

Study on Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Ventilation and Fire in Subway Station

【作者】 王春

【导师】 刘应清;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 地铁车站是地铁建设中投资巨大的重要环节,也是乘客大量集散的地方,其内部的气流组织、温度分布对人体舒适和环控能耗的影响尤其重要。根据地铁车站内低雷诺数湍流流动的特点,以Navier-Stokes方程为基础,引入了重正化群双方程κ-ε湍流模型,通过重正化群变换,得到了湍动能方程和湍动能耗散方程以及湍流模型系数,建立了适用于求解地铁车站湍流流场的计算流体力学模型。针对地铁车站结构复杂的特点,使用Delaunay三角形化方法,对模型进行了非结构化网格划分。通过对时间和空间差分格式的选取、源项及边界条件的处理,在非结构化网格上对流场控制方程进行了离散。针对非结构化网格上迭代收敛速度会逐渐减慢的特点,引入了多重网格求解技术,采用了其中效率较高的代数多重网格方法对离散方程进行求解。在上述研究的基础之上,分别使用标准κ-ε两方程湍流模型和RNG κ-ε两方程湍流模型对自然对流、强制对流以及混合对流这三种典型的室内流动进行了数值计算,并与文献中的实验结果进行了对比,两种模型的计算结果都与实验结果吻合良好,在个别指标上,RNG κ-ε湍流模型的计算结果要优于标准κ-ε湍流模型。由于缺乏地铁火灾的实验数据,选取了一个比较经典的隧道火灾实验对RNGκ-ε湍流模型进行了验证,计算结果与实验数据吻合良好,表明本文的思路是正确的,研究方法是可行的。 利用上述计算方法,对拟建中的成都地铁一号线上的火车北站地铁站环控系统进行了数值模拟,对正常运营下的候车工况、列车进站、列车停站以及事故运营中的阻塞工况进行了系统、详细的数值计算研究,分析了站台上温度和气流速度的变化情况;对地铁车站环控系统常用的四种气流组织方案:站台中间回/排风方案、站台下排风方案、车行顶道排风方案以及混合回/排风方案进行了数值模拟,并就温度场、气流速度场和空气龄这三个指标对四种方案进行了对比和分析,针对四种方案下站台候车厅内温度均不同程度的超标现象,对能够大幅改善候车环境的屏蔽门方案进行了模拟和分析。 针对列车头部、中部和尾部三种不同位置发生火灾的情况,对全排风通风模式和推挽式通风模式进行了详细的数值计算和比较,计算中使用离散传播法对火灾时高温引起的辐射进行了模拟。在对火灾情况下站台上的环境进行评估的过程中,综合考虑了《地下铁道设计规范》和NFPA 130标准,对火

【Abstract】 Subway station is important construct which has large proportion in subway investment. Temperature and velocity of air has great effect on human comfort and energy cost of environment control. Considered the characteristics of low Reynolds flow in subway station, based on Navier-Stokes equation, Renormalization Group k-8 turbulence model is introduced. By Renormalization Group approach, kinematics equation and kinematics dissipate equation are developed and turbulence coefficients are acquired. Computational fluid dynamic model suitable for the turbulent flow field and temperature field in subway station are established. For the complex geometry of subway station, unstructured meshes are constructed by Delaunay triangulation method. By properly choosing temporal and spatial difference format, correctly dealing with source term and boundary conditions, control equations are discretized over unstructured meshes. To overcome the reduced convergence speed of iteration method, multigrid method is introduced and algebraic multigrid is adopted to solve discretized equations because of its higher effectiveness. Using above methods, three kinds of typical indoor flow field, natural convection, forced convection and hybrid convection are calculated by standard k-e turbulence model and RNG k-e turbulence model. The results are compared with experimental data in document and fine agreement is achieved, both of two model. For some special index, the results of RNG k-s turbulence model are better than standard k-ε turbulence model’s, which proved that the method presented in this thesis is correct and practicable.Based on above study, a simplified model of a subway station which awaits build is established. Normal operations include idle state, train draw up at one side, train dwell at the station, are simulated as well as congestion mode of emergency state. Temperature field and velocity field are obtained and the variation of these two fields is analyzed. The comfort of passenger on platform is valued dynamicly by relative warm index. Four scheme of ventilation, platform center return sysytem, under platform exhaust system, over track exhaust system and UPE/OTE exhaust system, were simulated. In the temperature, velocity and air age of view, these schemes were compared and analyzed. As the temperature in the waiting hall when four ventilation scheme described above were adopted dissatisfied the standard,platform screen door scheme was simulated and analyzed.The case of fire in subway station is probably the worst situation. Simulation of fire on train which stops at platform is also performed. Three fire locations of the train were considered. Discrete transfer method is applied to count radiation caused by high temperature of the fire. Exhuast only and push-pull ventilation strategy were compared. Code for the design of metro and NFPA 130 standard were introduced to evaluate the circumstance on the platform. Visibility was achieved as well as temperature and velocity. The influence on velocity field and smoke concentration brought by the strategy of environment control and construct of platform is analyzed. The possibility of rescue and evacuation under all fire location of the train is assessed separately. Methods and results presented in this dissertation provide good reference to subway construction.


