

Research on Key Technology of Color Stereoscopic Display

【作者】 梁发云

【导师】 邓善熙;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 追求色彩丰富、视野广阔、画面真实、有临场感及浸入感,是显示技术研究永恒的主题。裸眼立体显示技术是未来显示领域的重要发展方向,它与立体视觉技术相结合,可以客观、真实地显示立体场景,且由于不需要配戴复杂的助视装备,使用起来很方便,在许多领域有着潜在的巨大应用。 本论文的研究重点在于解决基于TFT LCD(Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display,薄膜晶体管液晶显示器)的裸眼立体显示器的光学原理及其关键技术。裸眼立体显示器的研究涉及视觉生理学、立体视觉、液晶技术、视频技术、光学技术、测量技术等多学科的知识,课题涉及面广,实践性很强。 裸眼立体显示技术的实现机理是论文研究的关键问题之一。立体显示技术是建立在人类双眼立体视觉机制基础之上的人机混合系统,是与人的正常视觉分不开的。笔者结合立体视觉几何模型,以光线出射的简易模型研究了裸眼立体显示器的视图分离机制,仿真计算了照明光线的光路分布图,并以此为基础计算确定了照明板的关键参数。根据视图分离光路分布图计算所得的关键参数,设计和加工了胶片光栅,以微小的代价和巧妙的方法设计了原理研究中的光学照明板,并以此照明板组装了第一台试验样机,通过试验证明了设计参数的正确性。 进一步研制了可控式的电子照明板,实现2D利3D显示模式的自由选择。国际上有同类研究的经验,而在我国本土设计制造成功,意味着裸眼立体显示器研究获得了重要突破,也是在国内研制的第一台裸眼立体显示器。 照明板与液晶盒(TFT LCD cell)、背光模组装配在一起组成独立的光学元件,即立体显示液晶屏,需要高精度的装配工艺来保证显示质量,笔者研究了一种适合实验室条件下的高精度装配方法-“动态装配法”,使人工精密安装成为可能,节约了设备开支。该方法也适合于小批量的立体液晶屏生产。 研究了裸眼立体显示器亚屏幕分区、虚拟屏幕和独立视区概念;与亚屏幕分区相适应的立体图像和视频源的规定格式;根据立体视图的格式得出视图变换的方法;研究了立体视频的兼容性问题;编写了静态立体对图像显示软件。 提出“立体度”作为立体显示效果的度量参数,把传统的以“线”和“面”亮度测试的方法提高到“点”测试,改进了测试方法;研究了立体度的意义,讨论了裸眼立体显示器立体度量值的范围。这个评价方法适用于基于视差原理的任意类型的裸眼立体显示器的测量与评定。 研制了复合坐标定位系统专门用于裸眼立体显示器视觉特性的参量。复合坐标系可以在所有的观看区域进行CCD(charge Coupled Device,电荷耦合器件)平面定位和方向定位。这个定位系统符合裸眼立体显示器视觉特性的测量要求,进一步设计后可以达到更小的步进值,以便于自动化测量,提高立体度测试和视觉特性测试的效率。 完成了裸眼立体显示器视觉特性的测量试验,使用复合坐标定位系统和立体度测

【Abstract】 To pursue full color, wide-field view, reality show is an everlasting topic of display researching. The stereoscopic display without glasses combined with stereo vision technology which can show impersonality and reality stereo scene is a important aspect of future display area, so it has enormous value in many domains.Optic mechanism is the key problem in our research. Stereoscopic display is a human-machine complex system based on human being’s stereo vision. Combining with stereo vision model, the author researched ray separated mechanism using simple model of light beam sketch, calculated and imitated light ray distributing map, then drew out key parameters of line light board. Light board using negative film grating has been designed and manufactured with tiny price and skillful method .Then the first stereoscopic display sample was assembled, and the parameters were verified by experiment.Further, controllable electronic grating board was designed to assure the display switched freely between 2D and 3D.Light board and TFT LCD cell and light module can be assembled together as an unattached component, as called stereoscopic LCD screen. To guarantee display quality, A Dynamic Assemble Method which can also be used in small batch production was designed to make precision assemble possible by man power in lab condition.The other research work include: the concept of Sub-screen, Virtual Screen and Independent View Zone, the stereoscopic image and video format, image translating method , the video compatibility, and software to show static stereo pair.In this paper, the impersonal evaluating standard of stereoscopic display effect was also researched. A parameter "Stereo Degree" was put forward to measure stereoscopic effect. Then the meaning of stereo degree and its value range were discussed in detail. The stereo degree can be used to assess every type of naked-eyes stereoscopic display.A complex coordinate orientation system for measuring stereo degree was researched and designed. The orientation system can set CCD anywhere.Based on coordinate orientation system and stereo degree theory stereoscopic display vision characteristic was measured to verify the conclusions discussed all above. The position of independent view zone educed from these experiments is important reference when the display is used.From virtual screen theory and independence view zone position, the research indicates that the stereoscopic display using line light theory can also obtain look-around function. The key technology of look-around is the eyes position detecting. Image on sub-screen can be changed according to eye’s position to attach look-around function. The author used CCD and image process to confirm which independence view zone the eyes posited in. Theexperiments proved that the researched stereoscopic display can obtain look-around function based on CCD method.In the process of research work, some new technology was used, and some of theories and methods with potential immensity value are preferable innovation.The physical essence of naked-eye stereoscopic display was summarized to be two processes of separating and flocking. The "Sub-screen" and "virtual screen" and "Independence View Zone" were put forward to explain optic mechanism for naked-eyes stereoscopic display. Optical light board of negative film grating with low cost was manufactured, then a stereoscopic display sample was assembled."Dynamic Assemble Method" not depending on high cost equipment was put forward for the first time to be used in stereoscopic LCD assembling. The effect of dynamic assemble was analyzed in detail."Stereo Degree" was put forward for the first time to assess the effect of naked eye stereoscopic display. An equipment complex coordinate orientation system based on was designed to measure vision character of stereoscopic display.A method using CCD eye detecting to attach look-around function was also put forward. It has proved that the stereoscopic based on line light can also realize look-around function.In the process of research, many of difficult problems such as optical mechanism, design, manufacture, and evaluate method were resolved. Finally, a naked-eye stereoscopic display sample with national level was manufactured successfully. So our research fills up the blankness in motherland.


