

A Study of Crisscross Area of Pastoralism and Agriculture in Ordos from the 18~(th) Century to Early 20~(th) Century

【作者】 哈斯巴根

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪,清代蒙古史和近代内蒙古地区史的研究取得了令人瞩目的成绩。但18-20世纪前期蒙古史、内蒙古区域社会史和移民史领域的研究尚为薄弱,有许多问题还须深入研究和解决。18—20世纪前期是内地汉族向内蒙古移民的重要时期,也是当地蒙古族与汉族移民从冲突、磨合到共处的历史阶段。在此过程中鄂尔多斯地区形成了新的独特的区域社会文化。研究这段汉族移民史,对追溯近代蒙古地域社会的由来及揭示其演变历程都有重大意义。 全文由导言、序章、正文、结语四个部分组成。导言交代了选题及其意义、论述范围与研究方法、国内外研究概况以及所用主要史料。序章叙述了鄂尔多斯地区的自然环境和历史上的农牧交错带形成及演变情况,是正文的背景部分。第一章从“雁行”阶段开始探讨农牧交错带的形成过程。包括汉族移民进入鄂尔多斯地区的时间、规模和与之相关的历史地理问题、清廷的禁令、移民的环境适应、经济生活、定居与村落化、移民人口估算等内容。第二章比前人更加深入地论述了鄂尔多斯地区社会制度的演变情况。其中围绕移民和蒙汉交涉案件的管理、处置,对理事司员、总甲和牌头、达庆和达拉古等新制度的产生、发展和蒙旗制的演变等问题进行了比较深入的分析,揭示出扎兰、苏木章京制逐渐被达庆、达拉古制所取代的史实。第三章考察了作为蒙汉关系的焦点——土地关系问题,更加清楚地勾勒出鄂尔多斯农牧交错区域土地关系的特点和变迁轨迹。认为原先的鄂尔多斯地区土地制度是游牧状态下的总有制,随着移民的进入产生了分割所有制,这也是移民获得永租权和蒙古人逐渐失去实际上的土地占有权的过程。但这种过程的实现并不顺利,蒙古人也为保护自己的土地所有权而采取了各种措施,以抵制汉族移民的冲击。第四章讨论了农牧交错带的社会面貌。依据蒙古文档案中的很多有趣的记载,深入研究了鄂尔多斯地区风俗信仰的变化、债务与贫困化、灾害与救济等社会现象,对农牧交错带的经济、文化以及社会问题,提出了自己的新见解。结语中对移民问题与社会变迁研究作了批判性思考,指出农牧交错区域研究的诸多优点,并明确了农牧交错区域的性格特点。 本文首次系统利用清代伊克昭盟鄂尔多斯左翼前旗(俗称准噶尔旗)扎萨克衙门蒙古文原始档案。该档案被收藏于内蒙古档案馆,共94卷,138册,数百万字。其中笔者摘抄近40万字,文中直接征引达130多件。另外,论文运用区域社会史研究方法,探讨了作为农牧交错带组成部分的鄂尔多斯地区(以准噶尔旗为中心)的社会变迁。文中所用的“农牧交错”是一种新的角度。鉴于前人移民史研究的薄弱点,本文把研究视角集中于蒙古社会本身的变迁。对流行已久的“汉化”、“沙漠化”等概念的利用提出批评性意见,探求蒙、汉两族共建的“农牧交错”新区域文化的性格特征。

【Abstract】 The study on Mongolian history of Qing dynasty and the regional history of modern Inner Mongolia has achieved great success. However academic have not paid enough attention to some fields such as regional history of Inner Mongolia and immigration that occurred from the 18~th century to early 20th century. It was very important period for Inner Mongolia that received immigrants from Chinese inland and consequently experienced dramatic social changes. Local Mongols and Han Chinese immigrants experienced conflicts, compromise and coexistence in their bilateral relationship in the region. The cultural interface resulted in a unique social configuration in Ordos, one of those areas that confronted the social process. This thesis discusses the process of Han Chinese immigration and reasons for social changes of Mongols, and process in which the Mongol society experienced historical transformation.Large groups of Chinese immigrated from Chinese inland to Inner Mongolia from 18th to early 20th century. Mongolian and Chinese conflicted and discriminated with each other for a long time at beginning. As time goes the two peoples gradually came to coexist. In this process Ordos area created its own unique social culture. It is significantly meaningful to study the history of immigration to uncover reasons for modern Mongolian social changes and the process of the changes.This thesis consists of preface, introduction, main body and conclusion. Preface explains the subject, its significance, scope of this thesis, research methods, current research results related to the subject and the historical data used in the thesis. Introduction discusses the natural environment and the development of pastoral nomadism and agriculture in history of Ordos.Chapter 1 talks about formation of crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture Ordos, including the period Chinese immigrant immigrated into Ordos immigrant’s adaptation to the environment, scale of immigration, settlement, economy and lifestyle, population of the immigrant, historical and geographic problems the immigration brought and the prohibition from Qing court. Chapter 2 studies in more details changes of social system in Ordos area. The author analyses administration and punishment of the cases between Mongolians and Chinese immigrant, origin and development of new systems such as Lishisiyuan, Zongjia, Paitou, Dagachin and Daraga etc. The author argues that the old system of Jalan Sum-in Janggi was replaced by new system of Dagachin and Daraga. Chapter 3 investigates land ownership, the focal point of the relationship between Chineseand Mongolians. This chapter makes clear the characters and changes of land ownership in crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture. Under the traditional nomadic condition the land was owned by pubic. As a result of the immigration, the traditional public owned land was divided into small pieces. In this process Mongolians lost the ownership of their own land and Chinese immigrant got the permanent right to rent the land of Mongolians. However this process was not completed easily. Mongolians resisted strongly against Chinese to occupy their land. Chapter 4 discusses the social configurations of the crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture. Based on records in the Mongolian archive, the author intensely examines the social problems such as the changes of customs and traditions of Ordos debt and poverty, disaster and relief etc. the author also puts forward his own points on economy culture and other social problems in the area. Conclusion is the theoretical part of the thesis. Using the theories and methods of social history, the conclusion introspects over the problem of immigration and social changes with criticism, pointing out some advantages and characters of crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture of Ordos.For the firs time the thesis uses the unpublished original Mongolian archive of Ordos East Wing South Banner, Yihzhoo(usually called Jungar Banner). The archive is preserved in Inner Mongolia Archive. It has 94 volumes, 138 books, about 1,000,000 words. This thesis extracts about 40,000 words and quotes more than 130 paragraphs from the archive. Using the methods of social history, the thesis researches on the social changes of the crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture of Ordos, with focus on Jungar Banner. "Crisscross area of pastoralism and agriculture" is a new perspective and a new method of research as well. The thesis attaches much importance on the changes of the society of Ordos area, which is always neglected in previous researches. Meanwhile, the author criticizes the long-time-discussed issues such as "assimilation" s "environmental deterioration", by explaining the characters of new regional social culture created by both Mongolian and Chinese.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期

