

Oil and Gas Distribution in Deep Fault Rupture and Cenozoic Basin in Eastern Part of China

【作者】 周荔青

【导师】 刘池阳;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过系统开展苏北、渤海湾、伊兰—伊通、南襄等中国东部新生代含油气盆地分析,认识到深大断裂控制了该区新生代盆地的形成分布,控制了盆地的构造、沉积演化和油气资源分布。主要表现为:①深大断裂作为深切入岩石圈地幔、软流圈、地壳深部的结构破损面,是深部构造—热活动的中心区。在区域伸展的背景下,深部地幔物质运动十分活跃,深大断裂诱发岩石圈地幔熔融和深部物质上侵,引发和促进深部成盆作用,因此,它是决定盆地形成的诱发点。同时,它也是盆地深部构造作用继续发展的控制点,它控制岩石圈地幔熔融向深大断裂周邻扩展,引起盆地伸展中心的迁移。深大断裂引起周边地区岩石圈及莫霍面隆起,发育热壳、热幔,火山活动规模大、期次多,具有高的地热流场;②在区域张扭性应力场下,深大断裂发生强烈的平移和斜向运动,引发成盆部位强烈的走滑拉分作用,因此,深大断裂周邻地区是走滑拉分成盆作用的始发区和中心区,其周邻凹陷具有较大的拉张量(率),发育大中型深断陷,继承性快速沉降,并控制盆地构造活动中心的扩展和迁移;③在深大断裂的走滑挤压构造作用下,其周邻凹陷发育继承性良好、规模较大的走滑挤压鼻状隆起构造;④深大断裂周邻发育比深值较高的深断陷,形成湖盆水体的垂向分带,有利于深湖区矿物质的保存。深大断裂引发深部富含矿物质的热流体输出异常,加之地表的较高热流场,使其周邻具有特殊的地面生态环境,特别有利于生物爆发性生长繁殖,往往发育富含碳酸盐岩、油页岩、生物灰岩及富脂藻类的咸化、半咸化湖沉积建造。同时,咸化湖环境也有利于使淡水湖相有机质腐泥化。而深大断裂周邻深断陷与隆起区构成陡峭地形,有利于发育继承性大中型沉积体系,形成有利生烃区与大中型储集体的有利配置;⑤深大断裂引起周邻地区较强的构造—热衰减沉降作用,使得即使在中国东部新生代发生的阶段性左旋压扭性作用中,在靠近深大断裂的一侧也常形成残留断陷区,沉积间断时间短,使得深水湖相建造能获得及时封盖,既使烃源岩有效保存,又促进烃源岩持续热演化,从而使深大断裂周邻的凹陷含油气性大大提高。由于深大断裂周邻发育继承性深断陷,发育多套高效优质烃源岩,烃源岩整体热演化程度高,深大水体下形成的优质烃源岩与大中型储集体构成高效成藏组合,发育大中型构造圈闭,因此,深大断裂周邻的凹陷油气资源丰度高,含油气层系多,油气田规模大,而远离深大断裂的凹陷油气资源丰度远低于紧邻深大断裂的凹陷。 由不同组合类型深大断裂控制的中国东部新生代盆地具有不同的油气资源分布特征。根据深大断裂类型及其组合关系,将中国东部新生代盆地划分为简单岩石圈断裂边邻走滑拉张裂陷盆地、复杂岩石圈断裂边邻走滑拉张裂陷盆地、岩石圈断裂带内走滑拉分盆地、双组深大断裂边邻走滑拉张裂陷盆地。在简单与复杂岩石圈断裂边邻走滑拉张裂陷盆地中,靠近岩石圈断裂的坳(凹)陷都具有油气资源丰度高、浅层次生油气丰富、油气层埋藏浅、含油气

【Abstract】 Multi-sets of reservoirs develop in Cenozoic basin in eastern part of China. Oil and gas distribution in Eastern part of China isn’t uniform, which caused exploration difficult. Consequently, it is very essential that identify resources distribution feature, which can speed petroleum exploration and low risk. In this study taking Subei, Bohai Gulf, Yilan-Yitong, Nanxiang Basin as examples, on the basis of all kinds of theoretical studies and exploration results, sampled analytic samples such as organic geochemical, fission track and enclosures, using analytic technology of oil-bearing basins, analyze relationship between deep fault rapture and deep structure, structure evolution, sedimentary revolution and volcanic activities and study the controlling action to oil and gas distribution rale in basin of eastern part of China. On this basis, regarding assemblage type, make basin classification and discuss oil and gas distribution feature in each kinds of Cenozoic basin in eastern part of China.In terms of study, deep fault rapture plays an important role in the process of basin revolution: (1)caused uplift of geosphere and mohorovicic discontinuity, evolved geothermal crust and mantle; (2)in peripheral sags of deep fault rapture, tentional is serious and sedimentary speed is high, and is successive; (3)deep fault rapture plays an important role in structure migration of basin, which caused successive and early sag in its peripheral area; (4)sags in peripheral area of deep fault rapture has the feature of multi periods and large scale of volcanic activities; (5)sags in peripheral area of deep fault rapture has relatively high geothermal field; (6)sags in peripheral area of deep fault rapture has abnormity of geothermal flow, which caused saline and brackish water sedimentary build rich carbonates, oil shale and algae; (7)in the period of left-lateral transgressional field, in near area from deep fault rapture commonly formed residual fault sag, and in far area from deep fault rapture developed uplift erosion area of large scale; (8)in peripheral area of deep fault rapture commonly formed a series of nose-like structure of large scale. Consequently, in successive and early deep sags near from deep fault rapture, resource abundance is high, oil and gas field has large scale, and mainly is stractural-lithologic reservoirs. According to assemblage type of deep fault rapture, Cenozoic basins in eastern part of China can be classified into strike-slip tensional rift basin in simple geosphere peripheral area, strike-slip tensional rift basin in complex geosphere peripheral area, strike-slip tentional basin in deep geosphere fault zone, strike-slip tensional rift basin in fault zone peripheral area. Petroleum resource distribution rale is different in each kind of basin.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 02期
  • 【分类号】P542.3;P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1535

