

Study on Suspension Constructs and Parameters of Driving Equipment in Locomotives

【作者】 罗赟

【导师】 金鼎昌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国铁路运营速度的不断提高,准高速机车普遍出现了横向动力学性能较差的现象,与驱动装置悬挂有关的问题时有暴露。近年国外机车工业虽然在大量新型机车上卓有成效地运用了驱动装置弹性悬挂结构,但仍缺乏深入的理论研究;我国对该结构的认识还是一片空白。国外200km/h等级机车基本上是四轴(即2B0轴式)的,因此,开发我国六轴(即2C0轴式)200km/h等级新型机车面临着巨大地挑战。研究驱动装置悬挂结构参数和弹性悬挂机理,以及2C0轴式200km/h等级机车方案,已成为我国铁路发展亟需解决的关键问题。 本文首先采用三个刚体的简单模型,结合轮轨横向运动的特点,针对不同轴式、结构及参数的机车进行振动分析,通过动力学分析,阐明了驱动装置弹性悬挂的机理:通过调节驱动装置与构架间的纵、横向连接刚度,可以改变驱动装置的振动频率,从而避开轮对横向运动主要频率,并将驱动装置与构架、轮对的质量和转动惯量分开,抑制了驱动装置与构架、轮对间动态惯性力的传递。 然后采用随机不平顺非线性时域响应分析方法,利用多体程序SIMPACK建立机车完善的非线性模型,验证了简单模型分析的结果——驱动装置弹性悬挂要求驱动装置在构架上的纵、横向悬挂刚度在0.01MN/m数量级。因此采用吊杆悬挂是实现弹性架悬的重要结构方式,利用吊杆倾斜产生的重力复原刚度作为等效刚度,吊杆长度在0.2~0.7m的范围内变化都可以满足驱动装置弹性悬挂的刚度需要。 本文比较了刚性和弹性架悬式机车的动力学性能,发现机车运行速度在140km/h以上时,采用驱动装置弹性架悬可以大大降低机车在直线和大半径曲线高速运行时的轮轨横向力,改善机车的横向性能和电机工作条件,有效地减小机车对线路和参数变化的敏感性。运行速度越高,弹性比刚性架悬式机车有更大的优势。 详细研究了2C0轴式200km/h等级机车在驱动装置刚性和弹性悬挂时,采用电机顺置与对置方案的动力学性能,说明采用驱动装置弹性对置方案的优越性,同时指出必须设置合理的驱动装置止档间隙才能保证小半径曲线通过性能。在机车一些重要工作条件,如:牵引、制动和周期不平顺等时,分析了牵引杆

【Abstract】 With railway vehicle speed increasing in China, the some locomotives don’t present very well in the dynamical behavior in the lateral direction. The key problems present should be attributed to the driving equipment suspensions in the locomotives. Although flexible driving equipment suspensions, namely, driving motors are suspended in the bogie frames with desirable flexibility, have been applied to advanced locomotives in many countries, the further studies on the suspension systems have not been carried out so far. Regarding the dynamical characters of structure of the suspension systems are still out of acquaintanceship in China. By and large, abroad 200km/h locomotives have been equipped with four axles (i.e. 2Bo). China is now facing a complicated technique challenge in development of 200km/h locomotive of six axles (i.e. 2Co), which is also one of the present pressing tasks to meet the need of fast development of railway systems in China. However, the key problem to be solved is to clear the characters of the flexible suspension parameters and the mechanism of the driving equipment in the project.This thesis established a simplified model consisting of 3 rigid bodies for the bogie with the flexible suspension driving equipment. Considering the different axles, structures and parameters for the bogie, the dynamical behavior of the bogies was analyzed in detail. Through the dynamics analysis, the mechanism of the flexible driving motor suspension was basically clarified. The natural frequencies of the drive are changed by altering its longitudinal and lateral stiffness in the bogie frame to avoid the wheelset hunting frequencies, thereby the dynamic mass and the inertia of the flexible suspension driving equipment are decoupled from the bogie frame and the wheel set, the inertial movement transfer between the driving system and the bogie frame or the wheelset is restrained.Based on a time domain nonlinear analysis method considering an input of the stochastic irregularity of track, a commercial software SIMPACK available for establishing complete models of locomotives was employed to validate the results obtained by the current model. The flexible driving suspension asks the longitudinal and lateral stiffness between the drive and the bogie frame ranged from 0.01 to 0.09 MN/m, so pendular way was adopted in the structure design of the driving suspension system. By means of the pendulum gravitational rebound stiffness as the equivalent stiffness, Its sufficient stiffness bound was offered in order to meet theneed of the flexible driving suspension even if the length of pendulum ranging from 0.2m to 0.7m.The dynamic behaviors of the locomotives with rigid and flexible driving motor suspensions were compared in the detailed dynamics analysis. It was found that when the locomotive runs on a tangent track or a curved track with large radius upwards of 140 km/h, using the flexible suspension can reduce the lateral wheel/rail forces much. The lateral riding quality of the locomotive and the work condition of the driving motor ameliorate. The locomotive dynamic behavior is lower sensitive to the track conditions and the concerned parameters variation. Especially in the running at higher speed, the locomotives with flexible motor suspension have the more advantages than that with relative rigid suspension for the driving motor.The dynamic behavior of serious of 200km/h locomotive with 2Co axles was investigated in detail. For such locomotives, the rigid and flexible motor suspensions with a "face to back" or "back to back" setting of motors were, respectively, considered. Through the investigation, it was found that the flexible suspension with "back to back" setting of motors has more advantages. Also it is pointed out that a suitable driving stop clearance has to be set to ensure good dynamic performance on sharp curved lines. In some special work situations, such as traction, braking and passing through periodical irregularity track etc, the influence of traction rods which act at the middle or two ends of the car body on the locomotive behavior were analyzed. The thesis suggested that the dynamic response of the locomotives should be investigated under an excitation of track irregularity with sensitive periods even though the locomotives pass through tangent tracks or curved tracks with large radii. Finally, this thesis discussed the motor suspension stiffness of an axle-mounted locomotive, the driving-braking-unit suspension stiffness and the coupling damper characteristic of a power car with the unit suspended between the car body and bogie frame. The trend of numerical results is in good agreement with the field test results.The numerical simulation of this thesis was carried out by means of SIMPACK. Many non-linear factors and operation conditions are of the locomotives were taken into consideration, the manifold locomotives with different suspension systems and their simplified models were analyzed and compared in detail. The results obtained will have some reference value and engineering meaning to the designs and analyses of Chinese locomotives.


