

【作者】 赵万峰

【导师】 方光华;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国思想史, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代文化守成主义是世界近代反现代化思潮中的重要组成部分,代表人物主要有王国维、陈寅恪、梁启超(后期)、陈垣、柳诒徵、汤用彤等人。近代文化守成主义首先属于一个文化流派,文化守成主义者在教育领域也有很大贡献,是我国教育从近代向现代过渡的一股重要力量。本文遵循在文化背景上研究教育思想的逻辑思路,运用综合分析与比较分析的方法,试图探寻他们在教育思想现代化进程中的积极贡献。 中国近代文化守成主义的教育宗旨是以教育救国作为现实目的,遵循教育本身规律,培养具有现代思维的高深学问的专业人才。他们的教育宗旨在教育功用观上体现出了一定的全面性和体系性。学制思想呈现出一定的立体结构:从纵的方面看主张形成小学、中学、大学的梯级学制模式,其中认为应该优先发展高等级教育;从横的方面看,他们的教育思想及实践中显示出了教育形式多样性的倾向。从教育内容上看有这样的特点:认同传统,但反对封建科举考试;围绕育人中心强调教育内容上的和谐统一,德育为先,智育为核心,以美育为推进剂;贯穿了科学思维方法的教育内容。他们在教育方法上的特点是:充分发掘学校教育的优势,让学生集中、充分利用多种有利的资源;坚持教师中心的教育理念;发挥教师人格力量在全面育才方面的熏染作用等等。 文化守成主义者从自己的文化观出发,不为潮流所左右,形成了具有特色的教育思潮,促进了近代教育的现代化进程,他们也是中国现代教育的奠基者。

【Abstract】 China’s contemporary cultural conservative is an important element of the world contemporary ideological trend against modern trend, mainly represented by wang Guowei, Chen yinque, Liang Qichao (later period), Chen Yuan, Liu Yizheng, Tang Yongtong, and so on. Contemporary cultural conservative primarily belongs to a cultural school. Cultural conservators, an important force of China’s education from contemporary to modern, make great contributions to the educational field. Following the logic of studying educational thought based on cultural background, the thesis applies synthetic and comparative analysis and explores positive contributions in the development of modernizing educational thought.With a social practical aim that education can save a nation, education of contemporary cultural conservative abides by the law of education and trains professionals having modern thinking and profound knowledge. Their educational purposes demonstrate educational functions in an all-round and systematic way. Educational system thought presents a cubic structure. Vertically, a step-by-step educational system model, comprising primary, middle school and university, is favored and high-level education should be given priority. Horizontally, the trend of the diversity of educational form is also shown in their educational thought and practice. Characteristics of educational content are listed as follows. First, tradition is accepted but feudal imperial examination is protested against. Second, a harmonious unity of educational content is emphasized since educating people of ability is the focus. Moral education goes first, intellectual development is the focus and aesthetic education is the propellant. Third, educational content is penetrated by scientific thinking method. An overall teaching method can be used to summarize their educational approach: strong points of school education is fully explored so that students can make full use of favorable school resources wherever and whenever they are gathered to receive education; teachers-centered educational principle should be adhered to; the great influence of teachers’ personality on overall educating students of ability is elaborated, etc.Standing from their own cultural point, educators of cultural conservative are not influenced by the trend. Instead, they formulate an educational trend with unique characteristics and help promote the modernization process of contemporary education. They are, indeed, founders of China’s modern education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 03期
  • 【分类号】C092.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】760

