

Cai He-sen and the Weekly Guide

【作者】 徐方平

【导师】 朱英;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 研究马克思主义在中国的早期传播史,研究中国共产党的早期奋斗史,特别是其领导下的新闻事业发展史,研究共产国际与中国革命关系史,研究国共两党第一次合作史,有一个重要人物和一份重要刊物是无法回避而必须深入研究的。这个重要人物就是蔡和森(1895—1931)。他是中国共产党早期卓越的领导人,公认的杰出马克思主义理论家、宣传家。这份重要刊物就是《向导》周报(1922.9—1927.7)。她是在共产国际的支持下为指导中国民族革命而创办的中国共产党的第一份政治机关刊物。 蔡和森作为旅法学生中接受马克思主义和十月革命道路的先驱,作为著名的“海归派”马克思主义理论家参与了《向导》的筹办,并成为其首任主编。蔡和森与《向导》的密切关系表现为:蔡和森是《向导》的具体筹办者、首任主编、排名第二的重要撰稿人和《向导》的第一位评述者;《向导》为蔡和森充分展现其马克思主义理论才华和宣传才干,进入中共中央核心决策层提供了一个重要的机遇和平台。作为首任主编,蔡和森参与了《向导》办报宗旨、方针的拟定,在其组稿、出版和发行等各个环节上都倾注了大量心血,具有开创之功,影响深远。 继蔡和森之后,彭述之、瞿秋白担任了《向导》的第二、第三任主编。在三位主编中,蔡和森主编的时间最长,达2年零8个月,主编的期数最多,共116期,影响最大,人们一提到《向导》,就自然联想到了蔡和森。与当时党中央创办的其他机关刊物《新青年》季刊、《前锋》月刊相比较,《向导》具有“本党政策之指导机关”、“立在舆论的指导地位”和及时报道、评论时政等特点。以《向导》、《新青年》、《前锋》等报刊为主体,它们共同构建了中国共产党理论宣传和政治宣传的强势话语体系。 蔡和森以《向导》为阵地,积极传播马克思主义,重点宣传唯物史观。他初步运用马克思主义的基本原理,对近代中国社会性质、中国革命性质、革命任务、革命对象和革命动力,对无产阶级领导的武装斗争和统一战线等问题进行了比较深入的分析和研究,积极宣传了党的二大制定的反帝反封建的民主革命纲领,对探索中国新民主主义革命理论,对“要在自己争斗中把马列主义形成自己的理论武器”,即探索马克思主义中国化,都作出了重要的贡献。 蔡和森以《向导》为舆论平台,及时正确地指导了当时中国的现实政治斗争。本文因为篇幅所限,仅以蔡和森在《向导》上组织中共方面的重量级理论家撰文评述商团事变为例来说明蔡和森主编的《向导》是如何及时正确地指导中国革命斗争问题的。商团事变是1924年发生的广州革命政府与广州商团之间的矛盾冲突不断升级的严重事件。蔡和森从中共的立场出发,运用马克思主义,对商团事变的原因、性质、影响及其如何解决等问题进行了较深入的评述,对于孙中山平定商团事变发挥了较大的推动作用,代表了当时中国共产党人所能达

