GDR, 1949-1990

【作者】 邓红英

【导师】 吴友法;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 世界史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 第二次世界大战后,战败的德国被分裂成联邦德国和民主德国两个国家。在德国的统一和分裂问题上,民主德国的立场经历了从争取统一到主张分离再到同意统一的曲折转变。本文主要对民主德国四十余年的德国政策进行研究。 全文分为三大部分。第一部分是导论,介绍论文的学术背景和历史背景,前者包括研究意义、国内外研究状况、“德国政策”概念的界定以及研究任务等;后者说明德国分裂的出现和德国问题的产生。 第二部分是研究和分析民主德国德国政策的演变历程,以时间为线索分为五个阶段,计五章。 第一章论述的是民主德国从1949年建国至1955年加入华沙条约组织期间的统一政策。建国之初,民主德国主张国家统一并将实现德国统一确立为国家的主要任务。但由于经济、政治以及社会生活还没有完全恢复,为了巩固新生政权,民主德国的主要精力是进行战后重建。在德国统一问题上,民主德国只是进行了一些政策宣传,如主张在波茨坦协定的基础上恢复德国的统一。然而,以美国为首的西方不仅不愿意回到“过时”的波茨坦协定,还积极组建包括联邦德国在内的西方军事集团,以在欧洲的冷战斗争中取得战略优势。民主德国坚决反对联邦德国的完全倒向西方的外交战略和安全政策,因为这既与其希望的德国统一背道而驰,也会对新生的民主德国政权造成严重的威胁。但是,由于没有实力,在反对联邦德国重新武装和加入西方军事集团时,民主德国只有依靠苏联的支持并尽量与它们在德国政策方面保持一致,也就是支持苏联的通过谈判方式建立中立、统一的德国的主张。为了开启谈判之门,民主德国就具体的统一方式和步骤向联邦德国提出了种种建议,并表示出了一些让步,但两德之间有关国家统一的谈判一直没能举行。由于争取德国统一的努力难有成效,为了更好地巩固和发展政权,民主德国政府逐渐将主要精力转向进行社会主义建设和争取加入社会主义联盟。尽管民主德国仍然保留了德国统一的主要任务并继续作了一些努力,但随着东西方在欧洲的冷战日益升级,其争取建立中立、统一的德国的努力最终还是失败了。在联邦德国加入北大西洋公约组织后,苏联也将民主德国纳入华沙条约组织,德国的分裂反而进一步加剧。 第二章论述的是从两德分别加入对立的军事集团到联邦德国在东欧获得外交突破前夕的民主德国的德国政策。在以德国分裂为基础的东西方阵营建立后,德国问题被长期化。伴随着政治、经济地位的恢复和提高,联邦德国在军事上的要求也不断增长。它不仅开始实施重新武装计划,还乘机提出了发展核力量的要求。在积聚完成统一的各方面的实力的同时,阿登纳政府还在外交领域推行“哈尔斯坦主义”,目的是通过外交围堵来阻止国际社会对民主德国主权国家地位的承认,从而避免德国分裂的扩大化和合法化。面对联邦德国强硬的德国政策以及危险的东西方核军备竞赛的威胁,民主德国的德国政策日益现实主义化,它不再期待德国的快速统一,而是将德国政策的主要目标调整为寻求两德的平等与和平共处。因为两德的“平等”意味着保持民主德国政权和社会主义成就的存在,两德的“和平共处”则可以为社会主义建设营造良好的外部环境。为了实现目标,民主德国先是提出邦联计划,既而支持赫鲁晓夫的缔结和约和解决西柏林问题的

【Abstract】 After the Second World War, the defeated Germany was divided into two countries, the GDR and the FRG In the field of the Germany policy, the position of the GDR changed from striving for uniting to stand for separation and to agree to reunification of Germany. The dissertation focuses on the Germany policy of the GDR during the forty odd years.The dissertation is divided into three principal sections. The first part presents an introduction to the academic and historical background. The former includes the research meaning, the survey of domestic and foreign research, the definition of the Germany policy and the research goals, etc. The latter is a brief discussion of the emergence of the German division and the German question.The second part is about the development of the GDR’s Germany policy. It is divided into five chapters in the sequence of time.Chapter 1 discusses the GDR’s reunification policy from its foundation in 1949 to its joining in the Warsaw Pact in 1955. At first, the leaders of the GDR stood for the German reunification and it was set as one of the chief tasks. However, the economical and political and social life hadn’t recovered completely in the GDR, thus the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) concentrated its main effort on its country’s reconstruction in order to solidify the new regime. In the German question, the GDR only had made propaganda on its Germany policy such as Germany should be united on the basis of the Potsdam Pact. While the west alliance with America as the leader not only refused to fulfill the Pact, but took active part in founding a military alliance including the FRG so that they could gain strategic superiority in the cold war in Europe. But it was opposed resolutely by the GDR that the West equipped the FRG with arms again and brought it into a west military alliance. It not only ran counter to reunification of Germany the SED expected but also posed a severe threat to the GDR’s safety. However, for lack of strength, the SED had to depend on the help of the Soviet Union and followed its Germany policy as concerned as they could. Then the SED aimed to found a united and neutral Germany through negotiation claimed by the USSR. In order to enter into negotiations with the FRG, the SED put forward a lot of suggestions on the way and the steps of the German unification and made a certain concession to the FRG But the negotiation between the two German countries was not held in the end. When they could not make any progress in striving for unification of Germany, the SED devoted greater emphasis to the socialist construction and tried to join in the political and security structures in Eastern Europe so that they could defend and develop their regime. Although the GDR government maintained unification of Germany as its main task and exerted some efforts, it failed to unite Germany finally because the relations between the West and the East became more and more deteriorated. After the FRG was integrated into the