

Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation

【作者】 康熙

【导师】 景益鹏;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(上海天文台) , 天体物理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要讨论了星系形成的半解析模型,我们在前人的基础上发展了自己的半解析模型,并将之用到一系列高分辨率的数值模拟上,这一系列的高分辨数值模拟使得我们能详细的研究星系,星系团的形成,在本文中,我们主要研究了红移为0的星系形成过程,并与一些最近的观测进行了比较,这些观测包括SDSS、2dFCRS的场星系光度函数、团星系的光度函数、Tully-Fisher关系、星系的颜色星等关系、金属丰度亮度关系、星系的两点相关函数等。我们发现我们的模型能与大部分观测相符合。特别是我们能够得到很好的多波段光度函数。而且相比其它的模型,我们的模型参数也更合理。 我们的模型能成功的模拟大部分观测的主要原因来自两个方面:我们在模型中考虑了次结构、我们用了更合理的气体冷却模型。考虑到次结构一方面可以降低中心星系的亮度,同时能预言与观测很接近的光度函数形状。我们发现通过降低小质量暗晕的气体冷却而不是像其它模型那样引入很强的超新星能量反馈,我们可以得到与观测较符合的,暗端较平的光度函数。我们选取的合理的参数,如金属产率,恒星初始质量函数等使得我们能预言星系颜色分布的双峰结构。

【Abstract】 In this thesis we focus on the local galaxy formation. Based on previous work, we developed our own semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and incorporated it with a series of high-resolution N-body simulations. These high-resolution simulations enables us to model in detail the formation of the galaxy and the galaxy cluster. Currently, we pay more attention to the local universe and compare our model results with the recent observations which include the SDSS, 2dFGRS field luminosity function, the cluster luminosity function, Tully-Fisher relation, color-magnitude relation, metallicity-luminosity relation, the two points correlation function of galaxies. We found that our model can match with most of the local observations especially for the multi-wave luminosity function. Compared with other models, our model parameters are more reasonable.The two main reasons which contribute to the successful model are the inclusion of the substructures in the model and the gas cooling model for less massive halos. The model with substructures can suppress the luminous central galaxy formation in cluster and can give a better luminosity function compared with the observation. Instead of introducing much more strong feedback, the suppressing of gas cooling in small halos results in a flat faint end of the luminosity function which is in agreement with the observation. Also the reasonable model parameters, such as the metal yield and the stellar initial mass function, make it possible to re-produce the observed bimodal distribution of the color-magnitude diagram.