【Abstract】 In the study of the history of the early diffusion of Marxism in China, the history of early struggle of Chinese Communist Party, especially the history of the development of news industry under its leadership, the history of the relation between the Communist International and Chinese revolution, the history of the first cooperation between Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party, there is an important figure and an important periodical that we should never neglect and must study thoroughly. This important person is Cai He-sen(1895—1931), who is one of the most prominent early leaders of CPC and an acknowledged remarkable theorist and propagandist. The important periodical is the weekly newspaper Guide (1922. 9—1927.7), which is the first political organ run by the CPC. It is supported by the Communist International and aims to guide Chinese national revolution.Cai He-sen is a pioneer among those Chinese overseas students in France who accepted Marxism and the way of the October Revolution. As a returning Marxism theorist from abroad, he participated in the preparation of the creation of Guide and became its first chief editor. He is deeply associated with Guide in many ways: he is the major founder, the first chief editor, the second most important contributor of articles and the first commentator; on the other hand, Guide offered him a good platform and opportunity to fully display his capability in Marxism theory and propaganda. As the first chief editor, Cai He-sen played a part in working out the tenet and policy of Guide, moreover, he paid much attention to the organization of articles and the publication and circulation of the periodical. Therefore, he is one of the founders with significant influence.Following Cai He-sen, Peng Shu-zhi and Qu Qiu-bai became the second and third chief editor accordingly. Among the three chief editors, Cai He-sen stayed on the position for the longest time —for 2 years and 8 months; he edited most periodicals—116 volues; he is the most influential one, for example, speaking of guide, people immediately referred to him. Compared with other organs published by the Central Committee of CPC, such as the quarterly magazine New youth and the monthly periodical Pioneer, Guide is characterized by " the direction organ of CPC’s policies", "the guide line of public opinion" and by its vivid comments on current affairs, timeliness, and so on.. Guide, New Youth, and Pioneer together with other periodicals established the strong discourse system of the CPC’s theoretical and political propaganda.Based on Guide, Cai He-sen actively spread Marxism, mainly historical materialistic view. He employed basic principles of Marxism into the analysis of the character of modern Chinese society,the character, tasks, objects and motive power of Chinese revolution and the study of military struggles and the United Front led by the proletariate. He actively spread the creed of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution worked out by the second Party Congress. He made great contribution in the field of the probation into the theory of New Democratic Revolution and making Marxism and Leninism as the Party’s theoretical weapon in various struggles—that is, to make Marxism Chinalized.Taking Guide as a platform, Cai He-sen guided the political struggles of his time duly and correctly. Because of the limitation of the length of paper, only one example is offered here. After the Armed Commercial Forces Incident, Cai He-sen brought some influential theorist of CPC together to comment on the incident on Guide. The Armed Commercial Forces Incident in 1924 is a serious incident resulting from a series of deteriorating conflicts between the Revolutionary Government in Guangzhou and the local commercial groups. On behalf of the CPC, by means of Marxism theory, Cai He-sen thoroughly analyzed the causes, character, effects of the incident and the solution to solve it, which to a large degree affected Sun Yat-sen’s policy toward the settlement of the incident. In fact, Cai He-sen’s ideas stood for the CPC’s highest level in thought at that time.Because Guide formulated its propaganda tenet and edition guideline and firmly stuck to them, it differed greatly from other party organs and other ordinary media in style, which made it earn quite extensive social influence. The Communist International, the Soviet Russian government, the Central Committee of CPC and common readers gave it full affirmation and warm praise. The imperialist powers and the Chinese warlord government resented it strongly and destroyed it madly. Although Sun Yat-sen and his Kuomintang admired its efficacy of propaganda, they disliked its cool-and-independent-criticism principle. The weekly paper Struggle run by Hushi and the nationalists such as Zeng Qi disagreed with the anti-feudal and anti-imperialist creed it advocated, so there was a long-standing debate between them. All the vast social influences highlight the close relation between Cai He-sen and Guide, that is to say, all the merits and "faults" are closely linked with him.One of the reasons for Guide to have extensive influence is that it had gathered much experience of running a party organ since Cai He-sen acted as the first editor. The experience mainly are as follows: it started a good tradition—the party organ run by the Party and statesman; it fostered a good way—attaching theory to practice in the propaganda of party organ; it invented a good working method—sticking to the mass line; it developed a fighting style—the party organ being sharp in tone. Meanwhile, with Cai He-sen as the chief editor, Guide also had some defects, for example, its comments on current affairs seemed to be too subjective, its articles were hard tounderstand sometimes, its criticism were rather extreme, and so on. These defects affected the result of propaganda and are lessons to remember.

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