NATO, the GDR was put into the collective security system of socialist counties by the USSR also.Division of Germany was extended.Chapter 2 discusses the GDR’s Germany policy in the period from the two German countries integration into the two military alliances respectively to on the eve of the diplomacy breakthrough of the FRG in the Eastern Europe. The German question became permanent after the two cold war alliances were founded on the basis of the German division. With its political rehabilitation and economical recovery, the FRG raised highly claims to hold modern arms, such as nuclear weapon. During the period of accumulating strength, the FRG carried out the Hallstein Doctrine in the diplomacy field in order to isolate the GDR and to prevent the other countries from taking the GDR as a sovereignty state and to refrain the broadening and legitimacy of the German division. Confronting to the uncompromising Germany policy of the FRG and the dangerous nuclear weapon race between the two sides in the Cold War, the GDR took a realistic attitude on the Germany policy gradually. The aim of the GDR’s Germany policy was not the direct unification, but the equality and the peaceful coexistence between the two German countries. If it had gained the equality, the GDR Could preserve the socialist regime and its achievement, then the peaceful coexistence could offer a favorable environment for the GDR’s socialistic construction. In order to turn the aim into reality, the GDR put forward the Confederation plan firstly, then made joint efforts with USSR to solve the problem of the West Berlin and to conclude a peace treaty, and at last it claimed to be taken as a sovereignty state by the FRG directly. However, the GDR failed again although it had done its best. By the erection of the Berlin Wall, the GDR controlled its frontier firmly and it raised its status in the international society gradually after it made progress in the political and economical field. As a matter of fact, the West alliance accepted the reality of the Berlin Wall and this indicated that they gave tacit consent to the existence of the GDR as a country.Chapter 3 discusses the adjustment of the GDR’s Germany policy when the relations between the West and the East changed from confrontation to coexistence. The chapter devotes greater emphasis to how the GDR dealt with the new Germany policy of the FRG and why it headed for the separation road. In the latter sixties of the twentieth century, considering the stability of the GDR regime, the FRG had to adjust its Eastern policy and Germany policy. The foreign surroundings of the GDR changed again when the FRG had made minor moves toward the Eastern European nations and the Detente between the West and the East was coming. In order to fight for the FRG, the GDR adjusted its Germany policy quickly and greatly. At first, the GDR worked hard to gain safety assurance from the Soviet Union and the Eastern European nations again by treaties. The GDR expected to let its allied countries agree to act in concert that they would not consult with the FRG until the latter had given diplomatic recognition to the GDR regime. However, confined by its strength, it was difficult for the GDR to hinder the Detente in Europe. After the unconditional negotiations between the Soviet Union and the FRG began, the GDR devoted emphasis to defend itself by the adjustment of its internal policy, such as it gave up the aim of the German unification which led to the two German nations theory. In a word, it was possible for the GDR to take the separation policy because of the political stability and the economical prosperity and the increase of the people’s national identity after theerection of the Berlin Wall. At the same time, it was also necessary for the GDR to adopt rigorous measures to safeguard itself under the new circumstance.Chapter 4 discusses the GDR’s Germany policy during the treaty era in the seventies and eighties in the Twentieth Century. On the basis of the de facto recognition of the GDR regime, the two German countries concluded a lot of treaties in the early seventies, then, the treaty era of the two countries began. After the relations normalized, the economical interaction and humanity intercourse in the two countries increased greatly. In the early eighties, the cooperation between the two German countries continued although the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union deteriorated