

【作者】 门廉魁

【导师】 罗平亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 油气井工程, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速与持续发展,我国对石油的需求不断增加,供需矛盾目渐突出,而且已成为制约我国经济发展的主要瓶颈。1993年我国再次成为石油净进口国以来,对外依存度不断增加。2003年我国年产原油1.7亿吨,缺口0.97亿吨,对外依存度36%;2004年我国年产原油1.75亿吨,缺口1.22亿吨,对外依存度41%。这直接影响到国家安全,而且今后的形势将愈来愈严峻。预计2020年我国年产原油1.8—2.0亿吨,缺口2.5—2.7亿吨,对外依存度52—60%。 面对严峻的形势,党的十六大报告提出了“走出去”的海外发展战略,近期又提出了更加务实的“能源外交”政策。只有“走出去”,主动参与国际市场的竞争,才能更好地利用国际国内两种资源、两个市场,才能有效地缓解我国资源的约束,才能保障我国社会经济全面的、科学的、和谐的发展。中国石油天然气集团公司积极贯彻国家的重大决策,提出了“要率先建成一流的社会主义现代化企业和具有国际竞争力的跨国企业集团”的战略目标,加快了国际化步伐。与此同时,集团公司工程承包与技术服务行业紧随跟进,大踏步地、卓有成效地进入了国际市场。但是,如何科学地、正确地选择战略区,确保经济地、安全地、高效地、可行地实现“走出去”的海外发展战略是需要进行深入研究的。 本文从选择战略区和实施策略思路入手,阐述了所作的分析研究及进行的生产技术实践验证。详尽的介绍了中亚五国的油气资源情况、政治经济环境、基本国策、法律法规、风土人情;介绍了当地油公司及各跨国油公司的投资、经营策略情况;介绍了各跨国及当地工程承包、技术服务公司等竞争对手的情况;介绍了要想立足中亚地区所面临的,而且必须解决的钻井技术难题;介绍了中哈长城钻井公司的现状及在中亚地区的发展战略和实施策略。详细论述了利用中哈长城钻井公司实施以巩固哈萨克斯坦为基地,占据里海钻井市场、扩展到中亚地区,打通到中东的发展战略的必要性和可行性。 本文阐述了根据油气资源、开发成本、战略安全、战略发展等方面的研究,得出中亚地区为首选战略区的观点;根据国家与集团公司“走出去”的海外发展战略,以及发挥集团公司乃至国家整体优势的要求,我国投资公司,具体到CNPC内部投资公司与工程技术服务公司必须携手共进,互相支持,充分发挥内部各方的互补性,特别是工程技术服务公司必须树立为了国家整体利益,在保证能够持续发展的情况下,为投资公司在海

