

Study on the Fine Description Method for Wuerhe Low-permeability & Difficult Recovery Reservoir in Xinjiang Junggar Basin

【作者】 陈岩

【导师】 李允; 张烈辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 油气田开发工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 目前CNPC已探明的未动用低渗难采储量高达37亿吨,其中新疆准噶尔盆地就达6亿多吨,尤以乌尔禾油田克拉玛依组(T2k,油层平均渗透率9.6×10-3μm2)、百口泉组(T1b,油层平均渗透率7.7×10-3μm2)油藏为典型代表,且今后我国陆上新增储量将有更大比例(70%以上)属于低渗难采油藏。这部分油气资源若采用常规方法进行描述和开发,很难开采和动用,取得好的经济效益。因此,解决低渗难采油藏系列开采技术难题,发展先进适用的油藏精细描述技术,将是当前和今后一段时期内我国油气勘探与开发的重点之一。 本文以新疆准噶尔盆地乌尔禾油田的克拉玛依组和百口泉组油藏为研究对象,综合利用岩心、测井、地震及生产动态等资料,将测井精细解释与地质建模相结合、勘探地质与开发地质相结合、确定性分析与随机模拟相结合、精细油藏描述与油藏工程、数值模拟相结合,采用多种新方法新技术,重点开展了以下7个方面的研究工作:①地层划分对比与地层厚度模型的建立;②断裂系统精细解释与微构造模型研究:③储层沉积微相定量识别与微相分布模型的建立;④储层测井精细解释方法研究;⑤储层定量地质模型的建立及储层物性特征分析;⑥油水分布规律研究与储量分布模型的建立;⑦剩余油分布规律及开发调整研究。论文研究内容丰富、难度大且工作量重,通过研究取得的创新性成果如下: (1) 采用高分辨率层序地层学结合标准层对比、沉积旋回对比、厚度对比等多种方法,完成了本区地层划分与对比,建立了地层厚度模型,弄清了地层的空间展布特征; (2) 利用静、动态资料对地震资料解释的断裂系统进行了核实,确定了本区断裂的分布及产状; (3) 综合使用最佳方差聚类分层法、灰色关联法及测井曲线元法,实现了沉积微相的定量识别,建立了研究区块沉积微相平面分布模型,弄清了本区微相的纵横向分布特征及其对储层物性和油水分布规律的影响程度; (4) 基于测井、岩电、岩心和试油资料,采用适用性更强的多因素非线性的神经网络法、最优化多功能法和多参数交会图技术建立了储层四性参数分层精细解释模型,进行了储层物性参数的精细解释和油水层的准确识别,为储层建模、储量计算和油藏数模提供了可靠的地质依据; (5) 综合多种方法搞清了研究区块的油水分布规律和地质储量的空间展布特征,根据储量分布模型计算的石油地质储量为3938.0×104t、溶解气地质储量为16.808×108m3,储量丰度为130.83×104t/km2,研究区块属中偏低丰度储量的中型油田; (6) 提出了合理开发本区低渗难采油藏的层系划分,井网、井距,注采系统及合理的开采技术政策界限,指出了油藏存在的潜力及今后挖潜的方向。 通过以上研究,最终形成了一套实用有效的低渗难采油藏精细描述方法和技术,为这类油藏的增储上产与合理开发提供了有力的技术保障。

【Abstract】 At present, it is an urgent problem for us to develop some advanced and practical fine description techniques for the low efficient and complex reservoir with low-permeability and difficultly movable reserve in our petroleum industry.The reservoir in Kelamayi & Baikouquan formation of Triassic zone in Wuerhe oilfield is a typical low-efficient reservoir. Based on the study on fine reservoir description of this reservoir, the results not only provide more information of this low efficient reservoir, but help to establish the efficient development model and exploitation techniques. And the results also ensure that Wuerhe has high and stable production and high-efficient development, which can enhance its exploitation technology and provide very important and valuable instructions to the other entire low-efficient oilfield of Junggar basin.Aimed at the problems in the reservoir description of Wuerhe oilfield, the investigating is focused on the Kelamayi and Baikouquan formation of Triassic zone of Wu5 and Wu16 areas. The research integrates all of data, such as core, well logging, seismic, dynamic information while production and etc., and adopts many novel methods. The main contents include the following 7 aspects: (1) stratigraphic division and correlation and establishment of the formation thickness model,(2) intensive interpretation of faults and study on the micro-structure model, (3) Identification of sedimentary microfacies and establishment of distribution model of that, (4) precision processing of well logging data, (5)foundation of quantitative geological model of formation and analysis of formation characteristics, (6) research of the oil-water distribution and establishment of distribution model of storage capacity, (7)study on the development program.Formation sequence (depth interface) of T2k- T1b, including 20 sand layers, is determined through stratigraphic division and correlation with several methods, and the results are approved and adopted by this oilfield. From this data, the formation structure model of this area is established successfully.The characteristics of faults are made sure based on the fine interpretation of seismic data and analysis of dynamic information, and the structure distribution models of the top of 20 layers are founded. The fault F5, F12, F13, F14 and F16 are validated, but the position of F5 on the plane is as almost same as the F10, which was marked in 1999, the only difference is the length of F5 is smaller than that of F10. Positive and negative micro-structures with different scale exist at nose structure, which makes oil and water more complex relationship.The microfacies of this reservoir are identifying quantitatively by integrating the faces signs, sediment logy and pattern recognition techniques, and then 3 subfaces and 13 microfacies are marked. Based on the analysis of microfacies of single well and profile microfacies ofmulti-well, the model of microfacies distribution is established. The most profitable microfacies are braided channel of fan delta plain, sub-aqueous distributaries channel and river mouth bar of fan delta front of fan delta sedimentation.The vital technology is the comprehensive interpretation and intensive processing of log data. According to the corresponding characteristics of complex lithology and low permeability reservoir, and the principle of core calibrating log, the charts for the interpretation of reservoir parameters and fluid-face are found by using neural network and multi-parameter cross-plot. Based on these, the data are processed for 324 wells, and the cutoffs of each parameter are set. Optimal interpretation based on multi-mineral model is adopted to solve the complicated oil/water zone with low permeability and water-flooded oil zone. Serial methods, much fit for the fine processing of low-efficient reservoir, are formed.The distribution characteristics of oil and water and the reservoir reserve is made sure completely. From distribution model of this reservoir reserve, the geological reserve of oil of this oilfield is 39.38 million ton, and that of solution gas is 1.6808 billion cube meter, the reserve abundance is 1.3083 million ton per square kilo-meter. So this reservoir is middle-low reserve abundance oilfield.Based on the fine description of this reservoir and study of reservoir engineering, a serial suitable technique is presented and set up for us to develop highly efficient this reservoir.From the above research, a serial of methods for this reservoir fine description and study is formed, which will be most helpful to increase reserve and enhance production and design effective development plan of other low-efficient reservoir in China.

  • 【分类号】TE321
  • 【下载频次】911

