

Routing and Performance Optimization of Computer Networks

【作者】 齐小刚

【导师】 刘三阳;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 应用数学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着数据业务以及多媒体应用的发展,互联网上的IP流量急剧增长,如今的互联网已经不能通过尽力服务满足各种各样IP服务的需要,提供服务质量势在必行.作为下一代互联网络的关键技术,实现服务质量保证和高性能网络交换受到了广泛重视.近年来针对不同种类的网络结构和连接请求,人们提出了多种有效的路由与性能优化方法.本论文主要研究了服务质量(Quality of Service,QoS)路由问题和波分复用(Wavelength Division Multiplexing,WDM)光网络路由与波长分配问题,主要工作如下:1.针对高速网络中QoS单播路由问题,提出了三种有效的问题求解算法:基于K最优路径的QoS路由优化算法、基于进化计算的QoS路由优化算法和基于实验分析的多约束路由选择算法.通过计算机仿真,分别将以上算法与其同类算法进行了性能比较.仿真结果表明以上算法在求解此问题时是可行的,并具优于其它同类算法.2.针对多媒体通信中的可靠多播路由问题,提出了一种基于可靠性检验的、能够满足不同可靠性要求的可靠多播路由优化算法.该算法针对一棵给定的、未考虑可靠性的初始多播树,分别计算源节点到每个多播节点路径上的可靠性,如果该可靠性不能满足相应的可靠性要求,则修改或改变多播树中源节点到此多播节点的路径,使其满足相应的可靠性要求.3.针对网状网络和网络节点功能不同的光网络路由和波长分配问题,提出了一种基于节点功能的多波长光网络分布式路由与波长分配算法.该算法中引入了波长等价弧和等价网络等概念,建立了具有节点功能区分的WDM多波长光网络模型.此外,从理论上证明了算法的可行性和最优性.4.研究了不同网络状态下具有负载均衡能力的路由选择和波长分配问题.提出了两种基于链路状态分级的路由与波长分配算法,分别为链路等级优先的动态路由与波长分配算法(LFLSDRAW)和满足等级要求的动态路由与波长分配算法(RLSDRAW)算法.与其它算法相比,以上算法具有较强的负载均衡能力,可以有效降低网络的拥塞概率,具有一定的优越性.5.针对WDM光网络性能优化问题,从系统学和经济学的角度出发,分析了光网络拓扑设计、路由选择、波长分配分别对光网络性能的影响.光

【Abstract】 With the development of data service and multimedia applications, the explosivegrowth in IP traffic on the Internet is driving the demands for new high-speedtransmission technology. The best-effort service model on today’s Internet cannotsupport diverse service requirements from different IP applications. Much effort hasbeen devoted to QoS provisioning in the Internet. As the key issues of the nextgeneration networks, how to guarantee quality of service (QoS) and how to realize thenetwork data exchange in high speed have attracted more and more concerns, andmany efficient routing and performance optimization methods for various networkarchitectures and diverse connect requests are designed.In this thesis, we focus on the quality of service routing in multimedia networksand routing and performance optimization in WDM optical transport networks. Themain works and innovations are as follows.1. To solve the Quality of Service (QoS) unicast routing, three efficientalgorithms are proposed. A novel precomputation algorithm based on theK-optimal paths, a novel evolutionary algorithm named QoS_EA and analgorithm based on the experimental analysis are designed for the problem.The computer simulation result shows that the proposed three algorithms areefficient and superior to the other algorithms for the problem respectively.2. A reliable multicast routing algorithm based on reliability test in multimediacommunications is proposed for the different reliability requirement of eachmulticast member. At the beginning of this algorithm, an initial multicast treeis given, and then the reliability of the path between the source and a selectedmulticast member can be calculated respectively, if the correspondingreliability requirement of this path isn’t satisfied, the reliability of the pathcan be improved by modifying or changing the path according to thealgorithm.3. For the problem of routing and wavelength assignment in mesh network,especially the problem in the network that the node with different function,an algorithm based on the equivalent network is designed. Firstly, anequivalent networks model of WDM network is constructed, andwavelength-dependent equivalent arc, equivalent networks, equivalentmulticast tree and some other terms are presented. Finally, we prove the twoalgorithms are feasible and optimal for the problem respectively.4. Load-balance routing and wavelength assignment problem in WDM opticaltransport networks under the different state of links is addressed. Twoalgorithms based on the state of links are proposed for the problem, onenamed LFLSDRAW is for finding a path having the highest state levelbetween a pair of nodes in a network, and another named RLSDRAW is forfinding a path having the required state level. Both algorithms are capable ofselecting a better path to achieve load balancing and reduce the congestionprobability, and superior to the existing algorithms for the problem.5. To solve the performance optimization problem in WDM optical network, theinfluence of network design, route selection, and wavelength assignment onnetwork performance is analyzed by employing the systematology andeconomics theory, and then point out that the performance of the WDMnetwork not only depends on the algorithm for routing and wavelengthassignment but also on the network design. Furthermore, a mathematicalmodel of the performance optimization in WDM network is formulated,which is based on the network design, algorithm for routing and wavelengthassignment, network service and market price. Finally, an interactivesimulation process for the WDM network performance optimization isproposed.