【Abstract】 With the standing and rapid development of Chinese economy, the demand of China for oil and gas increases sharply. The conflict between demand and supply is becoming serious. Oil and Gas have become the bottleneck to limit the development of Chinese Economy. Since 1993, China had become the importing Country of energy again. Dependency on importing oil and gas is increasingly. In 2004, the domestic production of oil and gas is 170 million tons, short of 97 million tons. The level of dependence on importing oil is 36%. In 2004, the domestic production of oil and gas is 175 million tons, short of 122 million tons; the level of dependence on importing oil is 41%. This situation is austerely impacting the security of China and more and more. It is estimated that, in 2020, the production of oil and gas in China will be 180 to 200 million tons, short of 250 million to 270 million tons. The level of dependence of oil and gas will be 52% to 60%.In this serious situation, the Sixteenth National Congress of the CPC raises the strategy of going global. Recently a more practical policy of "Energy diplomacy" is brought forward. Only if applying the strategy of going global and participating in the international competition actively, we are able to utilize " double resources and two markets" in the world very well and reduce the limitation of energy demand by China, and guarantee the development of society and economy in an all-around, scientific, and harmonious way. China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), carrying out the major policy decision by Chinese government actively, raising a strategic goal of taking the lead in establishing a first-class modern enterprise and an international corporation with characteristic of socialism, speeds up the internationalization. In the meantime, the Engineering and Technical service enterprises of CNPC are following up CNPC international business, and enter into the international market quickly and effectively. But it is needed to take a careful and thorough research how to select strategic area scientifically and correctly, in order to assure performance of the strategy of going global in economic, secure, high-effective and feasible way.Beginning with selecting performance strategy, in this discourse, the writer expatiates on the analysis, research and technical and producing practice on the international business. It also introduces the contents:1. Oil and Gas resource, policy and economy, primary national policies, laws and codes, climates and society.2. The investment and management of local and international oil companies in Central Asia.3. The information about the related contractors and service companies.4. The technical problem on well drilling in Central Asia5. Sino-Kazakhstan Greatwall Drilling Company and development and performance of strategy in Central Asia.6. Addressing the necessity and feasibility to make Sino-Kazakhstan Greatwall Drilling Company as a base strengthening the business in Kazakhstan, then tooccupy the drilling and related service around Caspian area, after that, to expand the business to all the area in Central Asia, finally to achieve the goal to link the Central Asia and Middle East togetherIn the discourse, it states the following opinions, ideas and recommendations as well:1. That Central Asia shall be the first strategic selection of CNPC in Oil and Gas business based on the research and study of oil and gas resource, development cost, security of nation, and development strategy.2. According to the strategy of going global of China and CNPC, and exerting the integral advantage of CNPC. Focus on CNPC investment, the investing company of CNPC and Engineering and Technical Service Company have to work together and support each other. Especially, Engineering and Technical Service Company shall have the idea of integrated interest of whole Nation. Engineering and Technical Service Company shall establish the idea to guarantee the effective and rapid development of overseas business of CNPC.3. With regard to the numbers of difficult technical problems in drilling well which delay the growth of oil and gas industry in Central Asia, working together with the domestic research center, such as the State Key Lab in Southeast Petroleum Institute, Chinese Engineering and Technical Service Company masters and have a complete and effective technical system and specification to deal with the variety of drilling problem. Meanwhile, the facts prove that the related experiment and application and performance in Kenkijak, Zhanazhol, and North Buzachi are very successful. For instance, in Kenkijak, according the drilling history of former Soviet Union and Kazakhstan, from 1971 to 1990, 42 wells with different purpose were drilled, but only 2 wells succeeded. Regarding to the drilling circle, one extreme example is that one well was drilled about 4 years. The drilling cost per well was used to be 7.5 million US dollars. Average of Production is about 50 to 60 tons per day each well. However, Chinese Engineering and Technical Service Company has drilled 25 wells in this area with 100% success. The average of drilling circle is shortened from previous 31 months to 6 to 8 months. Drilling cost per well is about 4 million US dollars. Average of Production is above from one hundred to several hundreds tons per day each well. Well No. 8010 creates a record of producing 1143 tons per day. The great achievement makes Sino-Kazakhstan Greatwall Drilling Company hold an advantage in technology in comparison with other local and foreign contractors.On the basis of summarizing the growth of Sino-Kazakhstan Greatwall Drilling Company systematically, according to strategic requirement of rooting itself in Kazakhstan, occupying the Caspian Area, then linking the central Asia and Middle East, the writer raises the ideas on development and performance in Strategic Area mentioned in this paper:1. Strengthening business in Kazakhstan, expanding business in Caspian Area, marching to Central Asia, building up branches in every oil fields, Central Asia, becoming a contractor - a competitive and powerful drilling groups company toable to compete with international Contractor.2. Through above mentioned drilling groups company to achieve, guide and control the drilling market in Central Asia.3. Providing necessary support and protection to achieve the strategy of nation to utilize the oil and gas in Central Asia.4. Owning the capability to provide service to giant international oil companies, and extending business to Caspian, Middle East, and Russia.In order to achieve the above ideas and policies, the writer specifies the detailed plan and tactics how to realize them:1. How to coordinate the domestic drilling contractors and use one brand of GWDC to provide service in the world, preventing from internal completion.2. Converting the ideas, improving and deepening the reform of administration, making use of domestic human and international resources3. Applying the precious technical resources in China, preserving necessary competitive position of technology.4. Reforming idea of management, carrying out strategy of honor and faith to provide good quality service to clients.5. Providing reliable evidence and instruction for our drilling operation in Central Asia and exerting a good play.

【关键词】 海外石油钻井承包服务中亚发展战略
【Key words】 OverseasPetroleumDrillingContractingService Central AsiaStrategy of Development
  • 【分类号】F426.22
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】862

