

On the Behavior and Acoustic Observation of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise

【作者】 王克雄

【导师】 王丁;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(水生生物研究所) , 水生生物学, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本研究共分2 部分:第1 部分是人工环境中江豚个体间优势关系和雄性交配策略研究;第2 部分是江豚行为和发声的昼夜节律,以及声学观察和群体大小估计。采用焦点和连续采样法,于2000-2002 年连续观察了武汉白鱀豚馆的江豚群体(3-6 头),累计采样时间超过136hr。研究了个体间的优势关系和雄性交配策略。同性别个体间的优势关系与年龄相关,年长个体优势等级高,年幼个体优势等级低;雌、雄个体间的优势关系不确定,即使它们之间的年龄差异明显。成年雌性可能是江豚核心群体中最稳定的成员,而成年雄性极可能经常地在不同核心群体间游走。雄性江豚的一种可能的交配策略是,与一头成年雌豚保持较亲密的联系,但同时又经常地与其他雌性发生交配行为。人工环境中雄性江豚勃起行为全年均发生,但交配高峰期可能是4-6 月和9 月。同时使用行为和声学微型生物跟踪记录仪,于2002 年11 月23-25日,跟踪记录了白鱀豚馆3 头江豚的行为和发声,每头江豚行为记录时间38 hr,声学记录时间40hr。研究了江豚潜水时间、游泳速度和发声的昼夜节律。和昼间相比,夜间江豚通常长潜,长潜期间游泳速度下降。夜间江豚可能处在一种不活跃或休息状态,单位时间内发出的回声定位信号的数量也减少。另外,夜间人工环境中人为的活动比昼间少,可能也使得夜间江豚发声率低于昼间。在半自然水域安置微型声学记录仪阵列,于2003-2004 年间,先后9天共72hr 对江豚群体大小和移动方向进行了目视和声学观察。这种被动声学观察方法能有效地监测江豚出现和移动方向,并具有估计江豚群体大小的潜力。在观察江豚时,声学信标阵列正确检测率为77.6%,虚警率为5.8%;在判断江豚移动方向时,正确判断率为60.0%。本研究的结果对开展长江江豚繁殖研究和改进江豚生态学观察方法具有参考价值。

【Abstract】 The present dissertation consists of two parts. The first part is on dominance relations among captive Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) and male mating tactics; and the second part is on diel variations in diving and echolocation behaviors of captive porpoises, and the passive acoustic monitoring method applied to observation and group size estimation of porpoises in semi-natural waters.Focal-animal and continuous sampling schemes were employed to observe the captive porpoise colony consisting of 3 to 6 individuals in Wuhan Baiji Dolphinarium from 2000 to 2002, and a total of 136 hr of behavioral data was recorded. The dominance relations among porpoises and male mating tactics were analyzed quantitatively. Dominance relations among the same gender individuals were age-ordered, and the older porpoises were dominant to the younger ones; however, the dominance relations among cross-gender individuals were changeable even if the individuals were very different in ages. The adult female might be the founder of a core group of porpoise, whereas the male might rove among core groups. The mating tactics of the male porpoise might be to copulate frequently with some other females while maintaining a close bond with one female. The erection behavior of male porpoise occurred all the year, but the peak months of copulation might be from April to June, and September.Diving behavior and echolocation pulse rate of three captive porpoises in Wuhan Baiji Dolphinarium were observed continuously using both behavioral and acoustic data loggers on 23?25 November 2002. A total of 38 hr of behavioral data and 40 hr of acoustic data were recorded for each porpoise. Diel variations in diving duration, swimming speed and sonar emission rate were analyzed for the porpoises. The porpoises usually dived longer and swam slowly at night in comparison with what they did during the day. The individuals might be inactive or at rest at night, and they might decrease sonar pulse emission during the period of time. Additionally, the decrease in human activities at night might cause the decrease in emission of echolocation signals of captive porpoises.Group size and movement direction of the porpoises were monitored acoustically using twin arrays of acoustic data loggers in semi-natural waters in 2003and 2004, and a total of 72 hr of visual and acoustic observation data was obtained in 9 days. The stationed passive acoustic observation method was effective in both detecting presence and determining movement directions of porpoises, and showedpotential in estimating the group size. The acoustic data logger arrays could detect the presence of porpoises with a correct detection of 77.6% and a false alarm of 5.8%; and could determine the movement direction of porpoise with a correct detection of 60.0%.Results of the present study could be considered as references of reproduction researches and improvement of ecological observation methods of the Yangtze finless porpoise.