again. However, restricted by the international situation and the competitive relations between the two German countries, it was difficult for the two countries to improve their relations deeply. Once the GDR carried out the splitting policy that restricted the development between the two German countries and tried to shape the national identity on its own. But when the countries in the world depends each other gradually, it was impossible for the GDR to cut off the connection between the two German regimes and their citizens. With its depended on the FRG in the economical field gradually, the GDR had to maintain the cooperation with the FRG and its ability was not equal to its ambition of keeping at a distance. Therefore, in the treaty era, the relations between the two German countries developed continue and the GDR failed to shape a new socialistic nation in the end.Chapter 5 discusses when it found itself and the socialistic camp landed in a predicament in the later eighties and the former nineties, the GDR had to agree to integrate into the FRG The political crisis emerged in the Eastern European nations widely, which was influenced by the new thought of Gorbachev mainly. The GDR who boycotted the influence of the Soviet Union’s reform was not exempt from it. As the emigration crisis a sign, the GDR was caught into social crisis quickly which led to the chaos of the political situation. For the existence of the regime and the social stability, the SED were forced to reform and Krenz took the place of Honecker as the new superior leader. However, the delayed reform of the SED could not prevent the circumstance worsening. Under the danger of the collapse of the GDR, the SED felt quite helpless and could not gain the help of its allied countries, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European nations, who were busy in saving themselves. In order to extricate itself from the difficult situation, the GDR had to head for the western system insider and sought the support of the FRG outsider. At first, the aim of the GDR was still the maintenance of its regime. But the Kohl’s aim was unification of Germany in the end and he put forward a Ten Points Plan when he found that the GDR and the socialistic camp landed in a predicament. Firstly, the SED rejected to talk unification of Germany with the FRG regime. But it was difficult to insist on the position because the GDR needed the support of the FRG to restore its stability and to better the people’s lives. With the GDR’s situation worsening, the most people and opposition parties asked for unification of Germany. Then, the SED had to give up the two nations theory and agreed to talk over unification of Germany with the FRG and put forward its unification plan. However, the GDR could not play a leading role in the issue of the Gennan unification because the FRG was stronger and promised tobetter the people’s lives in the GDR. In the end, Germany was reunified through peaceful way that the GDR was integrated into the FRGThe last part is the conclusion. The chapter presents a short introduction to the development of the GDR’s Germany policy, then, concludes some basis features about it and evaluates its effect and influence in the end. When it maintained the aim of the German unification, the GDR tried to unite the interests of the regime and the German nation. Although the GDR failed to unite Germany, its Germany policy was helpful for the regime to win wide support that was important at the beginning the country founded. After the GDR gave up the aim of the German unification, in order to keep the stability after it had to open its gate to the FRG in the period of Detente, the SED put forward the two German nations theory that harmed the German national interests. The new Germany policy helped the GDR deal with the dangerous challenge from the FRG successfully. But it not only did not solve the German question for good and all, but also led the GDR lost the initiative in the national question after it separated the interests of its regime from the interests of the German nation. Therefore, when unification of Germany was coming into reality, the GDR could not exert its influence and was integrated into the FRG From the case of the German unification, it was said that the destruction of the GDR had something with the fault of the GDR’s Germany policy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 05期
  • 【分类号】K517
  • 【下载频次】1167

